Bilde av Xue, Ying
Bilde av Xue, Ying
Associate professor (Biomaterial) Department of Clinical Dentistry +4777644276 undefined You can find me here

Ying Xue

  • Anca Virtej, Larissa Alexandrina von Marti, Marek Wagner, Helge Wiig, Ying Xue, Athanasia Bletsa et al.:
    Contribution of initial lymphatics to oral wound healing after tooth extraction
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Zhe Xing, Jing Liu, Jiazheng Cai, Xiaofeng Jiang, Jingwen Liang, Masahito Fuijo et al.:
    The Application of Resolvin D1-Loaded Gelatin Methacrylate in a Rat Periodontitis Model
    Pharmaceutics 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lorenz Volker Knie, Knut Norvald Leknes, Ying Xue, Stein Atle Lie, Dagmar Fosså Bunæs :
    Serum biomarker levels in smokers and non-smokers following periodontal therapy. A prospective cohort study
    BMC Oral Health 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xiaoli He, Qian Zhao, Ningning Zhang, Junbin Wang, Qingzong Si, Ying Xue et al.:
    Impact of a staggered scaffold structure on the mechanical properties and cell response in bone tissue engineering
    Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials (JABFM) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jiazheng Cai, Jing Liu, Jing Yan, Xuexia Lu, Xiaoli Wang, Si Li et al.:
    Impact of Resolvin D1 on the inflammatory phenotype of periodontal ligament cell response to hypoxia
    Journal of Periodontal Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xiaofeng Jiang, Jing Liu, Si Li, Yingfei Qiu, Xiaoli Wang, Xiaoli He et al.:
    The effect of resolvin D1 on bone regeneration in a rat calvarial defect model
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xiaofeng Jiang, Ying Xue, Manal Mustafa, Zhe Xing :
    An updated review of the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid- and docosahexaenoic acid-derived resolvins on bone preservation
    Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators 2022 DOI
  • Zhe Xing, Xiaofeng Jiang, Qingzong Si, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Bin Liu, Ying Xue et al.:
    Endochondral ossification induced by cell transplantation of endothelial cells and bone marrow stromal cells with copolymer scaffold using a rat calvarial defect model
    Polymers 2021 DOI
  • Zhe Xing, Jiazheng Cai, Yang Sun, Mengnan Cao, Yi Li, Ying Xue et al.:
    Altered surface hydrophilicity on copolymer scaffolds stimulate the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
    Polymers 2020 DOI
  • Melanie Ostermann, Alexander Sauter, Ying Xue, Eivind Salmorin Birkeland, Julia Schölermann, Bodil Holst et al.:
    Label-free impedance flow cytometry for nanotoxicity screening
    Scientific Reports 10. January 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aurica Precupas, Daniela Gheorghe, Alina Botea-Petcu, Anca Ruxandra Leonties, Romica Sandu, Vlad Tudor Popa et al.:
    Thermodynamic parameters at bio-nano interface and nanomaterial toxicity: A case study on BSA interaction with ZnO, SiO2 and TiO2
    Chemical Research in Toxicology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Abedelfattah Atif Taher Omer, Niyaz Abdulbaqi Al-sharabi, Yingfei Qiu, Ying Xue, Yi Li, Masahito Fujio et al.:
    Biological responses of dental pulp cells to surfaces modified by collagen 1 and fibronectin
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2020 DOI
  • Rafiq Ahmad, Åge Oterhals, Ying Xue, Tore Skodvin, Tor Andreas Samuelsen :
    Impact of fish protein concentrate on apparent viscosity and physical properties of soy protein concentrate subjected to thermomechanical treatment
    Journal of Food Engineering 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunita Sharma, Ying Xue, Zhe Xing, Mohammed Ahmed Yassin, Yang Sun, James Lorens et al.:
    Adenoviral mediated mono delivery of BMP2 is superior to the combined delivery of BMP2 and VEGFA in bone regeneration in a critical-sized rat calvarial bone defect
    Bone Reports 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunita Sharma, Dipak Sapkota, Ying Xue, Saroj Rajthala, Mohammed Ahmed Alamin Yousif Yassin, Anna Finne-Wistrand et al.:
    Delivery of VEGFA in bone marrow stromal cells seeded in copolymer scaffold enhances angiogenesis, but is inadequate for osteogenesis as compared with the dual delivery of VEGFA and BMP2 in a subcutaneous mouse model
    Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mohamed Ibrahim, Ying Xue, Melanie Ostermann, Alexander Sauter, Doris Steinmueller‐Nethl, Sarah Schweeberg et al.:
    In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of nanodiamond particles and their osteogenic potential
