Bilde av Lott, Alexander
Bilde av Lott, Alexander
Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea +4777645657 You can find me here

Alexander Lott


Job description

Dr Alexander Lott works as a researcher at the Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. Alexander has also taught various courses in administrative law, the law of the sea, and academic writing and research skills at the University of Tartu, Estonia at bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, including in the international master's program. He is the author of the books “Hybrid Threats and the Law of the Sea” (Brill, 2022) and “The Estonian Straits: Exceptions to the Strait Regime of Innocent or Transit Passage” (Brill, 2018) as well as the editor and co-author of the anthology "Maritime Security Law in Hybrid Warfare" (forthcoming).

Alexander has published widely on the law of the sea, human rights, international security law, administrative law, and environmental law. He has been awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowship (April 2022–March 2024) by the European Commission and the Estonian President's Young Scientist Award (2022). His previous work experience includes five years as a legal adviser at the constitutional review and administrative law chambers at the Estonian Supreme Court as well as at the Ministry of Justice. He has been invited to serve as an expert in two projects for the codification of the Estonian laws on the law of the sea and national defense.

  • Alexander Lott :
    Did an Alleged Ukrainian Attack against the Nord Stream Pipelines Violate the Law of Armed Conflict?
    The NCLOS Blog 2023 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Maritime Security in the Baltic and Japanese Straits From the Perspective of EEZ Corridors
    Ocean Development and International Law 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Barriers to wildlife movement in straits: Problematizing habitat connectivity across marine ecosystems
    Marine Policy 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Guidelines for Grey Zone Naval Incidents: Distinguishing between the Rules of Armed Conflict and Law Enforcement
    NCLOS Blog 2022 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott, Shin Kawagishi :
    The Legal Regime of the Strait of Hormuz and Attacks Against Oil Tankers: Law of the Sea and Law on the Use of Force Perspectives
    Ocean Development and International Law 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Hybrid Threats and the Law of the Sea: Use of Force and Discriminatory Navigational Restrictions in Straits
    Brill|Nijhoff 2022 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Hybrid Electronic Warfare and Digital Evidence in the Maritime Domain: The Case of Northern Europe
  • Alexander Lott :
    Increasing the Legal Resilience of Critical Submarine Infrastructure against Hybrid Threats: Interdiction of Ships and the Establishment of Safety Zones
  • Alexander Lott :
    Offshore Critical Infrastructure in the Arctic in Times of Geopolitical Tensions
  • Alexander Lott :
    EU’s approach to naval operations
  • Alexander Lott :
    Eesti merealused elektriühendused merendusjulgeoleku(õiguse) perspektiivist (Estonia's submarine electric cables from the perspective of maritime security law)
  • Alexander Lott :
    07. March 2024 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Alexander Lott :
    Balticconnector case more sabotage than an accident, experts say
    16. February 2024 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Alexander Lott :
    Jaanus Piirsalu. Uus võimas relv: blokeerime Vene nafta- ja kaubaveo Läänemerel
    06. March 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott, Magne Frostad :
    The Use of Force Against or Defence of Merchant Ships and the Regime of International Straits Applied in an Operational Context
  • Alexander Lott :
    Increasing the Legal Resilience of Critical Offshore Infrastructure in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    Current legal challenges of securing critical offshore infrastructure
  • Mait Ots, Alexander Lott :
    Estonian foreign ministry wants to extend controlled maritime area
    17. January 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kas Eesti sulgeb külgvööndiga Soome lahe Vene laevadele?
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sabotasje mot undersjøisk infrastruktur er stadig mer vanlig
    Skipsrevyen 2023 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kaitseministeerium mõtleb merealadel kontrolli laiendamise peale
    06. December 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    The Balticconnector Incident in the Gulf of Finland
  • Alexander Lott :
    Legal Responses to Hybrid Threats under the Law of the Sea
  • Alexander Lott :
    Tallinn Conference on the Law of the Sea and Hybrid Warfare (LOSFARE), organizing the event and delivering the concluding words
  • Alexander Lott :
    Law of the Sea and Domain Awareness in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    Researcher: Damage to underwater infrastructure often remains unresolved
    25. October 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Scientist: Closing access to Baltic Sea possible only partially, during war
    22. October 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kas Eesti või Soome saanuks arestida NewNew Polar Beari? (Were Estonia or Finland entitled to arrest NewNew Polar Bear?)
    ERR News 04. November 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sabotaaž merealuse taristu vastu on üha tavapärasem
    ERR News 11. October 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Researcher: Imposing 'innocent passage' in Gulf of Finland impossible
    30. October 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Attacks against Europe’s Offshore Infrastructure within and beyond the Territorial Sea under Jus ad Bellum
    EJIL:Talk! 17. October 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Russia-Ukraine (Hybrid) Naval Warfare 2018-2022 and the Proceedings before the Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal
  • Katarina Koivisto, Alexander Lott :
    Gasläckorna hotar inte Östersjöns vapengravar – men nog den marina miljön: "Hade varit tryggare med en ledning på land"
    30. September 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    Å sprenge sjøminer fra andre verdens­krig er dødelig for sjøpattedyr
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Norway’s practice of blowing up WWII sea mines is deadly for marine mammals
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Maritime security and the law of the sea – A Baltic perspective
  • Alexander Lott :
    Nord Streami plahvatused ja Eesti keskkonnajulgeolek (The Nord Stream Explosions and Estonia’s Environmental Security)
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Presentation on my research on the law of the sea and hybrid warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    In-person interview with Alexander Lott
  • Alexander Lott :
    International Straits
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sõda ja õigus: jõukasutusest merel Ukraina sõja ja hübriidkonfliktide taustal
  • Alexander Lott :
    Russia’s Blockade in the Sea of Azov: A Call for Relief Shipments for Mariupol
    EJIL:Talk! 14. March 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Vene agressioon ja mere(sõja)õigus (The Russian Aggression and the Law of the Sea/Naval Warfare)
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    Alexander Lott: merepiiri muutmine tooks soovitule vastupidise tulemuse
    Postimees 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    Blokaad, väinad ja rünnakud neutraalsete kaubalaevade vastu Ukraina merealas
  • Alexander Lott :
    The Russian-Ukrainian War from the Perspective of the Law of the Sea
  • Alexander Lott :
    Reflections on the Kerch Strait Incident Award from the Military Activities Exception Perspective
  • Alexander Lott :
    Mees, kes avastas uue väina Soome lahes
  • Elise Johansen, Margherita Paola Poto, Iva Parlov, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Alexander Lott, Jan Jakub Solski et al.:
    Ocean Connectivity and Law

