Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Alex P. Encinas-Bartos,
George Haller,
David E. Rival
Relative fluid stretching and rotation for sparse trajectory observations
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2024
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Marwan Katurji,
Jiawei Zhang
Understanding Coherent Turbulence and the Roll-Cell Transition With Lagrangian Coherent Structures and Frame-Indifferent Fluxes
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres 2024
Anna Poltronieri,
Nils Bochow,
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Niklas Boers,
Per Kristen Jakobsen,
Martin Wibe Rypdal
Arctic summer sea ice loss will accelerate in coming decades
Environmental Research Letters 2024
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Robert Hartmann,
Detlef Lohse,
George Haller
Interplay between advective, diffusive and active barriers in (rotating) Rayleigh-Bénard flow
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2023
Nikolas Olson Aksamit
Mapping the shape and dimension of three-dimensional Lagrangian coherent structures and invariant manifolds
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2023
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Randall K. Scharien,
Jennifer Hutchings,
Jennifer Lukovich
A quasi-objective single buoy approach for un- derstanding Lagrangian coherent structures and sea ice dynamics
Kristofor A. Olson,
C. Yvonne Chung,
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Charles E. Hill,
Carlos V. R. Brown,
Pedro G. Teixeira
Rule of four: an anatomic and value-based approach to stent-graft inventory for blunt thoracic aortic injury
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2023
Alex Encinas-Bartos,
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
George Haller
Quasi-Objective Eddy Visualization from Sparse Drifter Data
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
George Haller
Objective Momentum Barriers in Wall Turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2022
George Haller,
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Alex Encinas-Bartos
Quasi-Objective Coherent Structure Diagnostics from
Single Trajectories
Chaos 2021
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Ben Kravitz,
Douglas G. MacMartin,
George Haller
Harnessing Diffusion Barriers to Enhance Climate
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) 2021
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
John Pomeroy
Warm air entrainment and advection during mountain blowing snow
The Cryosphere 2020
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Themis Sapsis,
George Haller
Machine-Learning Mesoscale and Submesoscale Surface Dynamics from Lagrangian Ocean Drifter Trajectories
Journal of Physical Oceanography 2020
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
Paul Whitfield
Examining the pluvial to nival river regime spectrum using nonlinear methods: Minimum Delay Embedding Dimension
Journal of Hydrology 2019
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
John Pomeroy
Scale Interactions in Turbulence for Mountain Blowing Snow
Journal of Hydrometeorology 2018
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
John Pomeroy
The Effect of Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer on Blowing-Snow Transport
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 2017
Nikolas Olson Aksamit,
John Pomeroy
Near-Surface Snow Particle Dynamics from Particle Tracking Ve- locimetry and Turbulence Measurements during Alpine Blowing Snow Storms
The Cryosphere 2016