Luca Bernecker,
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Intracranial stenosis prediction using a small set of risk factors in the Tromsø Study
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2025
Lars Bakke Hindenes,
Tor Ingebrigtsen,
Jørgen Gjernes Isaksen,
Asta Håberg,
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Marit Herder
et al.:
Anatomical variations in the circle of Willis are associated with increased odds of intracranial aneurysms: The Tromsø study
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2023
Tonje Anita Melum,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Olöf Anna Steingrimsdottir,
Audun Stubhaug,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen
et al.:
Gray matter volume and pain tolerance in a general population: the Tromsø study
Olena Iakunchykova,
Henrik Schirmer,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Yunpeng Wang,
Ernest D. Benavente,
René van Es
et al.:
Machine-learning-derived heart and brain age are independently associated with cognition
European Journal of Neurology 2023
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Marit Herder,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Jørgen Gjernes Isaksen,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen
Prevalence of intracranial artery stenosis in a general population using 3D-time of flight magnetic resonance angiography
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 2023
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Camilla Larsen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Zsolt Turi
et al.:
The antidepressant effect of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS): study protocol for a randomized double-blind sham-controlled trial
Anette Arild,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Hanne Nikkels,
Stian Lydersen,
Ulrik Wisløff,
Dorthe Stensvold
et al.:
Five years of exercise intervention at different intensities and development of white matter hyperintensities in community dwelling older adults, a Generation 100 sub-study
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Marit Herder,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Roar Kloster,
Tor Ingebrigtsen,
Jørgen Gjernes Isaksen
et al.:
Prevalence of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: impact of different definitions-the Tromsø Study
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2022
Live Eikenes,
Eelke Visser,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Asta Håberg
Both brain size and biological sex contribute to variation in white matter microstructure in middle-aged healthy adults
Ingrid Daae Rasmussen,
Nya Mehnwolo Boayue,
Matthias Mittner,
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
et al.:
High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improves Delayed Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Pilot Study Using Computational Modeling to Optimize Electrode Position
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2021
Anna Dahl Myrvang,
Torgil R. Vangberg,
Clas Linnman,
Kristin Stedal,
Øyvind Rø,
Tor Endestad
et al.:
Altered functional connectivity in adolescent anorexia nervosa is related to age and cortical thickness
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Ragna Espenes,
Fernando A. Barrios,
Knut Waterloo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
The role of moderating variables on BOLD fMRI response during semantic verbal fluency and finger tapping in active and educated healthy seniors
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2020
Lars Bakke Hindenes,
Asta Håberg,
Liv-Hege Johnsen,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Robben David,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Variations in the Circle of Willis in a large population sample using 3D TOF angiography: The Tromsø Study
Anna Dahl Myrvang,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Kristin Stedal,
Øyvind Rø,
Tor Endestad,
Jan H Rosenvinge
et al.:
Cerebral cortical thickness and surface area in adolescent anorexia nervosa: Separate and joint analyses with a permutation-based nonparametric method
International Journal of Eating Disorders 17. December 2020
Lars Bakke Hindenes,
Asta Kristine Håberg,
Ellisiv B Mathiesen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
An incomplete Circle of Willis is not a risk factor for white matter hyperintensities: The Tromsø Study
Journal of Neurological Sciences 11. December 2020
Misba Riaz,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Olena Vasylenko,
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Knut Waterloo
et al.:
What does hand motor function tell us about our aging brain in association with WMH?
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2020
Marte Ørbo,
Per M Aslaksen,
Audny Anke,
Pål Morten Tande,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Cortical Thickness and Cognitive Performance After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2019
Andreas Kattem Husøy,
Asta Kristine Håberg,
Lars Morten Rimol,
Knut Hagen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Lars Jacob Stovner
Cerebral cortical dimensions in headache sufferers aged 50-66 years: a population-based imaging study in the Nord-Trondelag Health Study (HUNT-MRI)
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Live Eikenes,
Asta Håberg
The effect of white matter hyperintensities on regional brain volumes and white matter microstructure, a population-based study in HUNT
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
White matter correlates of gait perturbations resulting from spontaneous and lateralized attention in healthy older adults: A dual-task study
Experimental Gerontology 2019
Marte Ørbo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Pål Morten Tande,
Audny Anke,
Per M Aslaksen
Memory performance, global cerebral volumes and hippocampal subfield volumes in long-term survivors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Anna Dahl Myrvang,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Kristin Stedal,
Øyvind Rø,
Tor Endestad,
Jan H Rosenvinge
et al.:
Hippocampal Subfields in Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa
Per M Aslaksen,
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Marte Ørbo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
The relation of hippocampal subfield volumes to verbal episodic memory measured by the California Verbal Learning Test II in healthy adults
Behavioural Brain Research 2018
Sigbjørn Olav Rogne,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Gry Charlotte Wikran,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Henrik Schirmer
Magnetic resonance volumetry: prediction of subjective memory complaints and mild cognitive impairment, and associations with genetic and cardiovascular risk factors
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra 2016
Anders Backer-Grøndahl,
Sigurd Lindal,
Merethe Andberg Lorentzen,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Torgrim Vorren,
Bente Kristiansen
et al.:
A new non-craniotomy model of subarachnoid hemorrhage in the pig: A pilot study
Laboratory Animals 2016
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Knut Waterloo,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Sigurd Sparr,
Gry Charlotte Wikran
et al.:
Neuroanatomical correlates of verbal fluency in early Alzheimer's disease and normal aging.