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 08. March 2018 DOI
  • Maryam Alizadeh Gharaei, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Stein Atle Lie, Inge Fristad :
    Human dental pulp stromal cell conditioned medium alters endothelial cell behavior
    Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2018 DOI
  • S Galli, M Andersson, Y Jinno, J Karlsson, W. He, Ying Xue et al.:
    Magnesium release from mesoporous carriers on endosseus implants does not influence bone maturation at 6 weeks in rabbit bone.
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B - Applied biomaterials 2017 DATA / DOI
  • Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi, Manal Ibrahim Mustafa Sharafeldin, Minoru Ueda, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Conditioned medium from human bone marrow stromal cells attenuates initial inflammatory reactions in dental pulp tissue
    Traumatology 2017
  • Masahito Fujio, Zhe Xing, Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi, Ying Xue, Akihito Yamamoto, Hideharu Hibi et al.:
    Conditioned media from hypoxic-cultured human dental pulp cells promotes bone healing during distraction osteogenesis
    Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 27. November 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi, Manal Mustafa, Minoru Ueda, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Conditioned medium from human bone marrow stromal cells attenuates initial inflammatory reactions in dental pulp tissue
    Dental Traumatology 2016 DOI
  • Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi, Ying Xue, Minoru Ueda, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Influence of bone marrow stromal cell secreted molecules on pulpal and periodontal healing in replanted immature rat molars
    Dental Traumatology 2016 DOI
  • Salwa Suliman, Yang Sun, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Ying Xue, Joachim Nickel, Thilo Waag et al.:
    In vivo host response and degradation of copolymer scaffolds functionalized with nanodiamonds and bone morphogenetic protein 2
    Advanced Healthcare Materials 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sunita Sharma, Dipak Sapkota, Ying Xue, Yang Sun, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Ove Bruland et al.:
    Adenoviral Mediated Expression of BMP2 by Bone Marrow Stromal Cells cultured in 3D Copolymer Scaffolds Enhances Bone Formation
  • Salwa Suliman, Zhe Xing, X Wu, Ying Xue, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Y Sun et al.:
    Release and bioactivity of bone morphogenetic protein-2 are affected by scaffold binding techniques in vitro and in vivo
    Journal of Controlled Release 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sushma Bartaula, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Anna Blois, Panagiota Papadakou, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Ying Xue et al.:
    Leukocyte transmigration into tissue-engineered constructs is influenced by endothelial cells through Toll-like receptor signaling
    Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2015 DOI
  • Karin Breding, Ryo Jimbo, Mariko Hayashi, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Martin Andersson :
    The effect of hydroxyapatite nanocrystals on osseointegration of titanium implants: an in vivo rabbit study
    International Journal of Dentistry 2014 DOI
  • Silvia Galli, Yoshihito Naito, Johan Karlsson, Wenxiao He, Ikuya Miyamoto, Ying Xue et al.:
    Local release of magnesium from mesoporous TiO2 coatings stimulates the peri-implant expression of osteogenic markers and improves osteoconductivity in vivo
    Acta Biomaterialia 2014 DOI
  • Mariko Hayashi, Ryo Jimbo, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Mats Andersson, Ann Wennerberg :
    Photocatalytically induced hydrophilicity influences bone remodeling at longer healing periods: a rabbit study
    Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014 DOI
  • Yang Sun, Zhe Xing, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Ann-Christine Albertsson :
    Surfactant as a critical factor when tuning the hydrophilicity in three-dimensional polyester-based scaffolds: Impact of hydrophilicity on their mechanical properties and the cellular response of human osteoblast-like cells
    Biomacromolecules 2014 DOI
  • Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid Al-Sharabi, Ying Xue, Masahito Fujio, Minoru Ueda, Cecilie Gudveig Gjerde, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa et al.:
    Bone marrow stromal cell paracrine factors direct osteo/odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp cells
    Tissue Engineering Part A 2014 DOI
  • Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Anna Blois, Ying Xue, Zhe Xing, Yang Sun, Anna Finne-Wistrand et al.:
    Mesenchymal stem cells induce endothelial cell quiescence and promote capillary formation
    Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • F Cecchinato, Ying Xue, J Karlsson, Wenxiao He, A Wennerberg, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa et al.:
    In vitro evaluation of human fetal osteoblast response to magnesium loaded mesoporous TiO2 coating
    Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A 2013 DOI
  • Ying Xue, Zhe Xing, Anne Isine Bolstad, Thomas E van Dyke, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa :
    Co-culture of human bone marrow stromal cells with endothelial cells alters gene expression profiles
    International Journal of Artificial Organs 2013 DOI
  • Victoria Xenaki, Ying Xue, Stein Atle Lie, Mihaela Cudia Marthinussen, Anne-Kristine N Åstrøm, Daniela Elena Costea et al.:
    Effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on oral cells and 3D oral mucosa models
  • Eleonora Marta Longhin, Shareen H. Doak, Iseult Lynch, Elisa Moschini, Elise Rundén-Pran, Naouale El Yamani et al.:
    Towards risk governance of nanomaterials: adaptation and validation of test methods for characterization and hazard assessment
  • Lorenz Volker Knie, Knut Norvald Leknes, Ying Xue, Stein Atle Lie, Dagmar Fosså Bunæs :
    Serum biomarker profiling in smokers and non-smokers following periodontal therapy.
  • Melanie Ostermann, Alexander Sauter, Ying Xue, Eivind Salmorin Birkeland, Emil Cimpan, Mihaela Roxana Cimpan :
    Impedance-based methods for label-free rapid nanotoxicity screening
  • Maryam Alizadeh Gharaei, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Dental Pulp Cells Secretome Regulates Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Morphology
  • Melanie Ostermann, Eivind Salmorin Birkeland, Ying Xue, Alexander Sauter, Mihaela Roxana Cimpan :
    Validation of an Impedance-Based Flow Cytometry Technique for High-Throughput Nanotoxicity Screening
  • Maryam Alizadeh Gharaei, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Use of Dental Pulp Cell Secretome in a Cell-free Tissue Regeneration Approach
  • Maryam Alizadeh Gharaei, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa, Inge Fristad :
    Dental Pulp Cells Secretome Regulates Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Morphology
  • Alexander Sauter, Melanie Ostermann, Julia Schoelermann, Ying Xue, Anne Pierrette Burtey, Emil Cimpan et al.:
    High throughput nanoTOX screening using impedance: A data analysis example
  • Mohamed Ibrahim, Melanie Ostermann, Alexander Sauter, Ying Xue, Doris Steinmueller-Nethl, Anke Krueger et al.:
    Toxicological assessment of nano-diamond particles used in tissue engineering scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration
  • Melanie Ostermann, Julia Schoelermann, Ying Xue, Anne Pierrette Burtey, Nils Roar Gjerdet, Alexander Sauter et al.:
    Cytotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials assessed by impedance-based monitoring
  • Sushma Bartaula, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, AL Blois, Panagiota Papadakou, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Ying Xue et al.:
    Leukocyte Transmigration into Tissue-engineered Constructs is influenced by Endothelial Cells
  • Zhe Xing, Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Anna Finne-Wistrand, Ying Xue, Kamal Babikeir Eln Mustafa :
    Chondral ossification from copolymer scaffolds loaded with co-cultured cells
  • Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, AL Blois, Ying Xue, Zhe Xing, Anna Finne-Wistrand, J.B. Lorens et al.:
    Prevascularization of tissue-engineered constructs with endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells
  • Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Anna Blois, Zhe Xing, Ying Xue, Yang Sun, Anna Finne-Wistrand et al.:
    Endothelial Microvascular Networks Influence Gene Expression Profiles in MSCs
  • Torbjørn Østvik Pedersen, Anna Blois, Ying Xue, Zhe Xing, Anna Finne-Wistrand, James Lorens et al.:
    Prevascularization of tissue-engineered constructs with endothelial and mesenchymal stem cells

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    • Biomaterials and scaffold in Bone tissue engineering
    • 3D bioprinting of stem cell with biodegradable material
    • Inflammation and resolving
    • Angiogenesis in vitro


    Teaching of Dental biomaterials for dental students

    ODO-2516 Dental Biomaterials



    Member of research group

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