Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Trond Heir,
Inger Schou-Bredal,
Laila Skogstad,
Øivind Ekeberg
Prevalence of suicide attempt and associations with deliberate self-harm, mental health problems, drug misuse and traumatic experiences - a cross sectional survey of the Norwegian population
Trond Heir,
Bothild Bendiksen,
Fabakary Minteh,
Rex A. Kuye,
Inger-Lise Lien
Serious life events and associated PTSD in Gambian girls exposed to female genital cutting
Frontiers in Public Health 2023
Anners Lerdal,
Caryl Gay,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Trond Heir
et al.:
Validation of a short version of the Lee fatigue scale in adults living in Norway: a cross-sectional population survey
BMC Public Health 31. October 2023
Tore Bonsaksen,
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Quality of Life In People With Visual Impairment Compared With the General Population
Journal of Public Health (Berlin) 2023
Zhanna Kan,
Erik Ganesh Iyer Søegaard,
Johan Siqveland,
Ajmal Hussain,
Ketil Hanssen-Bauer,
Pia Jensen
et al.:
Coping, Social Support and Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Effect on Depression and Anxiety: Patients’ Experiences in Community Mental Health Centers in Norway
Knut Stavem,
Trond Heir,
Toril Dammen,
Eivind Brønstad,
Tøri Vigeland Lerum,
Michael Thomas Durheim
et al.:
The course and determinants of post-traumatic stress over 12 months after hospitalization for COVID-19
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022
Reza Ghiasvand,
Leon Alexander Mclaren Berge,
Bettina Kulle,
Jo Steinson Stenehjem,
Trond Heir,
Øystein Karlstad
et al.:
Use of antihypertensive drugs and risk of cutaneous melanoma: A nationwide nested case-control study
International Journal of Epidemiology 2022
Tore Bonsaksen,
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Post-traumatic stress disorder in people with visual impairment compared with the general population
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2022
Inger Schou Bredal,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Trond Heir
A comparison between healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers’ anxiety, depression and PTSD during the initial COVID -19 lockdown
Public Health in Practice 2022
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Visual impairment and employment in Norway
Audun Brunes,
Helle Kristine Falkenberg,
Inger Berndtsson,
Trond Heir
Use and underuse of mobility aids in individuals with visual impairment: a cross-sectional study of a Norwegian sample
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2022
Inger Schou Bredal,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine K. Grimholt,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Trond Heir
Concerns in the norwegian population during the initial lockdown due to the covid-19 pandemic
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Laila Skogstad,
Inger Schou Bredal,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Trond Heir,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Tine Kristin Grimholt
Concerns related to the COVID-19 in adult Norwegians during the first outbreak in 2020: A qualitative approach
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Sigrun Marie Moss,
Mona-Iren Hauge,
Ines Blix,
Trond Heir
“I Could Have Been Dead”: Counterfactual Thinking and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Individuals Directly Exposed to the 2011 Oslo Bombing
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Serious life events in people with visual impairment versus the general population
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Mona Berthelsen,
Marianne Bang Hansen,
Alexander Nissen,
Morten Birkeland Nielsen,
Stein Knardahl,
Trond Heir
The Impact of a Workplace Terrorist Attack on the Psychosocial Work Environment: A Longitudinal Study From Pre- to Post-disaster
Frontiers in Public Health 2021
Audun Brunes,
Marianne Bang Hansen,
Trond Heir
General self-efficacy in individuals with visual impairment compared with the general population
Inger Schou-Bredal,
Tine K. Grimholt,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Laila Skogstad,
Trond Heir,
Øivind Ekeberg
Psychological responses and associated factors during the initial lockdown due to the corona disease epidemic (COVID-19) among Norwegian citizens
Journal of Mental Health 2021
Tore Bonsaksen,
Laila Skogstad,
Trond Heir,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Inger Schou Bredal,
Tine Kristin Grimholt
Suicide Thoughts and Attempts in the Norwegian General Population during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Outbreak
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Ragnhild Sørum Falk,
Trude Eid Robsahm,
Jan Erik Paulsen,
Tanja Stocks,
Isabel Drake,
Trond Heir
Fasting serum potassium and long-term mortality in healthy men
Gunnar Einvik,
Toril Dammen,
Waleed Khalid Ghanima,
Trond Heir,
Knut Stavem
Prevalence and risk factors for post-traumatic stress in hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 20. February 2021
Espen Anker,
Ylva Ginsberg,
Trond Heir
Prevalence of criminal convictions in Norwegian adult ADHD outpatients and associations with ADHD symptom severity and emotional dysregulation
Trond Heir,
Ajmal Hussain,
Pål Kristensen,
Lars Weisæth
Delayed post-traumatic stress and memory inflation of life-threatening events following a natural disaster: prospective study
Maria Teresa Grønning Dale,
Alexander Nissen,
Mona Berthelsen,
Håkon K. Gjessing,
Trond Heir
Psychosocial work factors and sick leave risk after a terrorist bomb attack: a survey and registry-based longitudinal study of governmental employees in Norway
Ragnhild Sørum Falk,
Julian Eek Mariampillai,
Erik Edvard Prestgaard,
Trond Heir,
Johan Bodegard,
Trude Eid Robsahm
et al.:
The Oslo Ischaemia Study: cohort profile
Trond Heir,
Elise Hansen Stokke,
Karina Pauline Tvenge
The Role of Workplace on Work Participation and Sick Leave after a Terrorist Attack: A Qualitative Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2021
Tore Bonsaksen,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Inger Schou Bredal,
Laila Skogstad,
Trond Heir,
Tine Kristin Grimholt
Use of alcohol and addictive drugs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway: associations with mental health and pandemic-related problems
Frontiers in Public Health 14. June 2021
Alida J. van der Ham,
Hilde P.A. van der Aa,
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir,
Ralph de Vries,
Ger H.M.B. van Rens
et al.:
The development of posttraumatic stress disorder in individuals with visual impairment: a systematic search and review
Ophthalmic & physiological optics 2021
Bothild Bendiksen,
Trond Heir,
Fabakary Minteh,
Mai Mahgoub Ziyada,
Rex A. Kuye,
Inger-Lise Lien
The association between physical complications following female genital cutting and the mental health of 12-year-old Gambian girls: A community-based crosssectional study
Espen Anker,
Kjell Geir Øgrim,
Trond Heir
Verbal working memory and processing speed: Correlations with the severity of attention deficit and emotional dysregulation in adult ADHD.
