Fern Wickson
Job description
Committed to the interdependent flourishing of nature in all her forms, I work as a cross-disciplinary scholar, facilitator and knowledge broker facilitating inner and outer sustainability transformations through leadership, governance, and education.
I am truly awed by the spectacular array of biological and cultural diversity on this precious planet and have dedicated myself to finding ways to care for our collective co-arising. I adamantly believe that sustainability and resilience require weaving the threads of disciplinary and experiential knowledges together as we work to craft caring ways to be in partnership with the world.
I have a background in ecology and political science, with a BA/BSc from the Australian National University, an Honours degree in Environmental Politics from the University of Tasmania, and a PhD on Environmental Governance awarded by both the natural and social science faculties at the University of Wollongong.
I have worked as an environmental activist, an academic researcher, and an intergovernmental advisor. I have campaigned against the logging of old growth forests, sought solutions for nature-friendly food systems, created international exhibitions to conserve the cultural heritage of seeds, researched responsible regulation of bio- and nano-technologies, and provided international policy advice on how many whales and seals may be sustainably harvested.
Currently, I am coordinating the development of a new experience-based Masters program in Ocean Leadership at UiT the Artic University of Norway. I am also a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment, lead facilitator for Homeward Bound (a global leadership initiative for women in STEMM), and owner/operator of The Peaceful Wild studio for yoga and meditation.
More details on my research, publications, lectures, national and international committee work, and CV can be found on my website www.fernwickson.com
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Publications outside Cristin
Publications available at www.fernwickson.com
Research interests
Transformative change for just and sustainable futures
Biodiversity conservation and care
Interfaces between science, ethics and politics in environmental governance
Environmental controversies
Sustainable food systems
Responsible research and innovation in emerging science and technology
Theory and practice of cross-disciplinary research
Ecological leadership
Critical global challenges
Environmental ethics
Sustainability & resilience
Transformative change