Randulf Høyli,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
A study of energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions in Norwegian small-scale processing of whitefish
Sushmit Dhar,
Eirik Mikal Samuelsen,
Masoud Naseri,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Kåre Edvardsen
Spray Icing on ONEGA Vessel- A Comparison of Liquid Water Content Expressions
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2022
Hui Cheng,
Lin Li,
Muk Chen Ong,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Jaesub Sim
Effects of mooring line breakage on dynamic responses of grid moored fish farms under pure current conditions
Jaesub Sim,
Hui Cheng,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Lin Li,
Muk Chen Ong
Numerical investigation on the cage-to-cage wake effect: A case study of a 4 × 2 cage array
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2021
Karl Johan Reite,
Joakim Haugen,
Finn Are Michelsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Sustainable and Added Value Small Pelagics Fisheries Pilots
Stian Skjong,
Karl-Johan Reite,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Lumped, constrained cable modeling with explicit state-space formulation using an elastic version of Baumgarte stabilization
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2021
Hui Cheng,
Lin Li,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Muk Chen Ong
Typical hydrodynamic models for aquaculture nets: A comparative study under pure current conditions
Aquacultural Engineering 2020
Hui Cheng,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Lin Li,
Muk Chen Ong
Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different DeformationSuppression Methods
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2020
Biao Su,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
David Kristiansen
Numerical study of a moored structure in moving broken ice driven by current and wave
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2019
Stian Skjong,
Lars Tandle Kyllingstad,
Karl Johan Reite,
Joakim Haugen,
Jarle Ladstein,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Generic on-board decision support system framework for marine operations
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2019
Biao Su,
Karl-Johan Reite,
Martin Føre,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Morten Alver,
Per Christian Endresen
et al.:
A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2019
Hui Cheng,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Lin Li,
Muk Chen Ong
Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different Deformation-Suppression Methods
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2019
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Biao Su,
David Kristiansen
Numerical Study of a Fishing Vessel Operating in Partially Ice Covered Waters
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2018
Ingunn Marie Holmen,
Trine Thorvaldsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Development of a simulator training platform for fish farm operations
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2017
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann
Predicting the effect of seine rope layout pattern and haul-in procedure on the effectiveness of demersal seine fishing: a computer simulation-based approach
Biao Su,
David Kristiansen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Numerical Study of a Moored Structure in Moving Broken Ice Driven by Current and Wave
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2017
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann,
Kurt Hansen,
Jørgen Haavind Jensen
The physical behavior of seine ropes for evaluating demersal seine fishing
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2016
Biao Su,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
David Kristiansen
Numerical Study of Wave-Driven Impact of a Sea Ice Floe on a Circular Cylinder
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2016
Bent Herrmann,
Roger B. Larsen,
Manu Berrondo Sistiaga,
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Eduardo Grimaldo
et al.:
Predicting size selection of cod (Gadus morhua) in square mesh codends for demersal seining: A simulation-based approach
Fisheries Research 2016
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann,
Kurt Hansen,
Jørgen Haavind Jensen
The Physical Behaviour of Seine Ropes for Evaluating Demersal Seine Fishing
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2015
Heidi Moe Føre,
Per Christian Endresen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Jørgen Haavind Jensen,
Martin Føre,
David Kristiansen
et al.:
Structural analysis of aquaculture nets: comparison and validation of different numerical modeling approaches
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 2015
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
David Kristiansen,
Biao Su,
Claudio Lugni
Modelling of Roll Damping Effects for a Fishing Vessel With Forward Speed
