Pavel Serov,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Henry Jared Patton
Geological and glaciological controls of 21,700 active methane seeps in the northern Norwegian Barents sea
Frontiers in Earth Science 2024
Henry Jared Patton,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow
et al.:
Glacial erosion and Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Stefan Bünz,
Nabil Sultan,
Hariharan Ramachandran,
Heather Bedle
et al.:
Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage in the last 1.2 million years: a multi-scale seismic study from the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait
Frontiers in Earth Science 2023
Mariana Esteves,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow
Chapter 13 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms during main deglaciation (18.9–14.6 ka)
Lis Allaart,
Henry Patton,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 50 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.7 ka)
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial (14.6–12.9 ka)
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Henry Patton,
Mohamed Mansour Abdelmalak
et al.:
Paleobathymetric reconstructions of the SW Barents Seaway and their implications for Atlantic–Arctic ocean circulation
Communications Earth & Environment 2023
Calvin Shackleton,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves,
Lilja Rùn Bjarnadòttir,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Distinct modes of meltwater drainage and landform development beneath the last Barents Sea ice sheet
Frontiers in Earth Science 2023
Pavel Serov,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Patton,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Widespread natural methane and oil leakage from sub-marine Arctic reservoirs
Henry Patton,
Alun Hubbard,
J. Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
A.P. Stroeven
et al.:
The extreme yet transient nature of glacial erosion
Hans Petter Sejrup,
Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen,
Henry Patton,
Mariana Esteves,
Monica Winsborrow,
Tine Lander Rasmussen
et al.:
The role of ocean and atmospheric dynamics in the marine-based collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
Communications Earth & Environment 2022
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
P. Schmidt,
Bjorn Lund,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard
Glacially Induced Stress Across the Arctic From the Eemian Interglacial to the Present—Implications for Faulting and Methane Seepage
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2022
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Jared Patton,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 8 - The Eurasian Arctic
Henry Jared Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Mariana Esteves
Chapter 51 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Last Glacial Maximum
Aleksei Kishankov,
Pavel Serov,
Stefan Bünz,
Henry Jared Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Rune Mattingsdal
et al.:
Hydrocarbon leakage driven by quaternary glaciations in the Barents Sea based on 2D basin and petroleum system modeling
Marine and Petroleum Geology 2022
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Jared Patton,
Mariana Esteves,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou
Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (before 29 ka)
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
Nora Johanne Synnestvedt Johansen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Jan Inge Faleide,
Kim Senger,
Tom Arne Rydningen
et al.:
Cenozoic uplift and erosion of the Norwegian Barents Shelf – A review
Bernd Etzelmüller,
Henry Patton,
Anders Schomacker,
Justyna Czekirda,
Luc Maurice Ramuntcho Girod,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard
et al.:
Icelandic permafrost dynamics since the Last Glacial Maximum – model results and geomorphological implications
Quaternary Science Reviews 2020
T.P. Lane,
Øyvind Paasche,
B. Kvisvik,
K.R. Adamson,
Á. Rodés,
Henry Patton
et al.:
Elevation changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet interior during the last deglaciation
Geophysical Research Letters 2020
Neil F. Glasser,
Matej Roman,
Tom O. Holt,
Manja Žebre,
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard
Modification of bedrock surfaces by glacial abrasion and quarrying: Evidence from North Wales
Claire L. Cooper,
Ivan P. Savov,
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Ruza F. Ivanovic,
Jonathan L. Carrivick
et al.:
Is there a Climatic Control on Icelandic Volcanism?