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    For a full list of publications, see the research profile here. Or here (on Cristin, depicts a shorter list of publications since 2020).

    Research interests

    Alexander's research interests cross traditional boundaries between the law of the sea, navigational regimes, administrative law, environmental law, human rights, and international security law.


    Alexander has been teaching international law of the sea to master's students since 2017. In addition, he has been responsible for various bachelor's, master's, and doctoral courses in administrative law and academic writing at the University of Tartu. He is supervising and censoring dissertations both in master's and doctoral programs (dozens at the University of Tartu, but also the NCLOS at UiT).


    01.04.2022–31.03.2024: Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea; University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Researcher (1.00)
    06.07.2020–31.03.2024: University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Law, Lecturer in Administrative Law (0.10)
    06.11.2023–19.11.2023: US Naval War College, Visiting Research Scholar (1.00)
    01.04.2020–31.03.2022: Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea; University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, Postdoctoral fellow (1.00)
    01.05.2019–05.07.2020: University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Law, Lecturer in Administrative Law (1.00)
    21.08.2018–30.04.2019: Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Lecturer of law at the Institute of Internal Security (1.00)
    01.02.2018–30.04.2019: University of Tartu, Faculty of Social Sciences, School of Law Lecturer in Administrative Law (0.50)
    21.01.2017–25.06.2018: Tallinn Circuit Court: Law clerk at the administrative law chamber (1.00)
    01.03.2017–31.01.2018: University of Tartu, Adjunct lecturer at the School of Law's Tallinn Office (1.00)
    01.04.2016–20.01.2017: Supreme Court of Estonia, Legal Adviser at the administrative law chamber (1.00)
    01.10.2014–31.03.2016: Supreme Court of Estonia, Legal adviser at the constitutional review chamber (1.00)
    03.03.2014–30.09.2014: Supreme Court of Estonia, Legal adviser at the administrative law chamber (1.00)
    20.12.2011–28.02.2014: Ministry of Justice, Legal adviser at the legislative policy department (1.00)
    01.07.2011–30.09.2011: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Legal intern (1.00)
    01.06.2007–01.05.2008: Estonian Defence Forces, Military service (1.00)

    Academic degrees
    Alexander Lott, Doctor's Degree, 2017, (sup) Lauri Mälksoo; Alex G. Oude Elferink; Heiki Lindpere, The Estonian Straits: Exceptions to the Strait Regime of Innocent or Transit Passage, University of Tartu
    2020–2022: Postdoctoral fellowship, Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea (Tromsø)
    2013–2017: PhD (law), University of Tartu
    2012–2012: Diploma, Venice Academy of Human Rights (EIUC)
    2010–2011: LLM (international and European law), Utrecht University
    2006–2010: BA (law), University of Tartu