Brain and Language 2016
Tor Ivar Hansen,
Veronika Brezova,
Live Eikenes,
Asta Håberg,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
How Does the Accuracy of Intracranial Volume Measurements Affect Normalized Brain Volumes? Sample Size Estimates Based on 966 Subjects from the HUNT MRI Cohort
American Journal of Neuroradiology 2015
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Per M Aslaksen,
Kristina Larsby,
Christoph Schäfer,
Pål Morten Tande,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
et al.:
Relevance of cognition to health-related quality of life in good-outcome survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Per M. Aslaksen,
Kristina Larsby,
Lena Norli,
Christoph Schäfer,
Pål Morten Tande
et al.:
Determinants of cognitive outcome in survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
Sigbjørn Olav Rogne,
Torgil Vangberg,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Gry Charlotte Wikran,
Ellisiv B. Mathiesen,
Henrik Schirmer
Mild cognitive impairment, risk factors and magnetic resonance volumetry: role of probable Alzheimer's disease in the family
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2013
Per Aslaksen,
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Runar Selaas,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Depression severity influences cortical processing and cognitive performance – an fMRI
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Sabine Høier,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Gabor Csifcsak,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Per Matti Aslaksen
The cerebral and cognitive changes after intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) treatment for depression: study protocol for a randomized double-blind sham-controlled trial
Olena Iakunchykova,
Henrik Schirmer,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Yunpeng Wang,
Ernest Diez Benavente,
Rene Van Es
et al.:
Machine-learning derived measures of vascular and brain age are independently associated with cognitive function
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC) 2023
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Asta Kristine Håberg,
Dorthe Stensvold
Longitudinal Effects of Blood Pressure and Antihypertensive Use on Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
Nabila Ali,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Marte Christine Ørbo
Health and lifestyle factors associated with brain ageing.
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Susana A Castro-Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Link of white matter tract integrity and dual-task costs on gait
parameters in Mild Cognitive Impairment and normal aging
Asta Håberg,
Live Eikenes,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
White matter hyperintensities impact on regional brain volumes and white matter microstructure
Anette Arild,
Dorthe Stensvold,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Asta Håberg
The effect of physical fitness (VO2) on white matter hyperintensity volume and cognition in older adults from the Generation 100 study
Sissel Breivold Roland,
Gunnvald Kvarstein,
Per M Aslaksen,
Audny Anke,
Kai Ivar Müller,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Effekt av spesifikk rehabilitering ved nakkehodepine, med samtidig kartlegging av strukturelle endringer og konnektivitet i hjernen.
Lena Elsa Danielsson,
Gunnvald Kvarstein,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Svein Bergvik,
Per M Aslaksen
Quantitative Sensory Testing and cortical thickness in healthy volunteers
Anna Dahl Myrvang,
Vibeke Stalsberg,
Stein Inge Fandrem,
Torgunn Alise Hansen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Kristin Stedal
et al.:
Cortical thickness in adolescent anorexia nervosa – the linear relation of cerebral structural changes and BMI
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Association of white matter integrity and gait speed during dual-tasking among community-dwelling elderly adults
Anette Arild,
Dorthe Stensvold,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Asta Håberg
A prospective study of white matter hyper intensities in the "Generation 100" mental abilities and MRI cohort study
Anette Arild,
Dorthe Stensvold,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Asta Håberg
A prospective study of white matter hyperintensities in the "Generation 100" mental abilities and MRI cohort study
Anna Dahl Myrvang,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Kristin Stedal,
Øyvind Rø,
Tor Endestad,
Stein Inge Fandrem
et al.:
Reduced functional connectivity in resting state networks in adolescents with anorexia nervosa.
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Ragna Espenes,
Marit Moe Holthe,
Knut Waterloo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Brain activation patterns during semantic verbal fluency in active and educated healthy seniors: A covert fMRI study
Per M. Aslaksen,
Torgil Vangberg,
Christoph Schäfer
Probing for consciousness after severe brain injury by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Journal of Neurology 2012
Tor Ivar Hansen,
Veronika Brezova,
Live Eikenes,
Torgil Vangberg,
Asta Håberg
A bi-modal T1w and T2w approach results in more accurate and reliable ICV measures
Torgil Vangberg,
Knut Waterloo,
Petter Eldevik,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Sigurd Sparr,
Gry Charlotte Wikran
et al.:
MMSE score is associated with white matter integrity in early Alzheimer’s disease
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Knut Waterloo,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Torgil Vangberg
The relationship between verbal fluency performance and white matter integrity in healthy aging individuals