Bilde av Huijgens, Patty
Bilde av Huijgens, Patty
Researcher Behavioral and Translational Neuroscience +4777645307 Tromsø You can find me here

Patty Huijgens

Job description

Neuroscientist with a main research interest in neuroendocrinology, focused on how sex hormones affect the brain and behavior.

  • Patty Thalia Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Louk Vanderschuren, Heidi Lesscher, Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren :
    CaMKIIa+ neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis modulate pace of natural reward seeking depending on internal state
    Psychopharmacology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patty Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Eelke Snoeren :
    Sexual Incentive Motivation
    Neuromethods 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patty Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Eelke Snoeren :
    Silencing and stimulating the medial amygdala impairs ejaculation but not sexual incentive motivation in male rats
    Behavioural Brain Research 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patty Huijgens, Fay Guarraci, Jocelien Olivier, Eelke Snoeren :
    Male rat sexual behavior: Insights from inter-copulatory intervals
    Behavioural Processes 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Patty Huijgens, Eelke Snoeren, Robert Meisel, Paul Mermelstein :
    Effects of gonadectomy and dihydrotestosterone on neuronal plasticity in motivation and reward related brain regions in the male rat
    Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Hegstad, Patty Huijgens, Danielle Houwing, Jocelien Olivier, Roy Heijkoop, Eelke Snoeren :
    Female rat sexual behavior is unaffected by perinatal fluoxetine exposure
    Psychoneuroendocrinology 22. July 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roy Heijkoop, Patty Thalia Huijgens, Eelke Snoeren :
    Assessment of sexual behavior in rats: the potentials and pitfalls.
    Behavioural Brain Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roy Heijkoop, Kasper Kjelsberg, John Olav Braathen Folstad, P Andersen, T Bendiksen, Patty Thalia Huijgens et al.:
    Male rat sexual behavior and the role of the ventral pallidum
  • Patty Thalia Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Eelke Mirthe Simone Snoeren :
    Neuronal activity in the medial amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis during male rat sexual behavior
  • Patty Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, LJMJ Vanderschuren, Heidi Lesscher, Eelke Snoeren :
    The role of the BNST and surrounding areas in the regulation of natural reward consummation
  • Patty Huijgens :
    Sex and the brain: from hormones to behavior
  • Patty Huijgens, Eelke Snoeren, Robert Meisel, Paul Mermelstein :
    Effects of androgen on spine plasticity in several motivation-related brain regions in the male rat
  • Patty Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, LJMJ Vanderschuren, Heidi Lesscher, Eelke Snoeren :
    Involvement of the BNST and its projection to the VTA in motivation for a natural food reward
  • Patty Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Louk Vanderschuren, Heidi Lesscher, Eelke Snoeren :
    Effect of stimulating and silencing the BNST and BNST-VTA projection on sucrose self-administration in rats
  • Patty Huijgens, Eelke Snoeren, Robert Meisel, Paul Mermelstein :
    Effects of androgen on spine plasticity in several brain regions in the male rat
  • Patty Thalia Huijgens, Roy Heijkoop, Eelke Snoeren :
    Involvement of glutamatergic medial amygdala neurons in ejaculation in male rats

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    PSY-1004: psychopharmacology and pathophysiology

    Member of project


    Previous positions

    • 2021-2023: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Snoeren-Heijkoop Lab, Department of Psychology, UiT, Tromsø, Norway
    • 2017-2018: Visiting PhD Student, Department of Animals in Science and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands (6 months)
    • 2018-2019: Visiting PhD Student, Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota, Mineapolis, USA (6 months)
    • 2016-2021: PhD Student, Snoeren-Heijkoop Lab, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT, Tromsø, Norway
    • 2015-2016: Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
    • 2014: Research assistant, Department of Pharmacology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, USA (6 months)


    • 2016: MSc Pharmacy, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
    • 2011: BSc Health and Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands