Bilde av Bartoszewicz, Monika Gabriela
Bilde av Bartoszewicz, Monika Gabriela
Associate Professor in Societal Security and Safety Department of Technology and Safety +4777646896 Tromsø You can find me here

Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz

Job description

Arctic Chair in Terrorism Studies.

Global Security: North-South Partnership (GLOBSEC) - Project Coordinator

  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz :
    Converting for terrorist purposes: challenging the conceptual unidirectionality of the threat
    Politics, Religion & Ideology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Barbara Schabowska, Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz :
    Edward W. Said: Not so lost reflections On Lost Causes such as the one-state solution
    Global Change, Peace & Security 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Michaela Prucková :
    Enemy image? A comparative analysis of the Russian federation’s role and position in the leading national security documents of Estonia and the Czech Republic
    Journal of Contemporary European Studies 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Kristýna Pavlíčková :
    From East to East: Reconceptualization of NATO’s Eastern Flank Engagement in the Middle East
    Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Martin Fornusek, Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz :
    Modern Army for Modern Times or Private Paramilitary? Polish Territorial Defense Force as a Benchmark Case in Conflict Evolution
    Democracy and Security 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Otto Eibl, Magdalena El Ghamari :
    Securitising the future: Dystopian migration discourses in Poland and the Czech Republic
    Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ladislav Zouhar, Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz :
    The smoking gun: How gun policies influence types of firearms involved in violent crimes in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom
    Criminology & Criminal Justice 2022 DOI
  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Otto Eibl :
    A rather wild imagination: who is and who is not a migrant in the Czech media and society?
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Martin Fornusek, Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz :
    The Study of the Polish Territorial Defense Force: Historical Insights and Policy Considerations
    Journal of Slavic Military Studies 2022 DOI
  • Gunhild Birgitta Hoogensen Gjørv, Niklas Eklund, Kamrul Hossain, Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Arsalan Bilal :
    Hybrid Threats in the Arctic
  • Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz, Otto Eibl :
    Correction: A rather wild imagination: who is and who is not a migrant in the Czech media and society? (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, (2022), 9, 1, (230), 10.1057/s41599-022-01240-2)
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 2022 DOI

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Areas of research: terrorism and political violence, international security with particular focus on societal security and resilience, international relations, religion and politics, political and religious radicalisation, migration, geopolitics, clash of civilisations, culture and identity in political processes.


    2018-2021 - comparative research on migration in Poland, Ukraine, Albania, UK, and the Czech Republic in cooperation with Collegium Civitas (Warsaw, Poland).

    April/May 2014 – field research in Kosovo two main themes of this research were religious radicalisation and political radicalisation (of religious and nationalist origin). This research was carried out in cooperation with Amsterdam University College.

    January 2013 and January 2012 – fieldwork in Kosovo including visits to international organisations and institutions (such as EULEX, UNMIK, UNDP, OBWE, OHCHR, KFOR), and to local and regional non-governmental organizations (including media and religious organisations) and interviews with senior, middle and junior staff members or field workers for inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental organisations as well as with Kosovo Albanians and Serbs.

    2010 - 2012 – fieldwork in the United Kingdom (England and Scotland), The Netherlands, Denmark, and Poland carried out during the doctoral research.

    2011 – an independent study on converts' radicalisation in the prison environment carried out in cooperation with the Scottish Prison Service. The research was conducted in four different prisons across Scotland.

    2011 – consultant and expert invited to Our Shared Europe project implemented in Denmark by the British Council in a response to cultural challenges facing contemporary Europe.

    2010 – research assistant and interpreter in the European Survey of Youth Mobilization (ESYM), an innovative and multidisciplinary study of youth political activity in Europe (11 countries covered) managed by Dr Jeffrey Stevenson Murer at St Andrews University, Scotland, UK.


    SVF-3207 Resilience

    SVF-3211 Crises and Conflicts

    SVF-3208 Contemporary issues in societal security


    Member of research group


    Monika Gabriela Bartoszewicz has graduated with MA in International Relations from the University of Lodz (Poland) and MLitt in International Security Studies from St Andrews University (UK). Also in St. Andrews, she has completed her PhD and her doctoral thesis on Controversies of Conversions: Exploring the Potential Terrorist Threat of European Converts to Islam (2013) explored the questions of identity and belonging considered from a security perspective, with the particular focus given to the potential terrorist threat posed by European converts to Islam.

    She has carried out interdisciplinary research in Scotland, England, The Netherlands, Denmark, Kosovo and Poland. In 2005 Dr Bartoszewicz was awarded a scholarship at the Centre for Transatlantic Studies in Maastricht, the Netherlands. In 2007 she was a research intern at the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence and in 2009 her work was recognized with the Russell Trust Award.
    Dr Bartoszewicz was also a research assistant for the European Survey of Youth Mobilisation, an international research project looking at youth radicalisation in Europe. In 2011 Dr Bartoszewicz carried out independent research for Scottish Prison Services on the radicalisation of European converts to Islam and took part in British Council’s Our Shared Europe project.

    From 2011 to 2013 she was appointed as the E.MA Fellow specialising in International Relations in the European Inter-University Centre in Venice (Italy). From 2015 to 2016 she was a vising lecturer at the Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland); from 2015 to 2017 she was an assistant professor at Vistula Vistula University in Warsaw (Poland), and between 2018 and 2022, she had a full-time research and teaching position at Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic).

    Dr Bartoszewicz also serves as a European Commission expert, rapporteur and evaluator, expert of the Polish, Czech and Latvian institutions, and reviewer. She is also an associate member of the Centre for Security Research (CeSeR) in Edinburgh and a member of the British International Studies Association.