Kajsa Møllersen
Job description
Research, teaching and outreach. For an overview of research interests, teaching and supervision responsibilities, see the banner Research and teaching.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
”Databasert beslutningsstøtte for hudlesjoner ved mistanke om hudkreft”, Utposten (Norwegian journal for general practice and public health), 2017; 4, pp. 39-41
Research interests
My research revolves around statistical approaches to image analysis and machine learning. Specifically, I have published in topics of multiplicity, divergence functions, and multi-instance learning.
Machine learning approaches to histopathological image analysis, which is a main focus of the Computational Pathology research group. The research group matches statistics and computer science with pathology and oncology. I jointly supervise three PhD students in this group.
I engage in teaching, and research about teaching as a member of the research group Realfagsdidaktikk i høyere utdanning (Mathematics and Science Didactics in Higher Education), and various forms of outreach and dissemination.
Other interests are gender diversity in STEM and data sharing.
Applied statistics; Image analysis; Clustering; Divergence functions; Feature selection; Machine learning; Multiple instance learning; Melanoma; Breast cancer
Research group: Realfagsdidaktikk i høyere utdanning (leader Maarten Beerepoot)
Publications and conferences:
Møllersen K., & Coucheron, D. (2023, June 26). The blind leading the blind? Filling the knowledge gaps by student peer assessment. https://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/vkjfe (preprint)
Møllersen K, “Statistics without mathematics”, The 27th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics, Tartu 2018
Previous courses:
2023 HEL-8047 Statistical models, PhD, Health Sciences, course leader and lecturer, UiT
2023 ERN-1000/ODO-1004/MED-1501, Bachelor, Medical statistics, lecturer, UiT
2022 HEL-8047 Statistical models, PhD, Health Sciences, course leader and lecturer, UiT
2022 ERN-1000/ODO-1004/MED-1501, Bachelor, Medical statistics, lecturer, UiT
2022 HEL-3070 Biostatistics, Master, Public health, course leader and lecturer, UiT
2022 Special curriculum, PhD, Applied Linear Algebra, course leader, UiT
2022 Theory of science, research ethics and methodology, Master, Midwife, lecturer, UiT
2021 HEL-3006 Introduction to Biostatistics, Master of public health, Statistics, course leader and lecturer, UiT
2021 Universitetspedagogikk, Pedagogical qualification, Student activity, lecturer, Nord University
2020 Writer’s block and how to defeat it, Master, Nutrition, lecturer, UiT
2011 The Elements of Statistical Learning II, PhD, Statistics, lecturer, UiT
2010 The Elements of Statistical Learning I, PhD, Statistics, lecturer, UiT