Mahdis Jafari
Job description
Mahdis Jafari is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences. She is a member of the Child Development (Barns utvikling) group. Her current research aims to investigate the role of ostensive signals in communication and its developmental trajectory. She employs eye-tracking and pupillometry methods to observe infants' responses to uncover the early cognitive mechanisms of social interaction.
Previously, she has worked on language processing in bi/multilingual adults using EEG/ERP, eye-tracking and, self-paced reading techniques. She specifically focused on individual differences (executive function) in second language processing.
Research interests
- Bi/multilingual language processing
- Individual differences (executive functions) in language processing
- Pragmatics in preverbal children (infants)
- Communication
- Cognition
- EEG/ERP, Eye-tracking, Self-paced Reading, Pupillometry