Bilde av Dechevski / Dechevsky, Lubomir Todorov
Bilde av Dechevski / Dechevsky, Lubomir Todorov
Department of Computer Science and Computational Engineering +4776966369 You can find me here

Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky

Professor of Applied Mathematics / Honorary Leader of the Simulations R&D Group

  • Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky, Kristoffer Meyer Tangrand :
    Wavelet Neural Networks versus Wavelet-based Neural Networks 2023 DOI
  • Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky, Kristoffer Meyer Tangrand :
    International Journal of Applied Mathematics (IJAM) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky, Kevin R Payne, Nedyu Popivanov :
    Nonexistence of Nontrivial Generalized Solutions for 2-D and 3-D BVPs with Nonlinear Mixed Type Equations
    AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 2017 DOI
  • Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky, Gabor Sziebig, Peter Korondi :
    Optimizing the automation of an iron ore production line - a case study. Part I: optimal automated logistics
    IEEE conference proceedings 2016 DOI
  • Lubomir Todorov Dechevski / Dechevsky, Gabor Sziebig, Peter Korondi :
    Optimizing the automation of an iron ore production line - a case study. Part II: optimal automated quality control
    IEEE conference proceedings 2016 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Beta-function B-spline Smoothing on Triangulations
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2013 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Smooth GERBS, orthogonal systems and energy minimization
    AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 2013 FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Peter Balint Zanaty, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    On the numerical performance of FEM based on piecewise rational smooth resolutions of unity on triangulations
    AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 2013 FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty, Børre Bang, Arne Lakså :
    Smooth partition of unity with Hermite interpolation: applications to image processing
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2012 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Nedyu Popivanov, Todor Popov :
    Exact Asymptotic Expansion of Singular Solutions for the (2+1)-D Protter Problem
    Abstract and Applied Analysis 2012 DOI
  • Børre Bang, Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Blending Functions for Hermite Interpolation by Beta-Function B-Splines on Triangulations
    Springer 2012 DOI
  • Peter Balint Zanaty, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Smooth convex partition of unity on uniform triangulations with Hermite interpolation using radial ERBS
    AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics) 2012 DATA / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Triangular Beta-Function B-Spline Finite Elements: Evaluation and Graphical Comparisons
    Springer 2012 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Rumen Uluchev :
    Hermite Interpolation Using ERBS with Trigonometric Polynomial Local Functions
    Springer 2012 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Georgi H. Georgiev :
    Interpolation of Curvature and Torsion Using Expo-Rational B-Splines
    Springer 2012 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Joakim Gundersen :
    Index Mapping between Tensor-Product Wavelet Bases of Different Number of Variables, and Computing Multivariate Orthogonal Discrete Wavelet Transforms on Graphics Processing Units
    Springer 2012 OMTALE / DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Smooth Convex Resolution of Unity on General Partitions of Multidimensional Domains and Multivariate Hermite Interpolation on Scattered Point Sets Using Radial Generalized Expo-Rational B-splines
    Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House 2012
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Interpolation of Wiener Amalgam Spaces and Associated Approximation Theory
    Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House 2012
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Generalized Expo-Rational B-Splines and Iso-Geometric Analysis [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Børre Bang, Arne Lakså, Jostein Bratlie :
    Solving Closest-Point Multidimensional Computational Geometric Problems on Graphics Proccesing Units [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Joakim Gundersen :
    Index Mapping between Tensor-Product Wavelet Bases of Different Number of Variables, and Computing Multivariate Orthogonal Discrete Wavelet Transforms on Graphics [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, G Georgiev :
    Hermite Interpolation of Curvature and Torsion using Expo-Rational B-Splines [abstract}
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, R Uluchev :
    Hermite Interpolation using ERBS with Trigonometric Polynomial Local Functions [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Triangular Beta-Function B-Spline Finite Elements : Evaluation and Graphical Comparisons [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Børre Egil Johan Bang, Arne Lakså, Joakim Gundersen :
    Wavelet-Based Lossless One-and Two-Dimensional Representation of Multidimensional Geometric Data
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Arnt Roald Kristoffersen, Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Børre Egil Johan Bang :
    Comparison between Polynomial, Euler Beta-Function and Expo-Rational B-Spline Bases
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    A new Type of Finite Elements over General Partitions of Multidimensional Domains [abstract]
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty, Arne Lakså, Børre Egil Johan Bang :
    First Instances of Generalized Expo‐Rational Finite Elements on Triangulations
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 DATA / DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Børre Egil Johan Bang, Arne Lakså, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Multivariate Hermite interpolation on scattered point sets using tensor-product expo-rational B-splines
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 DATA / DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    First Instances of Univariate and Tensor‐product Multivariate Generalized Expo‐Rational Finite Elements
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 DATA / DOI
  • Lubomir Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Joakim Gundersen, Børre Bang, Arnt Roald Kristoffersen, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Vertex-based "marching" algorithms for finding multidimensional geometric intersections
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Joakim Gundersen, Niklas Grip :
    Wavelet compression, data fitting and approximation based on adaptive composition of Lorentz-type thresholding and Besov-type non-threshold shrinkage
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
  • Joakim Gundersen, Arnt Roald Kristoffersen, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Comparison between the Marching-cube and the Marching-simplex method
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Børre Egil Johan Bang, Joakim Gundersen, Arne Lakså, Arnt Roald Kristoffersen :
    Solving non-linear systems of equations on graphics processing units
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Joakim Gundersen, Børre Egil Johan Bang :
    Computing n-variate orthogonal discrete wavelet transforms on graphics processing units
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Børre Egil Johan Bang, Joakim Gundersen, Arnt Roald Kristoffersen, Peter Balint Zanaty :
    Vertex-based "marching" algorithms for finding multidimensional geometric intersections
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Evaluation of Beta-function B-splines . III: Global monomial bases
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Arne Lakså, Børre Bang, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Geometric modelling with Beta-function B-splines. I: Parametric curves
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Beta-function B-splines : definition and basic properties
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Ilya Kachkovskiy :
    Sharp Estimates of the Constants of Equivalence Between Integral Moduli of Smoothness and K-functionals in the Multivariate Case
    Constructive approximation 2010 DOI
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Evaluation of Beta-function B-splines . II: Local Bernstein bases
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Smooth convex resolution of unity and/or scattered-point hermite interpolation by generalized expo-rational B-splines. I: General simply connected covers and partitions
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Arne Lakså, Børre Bang, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Geometric modelling with Beta-function B-splines. II: Tensor-product parametric surfaces
    International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2010
  • Peter Balint Zanaty, Lubomir T. Dechevski :
    Application of Generalized Expo-Rational B-splines in Computer Aided Design and Analysis
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Joakim Gundersen :
    Mapping Tensor-product Wavelet Bases and GPGPU-computing of DWTs [abstract]
    2011 OMTALE
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Børre Bang, Péter Zanaty :
    First instances of generalized expo-rational finite elements on triangulations
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Børre Bang, Joakim Gundersen :
    First instances of a lossless one- and two-dimensional representations of multidimensional geometric data, with applications to GPU-programming
  • Arnt R. Kristoffersen, Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Børre Bang :
    Comparison between polynominal and expo-rational B-spline bases
  • Arnt R. Kristoffersen, Lubomir T. Dechevski, Arne Lakså, Børre Bang :
    First instances of generalized expo-rational B-splines : Euler Beta-function B-splines
  • Lubomir T. Dechevski, Jostein Bratlie, Børre Bang, Arne Lakså, Joakim Gundersen :
    Wavelet-based lossless one- and two-dimensional representation of multidimensional geometric data

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