Bilde av Al-Haroni, Mohammed
Bilde av Al-Haroni, Mohammed
Professor, Department of Clinical Dentistry Department of Clinical Dentistry +4777649151 Tromsø

Mohammed Al-Haroni

  • Supathep Tansirichaiya, Kittikun Songsomboon, Nichamon Chaianant, Wasawat Lertsivawinyu, Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni :
    Impact of cell lysis treatment before saliva metagenomic DNA extraction on the oral microbiome and the associated resistome
    Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Farnoush Tousi, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Stein Atle Lie, Bodil Lund :
    Antibiotic prescriptions among dentists across Norway and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic
    BMC Oral Health 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rania Al-Mahdi, Hesham Al-Sharani, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Esam Halboub :
    Associations of the activity and concentration of carbonic anhydrase VI with susceptibility to dental caries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kaisa Marika Leinonen, Jukka Leinonen, Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Tarja Tanner, Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Jan Are Kolset Johnsen :
    Procedure time and filling quality for bulk-fill base and conventional incremental composite techniques—A randomised controlled in vitro trial
    Journal of Dentistry 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Supathep Tansirichaiya, Endre Winje, Johannes Wigand, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Inverse PCR-based detection reveal novel mobile genetic elements and their associated genes in the human oral metagenome
    BMC Oral Health 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rania Ali Muhsen Al-Mahdi, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Jolanta Aleksejuniene, Indre Stankeviciene, Berit Tømmerås, Alina Puriene et al.:
    Association between Carbonic Anhydrase VI Gene Copy Number Variations and Dental Caries Experience
    Caries Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Supathep Tansirichaiya, Richard N. Goodman, Xinyu Guo, Issra Bulgasim, Ørjan Samuelsen, Mohammed Al-Haroni et al.:
    Intracellular Transposition and Capture of Mobile Genetic Elements following Intercellular Conjugation of Multidrug Resistance Conjugative Plasmids from Clinical Enterobacteriaceae Isolates
    Microbiology spectrum 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergei Nikolaevich Drachev, Alexandra S. Galieva, TN Yushmanova, Elena A. Polivanaya, Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Rania Al-Mahdi et al.:
    Restorative treatment decisions for carious lesions: Do Russian dentists and dental students apply minimal intervention dentistry?
    BMC Oral Health 15. December 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johannes Wigand, Supathep Tansirichaiya, Endre Winje, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Functional screening of a human saliva metagenomic DNA reveal novel resistance genes against sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine
    BMC Oral Health 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tracy Munthali Lunde, Erik Hjerde, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Prevalence, diversity and transferability of the Tn916-Tn1545 family ICE in oral streptococci
    Journal of Oral Microbiology 15. March 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, Alina Puriene, Jolanta Aleksejūnienė, Indre Stankeviciene, Berit Tømmerås, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Amylase Alpha 1 Gene (AMY1) Copy Number Variation and Dental Caries Experience: A Pilot Study among Adults in Lithuania
    Caries Research 2021 DOI
  • Andrew Smith, Rania Al-Mahdi, William Malcolm, Nikolaus Palmer, Gunnar Dahlen, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Comparison of antimicrobial prescribing for dental and oral infections in England and Scotland with Norway and Sweden and their relative contribution to national consumption 2010-2016
    BMC Oral Health 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Supathep Tansirichaiya, Sabrina John Moyo, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Adam P. Roberts :
    Capture of a novel, antibiotic resistance encoding, mobile genetic element from Escherichia coli using a new entrapment vector
    Journal of Applied Microbiology 02. September 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Paula Frid, Divyashri Baraniya, Josefine Mareile Halbig, Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal, Nils Thomas Songstad, Annika Rosén et al.:
    Salivary Oral Microbiome of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Norwegian Cross-Sectional Study
    Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tracy Munthali Lunde, Adam P. Roberts, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Determination of copy number and circularization ratio of Tn916-Tn1545 family of conjugative transposons in oral streptococci by droplet digital PCR
    Journal of Oral Microbiology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ghulam Nasser Dhabaan, Sazaly AbuBakar, Gustavo Maia Cerqueira, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Sui Ping Pang, Hamimah Hassan :
    Imipenem treatment induces expression of important genes and phenotypes in a resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolate
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2016 FULLTEKST / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Esam Halboub, Abdulaziz Alzaili, Mir Faeq Ali Quadri, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Obaida, Nezar Noor Al-hebshi :
    Antibiotic prescription knowledge of dentists in kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An online, country-wide survey
    Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 2016 FULLTEKST / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Marwan Mohammed, Audun Helge Nerland, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Vidar Bakken :
    Characterization of extracellular polymeric matrix, and treatment of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms with DNase I and proteinase K
    Journal of Oral Microbiology 29. January 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nezar Noor Ali Al-Hebshi, Ali Al-Sharabi, Hussein Mohammed Shuga-Aldin, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Ibrahim Ghandour :
    Effect of khat chewing on periodontal pathogens in subgingival biofilm from chronic periodontitis patients
    Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2010 DOI
  • Nazik Mostafa Nurelhuda, Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Tordis Agnete Trovik, Vidar Bakken :
    Caries experience and quantification of streptococcus mutans and streptococcus sobrinus in saliva of Sudanese schoolchildren
    Caries Research 2010 DOI
  • Gabriela Dabija-Wolter, Mihaela Roxana Cimpan, Daniela Elena Costea, Anne Chr. Johannessen, Steinar Sørnes, Evelyn Neppelberg et al.:
    Fusobacterium nucleatum Enters Normal Human Oral Fibroblasts In Vitro
    Journal of Periodontology 01. July 2009 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni :
    Bacterial resistance and the dental professionals' role to halt the problem
    Journal of Dentistry 2008 DOI
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Henning Lygre, Vidar Bakken :
    Antibiotikaresistens hos orale bakterier
    Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 19. September 2008
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug, Vidar Bakken, Phil Cash :
    Proteomic analysis of ampicillin-resistant oral Fusobacterium nucleatum
    Oral Microbiology and Immunology 2008 DOI
  • Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug :
    Incidence of antibiotic prescribing in dental practice in Norway and its contribution to national consumption
    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2007 DOI
  • Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug, Nezar Noor Ali Al-Hebshi :
    Prevalence of subgingival bacteria resistant to aminopenicillins and metronidazole in dental patients from Yemen and Norway
    International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2006 DOI
  • Nezar Noor Ali Al-Hebshi, Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug :
    In vitro antimicrobial and resistance-modifying activities of aqueous crude khat extracts against oral microorganisms
    Archives of Oral Biology 2006 DOI
  • Mohammed Hasan Hussein Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug :
    Knowledge of prescribing antimicrobials among Yemeni general dentists
    Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2006
  • Napat Limchaichana Bolstad, Mohammed Al-Haroni, Sergei Nikolaevich Drachev :
    Application of minimal intervention dentistry when treating carious lesions. A survey from Northern Norway
  • Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Du har seks milliarder bakterier i munnen. Flere av dem er resistente mot vanlige bakterie­drepende midler 2022
  • Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Odontologiske læresteder bør prioriteres i vaksineprogrammet.
    10. February 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Marwan Mansoor Ali Mohammed, Vidar Bakken, Audun Helge Nerland, Mohammed Al-Haroni :
    Biofilm and planktonic lifestyles of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum. Proteomic analysis of bacteria grown as planktonic cells, mono- and dual species biofilm, and characterization of the biofilm extracellular polymeric matrix’
    Universitetet i Bergen 2018 OMTALE / FULLTEKST
  • Mohammed Al-Haroni, vidar bakken, Marwan Mohammed :
    Characterization of Fusobacterium nucleatum biofilm formation in a hydrodynamic environment
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug, Vidar Bakken :
    Antibiotic Resistance in Oral Microbiota. A study on prevalence, molecular analysis, and possible contributing factors in Yemen and Norway
    Universitetet i Bergen 2007 OMTALE / FULLTEKST
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug :
    Consumption of antibiotics in dentistry assessed by WHO DDD
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Vidar Bakken, Nils Skaug :
    Fingerprinting of Fusobacterium nucleatum Subspecies Using Proteomic Analysis
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Vidar Bakken, Nils Skaug :
    Proteomic analysis of β-lactam resistant Fusobacterium nucleatum
  • Mohammed Hasan Al-Haroni, Nils Skaug, Nezar Noor Ali Al-Hebshi :
    Ampicillin and metronidazole resistant periodontal pathogens in a Yemeni population

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →