Kenneth Ruud

Professor, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences

Job description

Professor of theoretical chemistry

  • Pijush Karak, Torsha Moitra, Ambar Banerjee, Kenneth Ruud, Swapan Chakrabarti :
    Accidental triplet harvesting in donor-acceptor dyads with low spin-orbit coupling
    Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2024 DOI
  • Lukas Konecny, Stanislav Komorovsky, Jan Vicha, Kenneth Ruud, Michal Repisky :
    Exact Two-Component TDDFT with Simple Two-Electron Picture-Change Corrections: X-ray Absorption Spectra Near L- and M-Edges of Four-Component Quality at Two-Component Cost
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Pijush Karak, Torsha Moitra, Kenneth Ruud, Swapan Chakrabarti :
    Photophysics of uracil: an explicit time-dependent generating function-based method combining both nonadiabatic and spin-orbit coupling effects
    Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karolina Solheimslid Eikås, Krupová Monika, Tone Kristoffersen, Maarten Beerepoot, Kenneth Ruud :
    Can the absolute configuration of cyclic peptides be determined with vibrational circular dichroism?
    Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marius Kadek, Baokai Wang, Marc Joosten, Wei-Chi Chiu, Francois Mairesse, Michal Repisky et al.:
    Band structures and Z2 invariants of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers from fully relativistic Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory using Gaussian-type orbitals
  • Katarzyna Jakubowska, Magdalena Pecul, Kenneth Ruud :
    Vibrational Corrections to NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Constants from Relativistic Four-Component DFT Calculations
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Pijush Karak, Kenneth Ruud, Swapan Chakrabarti :
    Spin-vibronic interaction induced reverse intersystem crossing: A case study with TXO-TPA and TXO-PhCz molecules
    Journal of Chemical Physics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karolina Solheimslid Eikås, Maarten Beerepoot, Kenneth Ruud :
    A Computational Protocol for Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra of Cyclic Oligopeptides
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Torsha Moitra, Pijush Karak, Sayantani Chakraborty, Kenneth Ruud, Swapan Chakrabarti :
    Behind the scenes of spin-forbidden decay pathways in transition metal complexes
    Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Karen Oda Hjorth Dundas, Maarten Beerepoot, Magnus Ringholm, Simen Sommerfelt Reine, Radovan Bast, Nanna Holmgaard List et al.:
    Harmonic Infrared and Raman Spectra in Molecular Environments Using the Polarizable Embedding Model
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lukas Konecny, Jan Vicha, Stanislav Komorovsky, Kenneth Ruud, Michal Repisky :
    Accurate X-ray Absorption Spectra near L- and M-Edges from Relativistic Four-Component Damped Response Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
    Inorganic Chemistry 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Katarzyna Jakubowska, Magdalena Pecul-Kudelska, Kenneth Ruud :
    Relativistic Four-Component DFT Calculations of Vibrational Frequencies
    Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marta Chołuj, MD Mehboob Alam, Maarten Beerepoot, Sebastian P. Sitkiewicz, Eduard Matito, Kenneth Ruud :
    Choosing Bad versus Worse: Predictions of Two-Photon-Absorption Strengths Based on Popular Density Functional Approximations
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Pijush Karak, Kenneth Ruud, Swapan Chakrabarti :
    Demystifying the Origin of Vibrational Coherence Transfer Between the S1 and T1 States of the Pt-pop Complex
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vladimir Pomogaev, Sandro Chiodo, Kenneth Ruud, Rimma Kuznetsova, Pavel Avramov :
    Computational investigation on the photophysical properties of halogenated tetraphenyl BODIPY
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Michal Repisky, Stanislav Komorovsky, Marius Kadek, Lukas Konecny, Ulf Egil Ekström, Elena Malkin et al.:
    ReSpect: Relativistic spectroscopy DFT program package
    Journal of Chemical Physics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Klima- og sikkerhetspolitikk i en ny geopolitisk verden
  • Theoretical Relativistic All-electron Investigations of NQCCs in Solids in multiple dimensions
  • Material properties from all-electron four-component relativistic DFT calculations
  • Introduction to Relativistic Effects and the Chemistry of Heavy Elements
    Elsevier 2023 DOI
  • Bruk av scenarioer
    Klassekampen 2022
  • Lukas Konecny, Stanislav Komorovsky, Kenneth Ruud, Michal Repisky :
    Relativistic TDDFT allows prediction and interpretation of XAS spectra near heavy metal L- and M-edges
  • Lukas Konecny, Stanislav Komorovsky, Kenneth Ruud, Michal Repisky :
    Relativistic TDDFT allows prediction and interpretation of XAS spectra near heavy metal L- and M-edges
  • Defence research in times of war: Prospects and challenges
  • Monika Krupova, Karolina Di Remigio Eikås, Kenneth Ruud :
    Conformational Studies of Cyclic Hexapeptides with Vibrational Circular Dichroism: Experimental and Theoretical Approach
  • Monika Krupova, Karolina Di Remigio Eikås, Johan Mattias Isaksson, Kenneth Ruud :
    Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Antimicrobial Peptides: What is Their Structure in Solution and in Membranes?
  • Jonas Vester, David Carrasco-Busturia, Kenneth Ruud, Magnus Ringholm, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen :
    Benchmarks and Workflow for Fragment-based Polarizable Embedding (PE): Calculations of Harmonic IR and Raman Spectra
  • Open Science: New requirements and new opportunities
  • Sikkerhetshensyn i forskning - Et militærteknologisk perspektiv
  • FFIs klima og sikkerhetskonferanse
  • Eksportkontroll og internasjonalt samarbeid - Ser det annerledes ut fra "innsiden" enn fra "utsiden"
  • Michal Repisky, Lukas Konecny, Torsha Moitra, Marius Kadek, Kenneth Ruud :
    Modern X-ray spectroscopies with atomic mean-field X2C Hamiltonians
  • X-ray spectroscopy from 2- and 4-component relativistic damped linear response theory
  • Recent advances in relativistic all-electron Dirac-Kohn-Sham calculations of solids using Gaussian-type orbitals
  • Hilde Tonne, Kenneth Ruud, Jan Magnus Aronsen, Eli Aamot, Karianne Melleby, Mette Halskov Hansen et al.:
    Statsråden omtaler situasjonen som «alvorlig». Realiteten er at det er en oppkonstruert krise.
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 19. May 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Håkon Emil Kristiansen, Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Simen Kvaal, Kenneth Ruud :
    Coupled-Cluster Theory for Electron Dynamics
  • Lederliv
    06. May 2022
  • Finnes det en permanent løsning på midlertidighetens gordiske knute? 23. March 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Lise Øvreås, Terje Lohndal, Kenneth Ruud, Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund :
    Forskningsrådet må ikke svekkes
    Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 13. June 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Kenneth Ruud, Ingrid Heggland, Ingunn Limstrand, Klas Henning Pettersen, Gunnar Bøe, Tanja Storsul et al.:
    Investering i infrastrukturer for FAIR forskningsdata og særlig relevante forvaltningsdata for forskning. Anbefalinger fra datainfrastrukturutvalget mai 2022.
    Norges forskningsråd 2022 FULLTEKST
  • FFI i en ny sikkerhetspolitisk verden
  • Hvordan lykkes som ung forsker på 2020-tallet?
  • DORA in practice
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Relativistic 4c linear damped response TDDFT for valence and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  • Kenneth Ruud, Marte Blikstad-Balas :
    Hvordan bli en vellykket forsker?
    28. November 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Kenneth Ruud, Erkki J. Brändas :
    Advances in Quantum Chemistry 2020
  • Kenneth Ruud, Erkki J. Brändas :
    Advances in Quantum Chemistry 2020 DOI
  • Akademisk frihet og åpen publisering 01. April 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Marius Kadek, Marc Joosten, Michal Repisky, Kenneth Ruud :
    Four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham theory for relativistic band structures of periodic systems based on Gaussian-type orbitals
  • Vi mener dette er akseptabel forskjellsbehandling 25. February 2020 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Kenneth Ruud is a professor of theoretical chemistry at the University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) and the Director General of the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Oslo in 1998 (supervisor Trygve Helgaker) and spent 2 years as a postdoctoral fellow in San Diego with Peter Taylor before moving to Tromsø in 2001. His main research interests are development of new ab initio methods for the study of molecular properties for non-relativistic and relativistic methods. Additional interests include solvent effects (continuum and QM/MM methods) and vibronic and relativistic effects. He is an author of several quantum chemistry program: Dalton, Dirac, ReSpect, and OpenRSP.

    Research ID: E-5947-2010


    KJE-8105, Molecular Properties


    Academic honours

    • Elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA)
    • Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
    • Elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA)
    • Elected foreign member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
    • Elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP)
    • Elected member of Academia Borealis
    • Dirac Medal 2008 "for the outstanding computational chemist in the world under the age of 40" awarded by the World Association of Theoretical and Computation Chemists (WATOC)

    • Research Prize for Young Researchers at the University of Tromsø, awarded by the University of Tromsø, 2005


    Current positions of trust:

    • Chairman of the board in Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) (2021-)
    • Chairman of the board in Centre for Autonomous Robotics Operations Subsea (CAROS) (2021-)
    • Vice president of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (2020-)
    • Member of the board of the VISTA research program (2020-)
    • Member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences (2020-)
    • Deputy chair of the board of the Research Council of Norway (2019-)
    • Board member of Uninett-Sigma2, the company running the Norwegian HPC program (2015-)
    • Member of the Scientic Council of IT4Innovation, the Czech Supercomputing program (2015-)