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2015
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann,
Kurt Hansen,
Roger B. Larsen
Shaker Verlag 2015
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Policy and Incentives for Change
Randulf Høyli,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Klimasatsing i kystfiskehavner: En analyse av energibruk på fangst- og mottaksleddet i kystfiskeflåten
Karl-Johan Reite,
Joakim Haugen,
Jarle Ladstein,
Lars Tandle Kyllingstad,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Dette vil endre norsk fiskeri
Digitalisering av norsk fiske – Muligheter og utfordringer
Biao Su,
Karl-Johan Reite,
Martin Føre,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Morten Alver,
Per Christian Endresen
et al.:
A Multipurpose Framework for Modelling and Simulation of Marine Aquaculture Systems
Karl-Johan Reite,
Joakim Haugen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Finn Are Michelsen
D3.3 – Fishery Pilot Final Report
Stian Skjong,
Lars Tandle Kyllingstad,
Karl Johan Reite,
Joakim Haugen,
Jarle Ladstein,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Generic on-board decision support system framework for marine operations
Hui Cheng,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Lin Li,
Muk Chen Ong
Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different Deformation-Suppression Methods
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Randulf Høyli,
Hanne Wasmuth Brendeløkken
Driftsmønster og energibruk i kystfiskeflåten
Per Gunnar Auran,
Bård Hanssen,
Ståle Walderhaug,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Inaki Quincoces,
Zigor Uriondo
3 Foredrag: 1. DataBio Fisheries Pilots: Trial 1 Status, 2. DataBio WP3 Pilot Picth B2,C1,C2: Small Pelagic Fisheries Planning, 3. DataBio WP3 Small Pelagic Fishery Pilots - Panel Discussion Kickoff (stakeholder presentation)
Inaki Quincoces,
Zigor Uriondo,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Jose A. Fernandes,
Mario Nuñes,
Zmicjer Dmitri
et al.:
D3.2 – Fishery Pilots Intermediate Report
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Biao Su,
David Kristiansen
Numerical Study of a Fishing Vessel Operating in Partially Ice Covered Waters
Mariza Konidi,
Savvas Rogotis,
Stefano Balestri,
Nicole Bartelds,
Ephrem Habyarimana,
Jesus Maria Estrada Villegas
et al.:
D6.5 Pilot launch press release
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Oppdaterte anløpsprognoser for fiskefartøy frem til 2060 - 2018:00872
David Kristiansen,
Martin Føre,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Arne Fredheim
NumSim - Numerical simulation of complex systems involving interaction between elements with large and varying stiffness properties
Ingunn Marie Holmen,
Trine Thorvaldsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
OMAE2017-62023 Development of a Simulator Training Platform for Fish Farm Operations
Per Gunnar Auran,
Göran Granholm,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Zigor Uriondo,
Iñaki Quincozes,
Jørgen Haavind Jensen
et al.:
D3.1 Fishery Pilot Definition
Ephrem Habyarimana,
Per Gunnar Auran,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Joakim Haugen
Norsk oversettelse av hjemmesidene til H2020 prosjektet DataBio
Biao Su,
David Kristiansen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Numerical Study of a Moored Structure in Moving Broken Ice Driven by Current and Wave
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Dag Standal,
Roger Richardsen
Anløpsprognoser for fiskefartøy frem til 2060
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann,
Kurt Hansen,
Roger B. Larsen
The Physical Behaviour of Seine Ropes for Evaluating Demersal Seine Fishing
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann
Simulation of Seine Rope Behaviour: Model, Software Tools and Validation
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
David Kristiansen,
Biao Su,
Claudio Lugni
Modelling of Roll Damping Effects for a Fishing Vessel With Forward Speed
Bent Herrmann,
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Roger B. Larsen,
Manu Berrondo Sistiaga,
Kurt Hansen
et al.:
How do differences in seine rope layout pattern and haul-back procedures affect the effective fishing area for demersal seining?
Nina Madsen,
Bent Herrmann,
Kurt Hansen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Estimating the Physical Behaviour of
Seine Ropes for Evaluating Demersal
Seine Fishing
Reporting on experiments in the flume tank
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Stampedemping for kystfartøy med finner i forskipet
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther,
Bent Herrmann
Simulating the physical behaviour of seine ropes for evaluating fish herding properties of Danish seines
Bent Herrmann,
Roger B. Larsen,
Bjørnar Isaksen,
Manu Berrondo Sistiaga,
Nina Madsen,
Karl Gunnar Aarsæther
Understanding and predicting size selection of cod (Gadus morhua) in square-mesh codends for Danish seining: a simulation-based approach