Quaternary Science Advances 2020
Arunima Sen,
Annemijn Sandig,
Loïc Michel,
Henry Jared Patton,
Jochen Manfred Knies
Diverse and self-sustaining benthos of an Arctic oil seep
Emeric Babut du Marès,
Maria De La Fuente,
Jemma Louise Wadham,
Petra Margaretha Langebroek,
Henry Jared Patton,
Sandra Arndt
Constraining the Gas Hydrates Stability Zone beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 40 Ma to the year 3000
Henry Jared Patton
Modelling the Eurasian Ice Sheet
Teitur Hinrichsen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow,
Henry Jared Patton,
Sarah L. Greenwood
Marine- and Lacustrine Deposition of Eskers
Henry Jared Patton,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow
et al.:
Quaternary landscape development of the Eurasian Arctic
Henry Jared Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Jakob Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Arjen P Stroeven
et al.:
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion and meltwater beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
Peter Schmidt,
Bjorn Lund,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Henry Jared Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard
Glacially induced stress across the Arctic from the Eemian interglacial to the present - implications for faulting and seafloor methane seepage
Pavel Serov,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Patton,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Marie Helene Paula Stetzler
Widespread natural methane and oil leakage from sub-marine Arctic reservoirs
Monica Winsborrow,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Pavel Serov,
Henry Patton,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Ice sheet influenced continental margins as hotspots of thermogenic methane release
Pavel Serov,
Henry Patton,
Adriano Mazzini,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Grace Shephard,
Frances Ann Cooke
et al.:
GEO-3144/8144 Teaching Cruise: Geologically controlled hydrocarbon seepage in Hopendjupet and
the wider Barents Sea
Hayden M. Pearson,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Henry Patton
A Quantitative Analysis of Seasonal and Regional Forcing on the Terminus of Store Glacier, Greenland, from High Resolution Photogrammetry
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Jakob Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Arjen Stroeven
et al.:
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Monica Winsborrow,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Pavel Serov,
Henry Patton,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Karin Marie Andreassen
Oil slicks from natural seepage of oil and gas, a common occurrence on ice sheet influenced continental margins?
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Marie Andreassen,
Henry Patton,
Pavel Serov
Istidenes betydning
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Domenico Chiarella,
Tor Oftedal Sømme,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen
et al.:
A multi-source-to-sink system in a dynamic plate tectonic setting: the Cenozoic of the Barents Sea, Norwegian Arctic
Amando P. E. Lasabuda,
Alfred Hanssen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Henry Patton,
Jan Inge Faleide
et al.:
Underexplored continental shelf gateways: timing, mechanisms and role of SW Barents Sea Gateway, Norwegian Arctic
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
J. Heyman,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
A.P. Stroeven
et al.:
A time-transgressive perspective of glacial erosion beneath the Eurasian ice sheet
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Patton,
Frank Werner Jakobsen,
Mauro Pau,
Abidemi Akinselure,
Andre Jensen
CAGE21-4 Oil slicks, gas flares and glacial landforms in Hopendjupet and Sentralbanken
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Monica Winsborrow,
Jochen Manfred Knies,
Vincent Carrier,
Mariana Esteves,
Clea Fabian,
Andre Jensen
et al.:
Cage21-6 Cruise report. Hydrocarbon leakage in Hopendjupet, central Barents Sea
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Jochen Knies,
Monica Winsborrow,
Henry Patton,
Stijn De Schepper,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Tove Nielsen
et al.:
20 - 8 CAGE Cruise report. Natural gas seepage and past sea ice variability on the NE Greenland margin
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Naima El Bani Altuna,
Tine Lander Rasmussen,
Mohamed Ezat,
Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta,
Henry Patton,
Jeroen Groeneveld
et al.:
The Impact of Bottom Water Temperature on Glacial Retreat and Methane Release in Storfjorden Trough, NW Barents Sea
Øyvind Paasche,
Timothy P. Lane,
Bjørn Christian Kvisvik,
Kathryn Adamson,
Angel Rhodés,
Henry Patton
et al.:
Elevation Changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Interior During the Last Deglaciation
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
Peter Schmidt,
Bjorn Lund,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Stefan Jon Beaussier,
Henry Patton
et al.:
Computation of glacial and tectonic stress off Svalbard: implications for seabed methane seepage along the Vestnesa Ridge
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
Peter Schmidt,
Bjorn Lund,
Henry Patton,
Stefan Jon Beaussier,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola
et al.:
Regional stress field computation along the West Svalbard margin (Vestnesa ridge): Effect of the glacial isostatic adjustment.
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Sunil Vadakkepuliyambatta,
Henry Patton,
Pavel Serov,
Mauro Pau,
Monica Winsborrow
et al.:
Subglacial gas hydrates: ice sheet modulation of methane
Hans Petter Sejrup,
Berit Oline Blihovde Hjelstuen,
Mariana Esteves,
Henry Patton,
Monica Winsborrow,
Karin Andreassen
et al.:
Disintegration of the marine based parts of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet
Pavel Serov,
Henry Patton,
Malin Waage,
Calvin Shackleton,
Jürgen Mienert,
Karin Andreassen
et al.:
Methane hydrate mobilization by ice stream erosion during the last glacial
Henry Patton,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Pavel Serov,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou
Hunting gas flares in Hopendjupet and glacial sediments in Sentralbankrenna
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Henry Patton,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard,
Karin Andreassen,
Monica Winsborrow
The erosional impact of the Eurasian ice complex during the Weichselian
glacial cycle