Bilde av Dhar, Sushmit
Bilde av Dhar, Sushmit
Department of Automation and Process Engineering +4777646364 You can find me here

Sushmit Dhar

Assistant professor

  • Sushmit Dhar, Masoud Naseri, Hassan Abbas Khawaja, Eirik Mikal Samuelsen, Kåre Edvardsen, Javad Barabady :
    Sea-spray measurement tools and technique employed in marine icing field expeditions: A critical literature review and assessment using CFD simulations
    Cold Regions Science and Technology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Behrooz Ashrafi, Gibeom Kim, Masoud Naseri, Javad Barabady, Sushmit Dhar, Gyunyoung Heo et al.:
    An agent-based modelling framework for performance assessment of search and rescue operations in the Barents Sea
    Safety in Extreme Environments 2024
  • Tiantian Zhu, Masoud Naseri, Sushmit Dhar, Behrooz Ashrafi :
    Reinforcement Learning for Fishing Route Planning and Optimization
    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2024 DOI
  • Tiantian Zhu, Masoud Naseri, Sushmit Dhar :
    Multistage multicriteria dynamic decision-making framework for fishing route planning and optimization
    Polish Safety and Reliability Association 2024
  • Sushmit Dhar, Hassan Abbas Khawaja :
    Real-Time Ship Draft Measurement and Optimal Estimation Using Kalman Filter
    The International Journal of Multiphysics 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sushmit Dhar, Masoud Naseri, Hassan Abbas Khawaja, Kåre Edvardsen, Tiantian Zhu :
    Design, development and deployment of a novel sea spray collector for sea-spray flux measurements
    Cold Regions Science and Technology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sushmit Dhar, Eirik Mikal Samuelsen, Masoud Naseri, Karl Gunnar Aarsæther, Kåre Edvardsen :
    Spray Icing on ONEGA Vessel- A Comparison of Liquid Water Content Expressions
    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sushmit Dhar, Hassan Khawaja :
    Recognizing potential of LiDAR for comprehensive measurement of sea spray flux for improving the prediction of marine icing in cold conditions - A review
    Ocean Engineering 01. March 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aviroop Dutt-Mazumder, Sushmit Dhar, Courtney Dutt-Mazumder :
    Postural Stability Variables for Dynamic Equilibrium
    Journal of Nature and Science (JNSCI) 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Tiantian Zhu, Masoud Naseri, Sushmit Dhar :
    Multi-objective route planning and optimization using graph theory and pareto optimality for fishing vessels in the Arctic
  • Tiantian Zhu, Masoud Naseri, Sushmit Dhar :
    Multi-objective route planning and optimization using graph theory, pareto optimality and genetic algorithm for fishing vessels in the Barents sea
  • Behrooz Ashrafi, Gibeom Kim, Sushmit Dhar, Sejin Baek, Masoud Naseri, Javad Barabady et al.:
    Agent-based modelling and analysis of search and rescue (SAR) operations in the Barents Sea
  • Sushmit Dhar, Hassan Abbas Khawaja, Masoud Naseri, Tiantian Zhu, Kåre Edvardsen :
    Prediction of marine icing incidents in cold regions using an IoT-based device
    2023 ARKIV
  • Jibola Obafemi Owolabi, Sushmit Dhar, Manaf Muhammed, Hassan Abbas Khawaja, Amar Aganovic, Muhammad Shakeel Virk :
    Investigating RANS Turbulence Models for Predicting Airflow Dispersion in Enclosed Environments: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation
    2023 ARKIV
  • Sushmit Dhar, Hassan Khawaja, Masoud Naseri, Kåre Edvardsen :
    Design and Optimizing the Sea-Spray Collector using CFD
    2022 ARKIV
  • Sushmit Dhar, Eirik Mikal Samuelsen, Masoud Naseri, Kåre Edvardsen :
    Sea spray icing estimation dependence on spray flux in Arctic-Norwegian waters
  • Sushmit Dhar, Kåre Edvardsen, Hassan Khawaja, Masoud Naseri :
    Implementing LiDAR for Sea Spray Flux Estimation for the Evaluation of Marine Icing on Ships in Cold Regions
  • Sushmit Dhar, Kåre Edvardsen, Hassan Khawaja, Javad Barabady :
    MarSpray LiDAR (MSL) for the comprehensive measurement of Sea Spray for Improving the Prediction of Marine Icing in Cold Conditions
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Sushmit Dhar, Kåre Edvardsen, Hassan Khawaja :
    Estimation of Sea Spray Flux for Improving the Prediction of Marine Icing in Cold Conditions using LiDAR

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →