Bilde av von Spreter, Stephanie
Bilde av von Spreter, Stephanie
PhD, Art History Department of Language and Culture Tromsø You can find me here

Stephanie von Spreter

Job description

Stephanie von Spreter, PhD in Art History is affiliated with the Department of Language and Culture, UiT the Arctic University of Norway where she defended her thesis in December 2024. She is member of the research group Worlding Northern Art (WONA). For more information visit: WONA

  • Stephanie Spreter von Kreudenstein, Elin Kristine Haugdal, Hanne Hammer Stien, Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad :
    Introduction: on photography and care
    Photographies 2025 DOI
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Sensing Polar Ice Bodies
    Springer 2024 DOI
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Pia Arke and ‘Arctic Hysteria’: Visual Repatriation and the Problematics of a ‘Lost’ Artwork
    Kunst og kultur 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Feminist strategies for changing the story: re-imagining Arctic exploration narratives through (the staging of) photographs, travel writing and found objects
    Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Destructed Environments, Gendered Spaces and Colonial Legacies. Contemporary Art Practices Sensing the Arctic and the Circumpolar North
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Ghost of the Past? The (In)visible Hans Egede Monument at Trinity Church, Oslo
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Investigating the Arctic from a Gendered, (Post)Colonial and Posthuman Feminist Perspective. Three Contemporary Artistic Practices
  • Stephanie von Spreter, Ulla Schildt :
    Om kunsten i det antropocen og fotopioneren Hanna Resvoll-Holmsen (sammen med Ulla Schildt)
  • Marthe Tolnes Fjellestad, Stephanie von Spreter :
    Welcome and introduction to conference, Photographic Practices as Care-Taking
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Feminist Strategies for Changing the Story: Contemporary Artistic Practice Re- imagining Arctic Exploration Narratives
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Artistic (Re)search Into the Ice: Seeing What We Cannot Grasp, Grasping What We Need to See
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Shifting Focus. From Representation to Re-presentation and Materiality: Reading the Photographic Works of Pia Arke (1958-2007)
  • Synne Tollerud Bull, Dragan Miletic, Petrine Vinje, Christine Pettersen, Ingrid Halland, Stephanie von Spreter :
    Urban Ecologies After A.I.
    Urban Ecologies After A.I. 2021 DATA / PROSJEKT
  • Stephanie von Spreter :
    Ulla Schildt. Flowers from Svalbard [essay]
    Ulla Schildt. Flowers from Svalbard 2020 DATA
  • Felix Gmelin, Stephanie von Spreter :
    A story for you to continue
    A story for you to continue 2018 SAMMENDRAG

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Stephanie von Spreter & Ulla Schildt, ‘Flowers from Svalbard,’ in Arctic Art Newspaper,#1 (Tromsø: Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune, 2022)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Who is BBB?,’ in Tonje Bøe Birkeland, Character #V Bertha Bolette Boyd, (Bergen: Bergen Kjøtt Publishing, 2021)

    Stephanie von Spreter, 'Breathing Documenta11 In and Out,' Documenta11_platform6, (Kassel: documenta archiv | documenta und Museum Fridericianum GmbH, 2021),

    Stephanie von Spreter, 'The 'Artist Genius' Doesn't Have to Go Out and Buy Spaghetti. Shirana Shahbazi in Conversation with Stephanie von Spreter,' Conversations on Photography, (Oslo: Fotogalleriet / Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag, 2021)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘For a gentle song would not shake us if we had never heard a loud one,’ in FOR A GENTLE SONG WOULD NOT SHAKE US IF WE HAD NEVER HEARD A LOUD ONE, (Copenhagen: Fotografisk Center, 2018)

    Katinka Maraz, Espen Røyseland, Stephanie von Spreter, Ruben Steinum (eds.), Mulighetsrom. Kunsten og kunstnernes plass i byen (Oslo: 0047/Forbundet Frie Fotografer/Fotogalleriet/UKS, 2017). ISBN 9788292960073

    Katarina Skjønsberg, and Stephanie von Spreter (eds.), Katarina Skjønsberg. Be Good to Yourself (Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag, 2017). ISBN 978-3-86828-775-2

    Karina-Sirkku Kurz and Stephanie von Spreter (eds.), Karina-Sirkku Kurz. Ungleichgewicht (Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag, 2016). ISBN 978-3-86828-681-6

    Anja Casser, and Stephanie von Spreter (eds.), Susanne M. Winterling, Through the Looking Glass (Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2015). ISBN-10 : 8867491172/ISBN-13 : 978-8867491179

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Verena Winkelmann. Father and Child,’ in Point in Time, (Berlin: The Nordic Embassies, 2015)

    Stephanie von Spreter (ed.), Iikka Tolonen. Härkälä, (Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag, 2015). ISBN 978-3-86828-550-5

    Katinka Maraz, Espen Røyseland, Stephanie von Spreter, Ruben Steinum (eds.), Kreativt Naboskap. En mulighetsstudie,  (Oslo: 0047/Forbundet Frie Fotografer/Fotogalleriet/UKS, 2014).

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘On Dayanita Singh’s Living “Museum Structures”,’ Débris Fanzine, No.1, 2014 (

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Status fotografi’, in Contemporary by Blomqvist, auction catalogue, (Oslo: Blomqvist Kunsthandel, 2013)

    Stephanie von Spreter and Nina Strand, ‘Two-Timers,’ in Objektiv. Magazine for lens-based art, #5, 2012

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Enquête: Petrine Lillevold Vinje,’ in Norsk Kunstårbok, (Oslo: Pax Forlag, 2012)

    Stephanie von Spreter (ed.), Verksted #5/#6: A Travelogue: Gap Hanoi / A Travelogue: Transbord-Rájis Rádjái, (Oslo: Office for Contemporary Art Norway, 2006)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Means and Ends – Selected Video Work by Inghild Karlsen and Kristin Bergaust,’ in Farhad Kalantary and Linn Lervik (eds.), Retrospective: Film & Video Art Norway, (Oslo: Atopia film & videokunst, 2011). ISBN: 9788299838504

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Mette Tronvoll – At Eye Level,’ in Mette Tronvoll – Photographs Fotografien, (Munich: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag, 2009). ISBN 10: 382960436X / ISBN 13: 9783829604369

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Marc Camille Chaimowicz,’ in Short Guide - Day (Berlin: 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2008)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Ania Molska,’ in Short Guide - Day (Berlin: 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2008)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Giulia Piscitelli,’ in Short Guide - Day (Berlin: 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2008)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Pushwagner,’ in Short Guide - Day (Berlin: 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2008)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Mona Hatoum,’ in Into Me / Out of Me, (Berlin: KW Institute for Contemporary Art, 2007)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Carolee Schneemann,’ in Into Me / Out of Me, (Berlin: KW Institute for Contemporary Art, 2007)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Kris Martin,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 4th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2006)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Andro Wekua,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 4th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2006)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Sebastian Hammwöhner, Dani Jakob, Gabriel Vormstein,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 4th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2006)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’atelier d’architecture autogerée,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 3rd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2004)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Banu Cennetoglu,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 3rd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2004)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Liisa Roberts,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 3rd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2004)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ’Nada Sebestyen,’ in Exhibition Guide (Berlin: 3rd Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, 2004)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Tania Bruguera,’ in Documenta11_Platform 5, Short Guide, (Kassel: documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH, 2002)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Giuseppe Gabellone,’ in Documenta11_Platform 5, Short Guide, (Kassel: documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH, 2002)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Julie Bergmann & Stacy Pierie Levy’, in Documenta11_Platform 5, Short Guide, (Kassel: documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH, 2002)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Chohreh Feyzdjou, in Documenta11_Platform 5, Short Guide, (Kassel: documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs-GmbH, 2002)

    Stephanie von Spreter, ‘Jacqueline Humphries,’ in I Love New York – Crossover der aktuellen Kunst,, (Cologne: Museum Ludwig, 1999)

    Research interests

    contemporary art, photography, women artists, Arctic, circumpolar North, Nordic contemporary Art, storytelling, research-based art, Anthropocene, feminist art history, decolonial art history, monuments, provenance research


    KVI-3211 Arctic Images in Art, Visual Culture and the Museum, c. 1600-2020 (Artists’ agencies in the Arctic; Art, Politics and the Anthropocene)

    KVI-1014 Visual Analysis (Photography, film, video, digital media)

    KVI-1113 From Campus to Capitol: art historical case studies (provenance research; periodisation)

    KVI-3900 MA-Seminar (supervising) 

    Member of research group


    Stephanie von Spreter is art historian, curator and art consultant. She defended her doctoral thesis at UiT the Arctic University of Norway in December 2024 entitled Destructed Environments, Gendered Spaces and Colonial Legacies. Contemporary Artistic Practices Sensing the Arctic and the Circumpolar North. She is member of the research group Worlding Northern Art (WONA) and the interdisciplinary research project Urban Ecologies: City Sensing Beyond the Human initiated by Bull.Miletic ( She works on a long-term collaborative research project entitled Flowers from Svalbard with the artist Ulla Schildt.

    Recent conference and seminar participations include Alternative Cartographies, HDK-Valand, Göteborgs Universitet (2024); Boundaries or no Boundaries – Sculpture in the Intersection between Nationalism and Internationalism, Oslo (2023); Relations and Beyond: Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi (2023); Mediating the Arctic and the North. Contexts, Agents, Distribution (UiT / Humboldt University, Berlin) and Ice (St)Ages. Icy Imaginaries in Science, Arts and Spectacles (Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald / Collaborative Research Centre, University of Freiburg / Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science of the Australian National University, Canberra), both 2021. Recent publications include: “Sensing Polar Ice Bodies,” in Communicating Ice through Popular Art and Aesthetics (Cham: Springer International, 2024); "Pia Arke and ‘Arctic Hysteria’: Visual Repatriation and the Problematics of a ‘Lost’ Artwork," Kunst og Kultur, 2022; Volume 2/3, Issue 105 (published September 2022); "Flowers from Svalbard," (a collaboration with Ulla Schildt), in Arctic Art Newspaper,#1 (Tromsø: Troms og Finnmark fylkeskommune, 2022); "Feminist strategies for changing the story: re-imagining Arctic exploration narratives through (the staging of) photographs, travel writing and found objects," Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, 2021; Volume 13 (1). DOI: 10.1080/20004214.2021.1997462 and "Who is BBB?," in Tonje Bøe Birkeland, Character #V Bertha Bolette Boyd, (Bergen: Bergen Kjøtt Publishing, 2021).

    Between 2011 and 2018, von Spreter served as the director of Fotogalleriet, Oslo. In this position she has curated a large number of exhibitions and seminars with a focus on contemporary photographic art and termed responsible for the establishment of an independent educational programme. Von Spreter is also the co-founder of the first exhibition guide for contemporary art in Oslo, Oslo Art Guide. She also worked for various large international exhibitions, including the 3rd, 4th and 5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. She was assistant curator for the exhibition The Structure of Survival at the 50. Biennale di Venezia and curatorial assistant at Documenta11, Kassel.