Journal of Neuropsychology 2021
Inger Schou-Bredal,
Tine Grimholt,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Laila Skogstad,
Trond Heir,
Øivind Ekeberg
Optimists' and pessimists' self-reported mental and global health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
Health Psychology Report 2021
Heidi Ormstad,
Grethe Eilertsen,
Trond Heir,
Leiv Sandvik
Personality traits and the risk of becoming lonely in old age: A 5-year follow-up study
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2020
Inger Schou Bredal,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Anners Lerdal
et al.:
Sexual assault and the association with health, quality of life and self-efficacy in the general Norwegian population
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2020
Mona Berthelsen,
Marianne Bang Hansen,
Alexander Nissen,
Morten Birkeland Nielsen,
Stein Knardahl,
Trond Heir
Effects of exposure to workplace terrorism on subsequent doctor certified sickness absence, and the modifying role of psychological and social work factors: a combined survey and register study
Tore Bonsaksen,
Trond Heir,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine K. Grimholt,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Anners Lerdal
et al.:
Daily use of alcohol in the Norwegian general population: Prevalence and associated factors
Drugs and alcohol today 2020
Leon Alexander Berge,
Bettina Kulle,
Jo S. Stenehjem,
Trond Heir,
Kari Furu,
Asta Juzeniene
et al.:
Use of Antidepressants and Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma: A Prospective Registry-Based Case-Control Study
Willie Langeland,
Ellen Kirstine Kjærulff Jepsen,
Bethany L. Brand,
Linn Kleven,
Richard J. Loewenstein,
Frank W. Putnam
et al.:
The economic burden of dissociative disorders: A qualitative systematic review of empirical studies
Tore Bonsaksen,
Trond Heir,
Inger Schou Bredal,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine K. Grimholt
Post-traumatic stress disorder and associated factors during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2020
Alexander Nissen,
Mona Berthelsen,
Maria Teresa Grønning Dale,
Marianne Bang Hansen,
Trond Heir
Is perceived safety and threat after workplace terrorism linked to employee sick-leave? A registry-based longitudinal study of governmental employees in Norway
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 11. August 2020
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Visual impairment and depression: Age-specific prevalence, associations with vision loss, and relation to life satisfaction
Tore Bonsaksen,
Laila Skogstad,
Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Trond Heir,
Øivind Ekeberg,
Anners Lerdal
et al.:
Substance use in the Norwegian general population: Prevalence and associations with disease
Journal of Substance Use 2020
Ragnhild Sørum Falk,
Trond Heir,
Trude Eid Robsahm,
Steinar Tretli,
Leiv Sandvik,
Jan Emil Erikssen
et al.:
Fasting serum levels of potassium and sodium in relation to long-term risk of cancer in healthy men
Audun Brunes,
Trond Heir
Social interactions, experiences with adverse life events and depressive symptoms in individuals with visual impairment: A cross-sectional study
Espen Anker,
Jan Haavik,
Trond Heir
Alcohol and drug use disorders in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Prevalence and associations with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom severity and emotional dysregulation.
World Journal of Psychiatry (WJP) 2020
Leon Alexander Berge,
Bettina Kulle,
Jo S. Stenehjem,
Trond Heir,
Øystein Karlstad,
Asta Juzeniene
et al.:
Use of immunomodulating drugs and risk of cutaneous melanoma: A nationwide nested case-control study
Alexander Nissen,
Trond Heir
Security interventions and perceived safety and threat following workplace terrorism: a three-wave longitudinal study of ministerial employees in Norway
Journal of Risk Research 23. December 2020
Maria Teresa Grønning Dale,
Alexander Frantz William Nissen,
Mona Berthelsen,
Trond Heir
Post-traumatic stress reactions and doctor-certified sick leave after a workplace terrorist attack: Norwegian cohort study
Alexander Nissen,
Marianne Hansen,
Morten Birkeland Nielsen,
Stein Knardahl,
Trond Heir
Employee safety perception following workplace terrorism. A longitudinal study
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2019
Tine Kristin Grimholt,
Tore Bonsaksen,
Inger Schou Bredal,
Trond Heir,
Anners Lerdal,
Laila Skogstad
et al.:
Flight anxiety reported from 1986 to 2015
Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance 2019