Bilde av Sørensen, Steffen Aagaard
Photo: Kai Mortensen
Bilde av Sørensen, Steffen Aagaard
Researcher Department of Geosciences +4777646374 94 54 39 98 Tromsø You can find me here

Steffen Aagaard Sørensen

  • Thomas Haugland Johansen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Kajsa Møllersen, Fred Godtliebsen :
    Instance Segmentation of Microscopic Foraminifera
    Applied Sciences 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Antoon Kuijpers, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Holger Lindgreen, Jesper Olsen, Christof Pearce :
    Evidence for influx of Atlantic water masses to the Labrador Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum
    Scientific Reports 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas Haugland Johansen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Towards detection and classification of microscopic foraminifera using transfer learning
    Proceedings of the Northern Lights Deep Learning Workshop 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Noortje Dijkstra, Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Impact of drill cutting releases on benthic foraminifera at three exploration wells drilled between 1992 and 2012 in the SW Barents Sea, Norway
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Spreading of drill cuttings and sediment recovery of three exploration wells of different ages, SW Barents Sea, Norway
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra :
    Identifying past petroleum exploration related drill cutting releases and influences on the marine environment and benthic foraminiferal communities, Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea, Norway
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sarah Miche Patricia Berben, Katrine Husum, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    A late-Holocene multi-proxy record from the northern Norwegian margin: Temperature and salinity variability
    The Holocene 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sarah Miche Patricia Berben, Katrine Husum, Alba Navarro-Rodriguez, Simon T. Belt, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Semi-quantitative reconstruction of early to late Holocene spring and summer sea ice conditions in the northern Barents Sea
    Journal of Quaternary Science 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Noortje Dijkstra, Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Environmental baselines and reconstruction of Atlantic Water inflow in Bjørnøyrenna, SW Barents Sea, since 1800 CE
    Marine Environmental Research 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kari Skirbekk, Morten Hald, Marchitto Thomas Jr., Juho Junttila, Dorthe Klitgaard Kristensen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Benthic foraminiferal growth seasons implied from Mg/Ca-temperature correlations for three Arctic species
    Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 22. November 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Thomas Marchitto, Fred Godtliebsen :
    Sub sea surface temperatures in the Polar North Atlantic during the Holocene: Planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca temperature reconstructions
    The Holocene 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Diane Groot, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum :
    Reconstruction of Atlantic water variability during the Holocene in the western Barents Sea
    Climate of the Past 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Kirstin Werner, Robert f. Spielhagen, Morten Hald, Thomas Marchitto :
    A Late Glacial–Early Holocene multiproxy record from the eastern Fram Strait, Polar North Atlantic
    Marine Geology 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Hanne Ebbesen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Matthias Moros, Jeremy M. Lloyd, Jesper Olsen et al.:
    Early Holocene large-scale meltwater discharge from Greenland documented by foraminifera and sediment parameters
    Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2012 DOI
  • R.F. Spielhagen, K Werner, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, E. Kandiano, G. Budéus et al.:
    Enhanced Modern Heat Transfer to the Arctic by Warm Atlantic Water
    Science 2011 DOI
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, J. Knies :
    Paleoceanographic development in the SW Barents Sea during the Late Weichselian-Early Holocene transition
    Quaternary Science Reviews 2010 DOI
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Jochen Knies :
    Paleoceanographic development in the SW Barents Sea during the Late Glacial – Early Holocene transition
    Quaternary Science Reviews 2010 DOI
  • Petter Bjørklund, Iver Martinsen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Slik kan kunstig intelligens finne mikroskopiske fossiler 2024
  • Iver Martinsen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Petter Bjørklund :
    Slik kan KI finne mikroskopiske fossiler
    Teknisk Ukeblad 2024
  • Iver Martinsen, Fred Godtliebsen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen, Samuel Ortega Sarmiento, Miguel Angel Tejedor Hernandez :
    Are humans an AI uncertain about the same things?
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen, Iver Martinsen, Fred Godtliebsen, Stamatia Galata, Juho Junttila et al.:
    Detection and identification of environmental faunal proxies in digital images and video footage from northern Norwegian fjords and coastal waters using deep learning object detection algorithms
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Eirik Myrvoll-Nilsen, Stamatia Galata, Thomas Haugland Johansen, Iver Martinsen, Morten Hald et al.:
    Automated image/video classification and object detection of foraminifera
  • Fred Godtliebsen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Morten Hald :
    Automatisk overvåkning av havbunnen
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Presenting the project “Transforming ocean surveying by the power of DL and statistical methods, Multimodal imaging and application”
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Work package 3: Multimodal imaging and application
  • Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Sabine K.J. Cochrane, Bjarne Landfald, Stian Røberg et al.:
    Barents Sea Drill cuttings research initiative (BARCUT)-project - End report
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019 ARKIV
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra :
    Identifying past petroleum exploration related drill cutting releases and influences on the marine environment and benthic foraminiferal communities, SW Barents Sea, Norway
  • Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Kari Skirbekk, Beata Sternal :
    Drill cuttings and mine tailings deposition
  • Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Juho Junttila :
    Foraminiferal responses to drill cutting releases in the SW Barents Sea
  • Julie Berg, Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Noortje Dijkstra :
    Drill cutting release in Ingøydjupet, SW Barents Sea from a well drilled in 1987, and its impact on benthic foraminifera
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
  • Anders Tysnes, Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Investigating the variability of Atlantic water inflow to the southwestern Barents Sea through Bjørnøyrenna during the Late Glacial and Holocene based on benthic foraminifera and sediment properties
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Juho Junttila, Noortje Dijkstra :
    Benthic foraminiferal responses to operational drill cutting discharge in the SW Barents Sea - a case study.
  • Noortje Dijkstra, Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Reconstructing pre-impact baseline conditions using benthic foraminifera in an area of increasing petroleum exploration activities
  • Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Noortje Dijkstra :
    Spreading and deposition of drill cuttings in the Barents Sea – Plans of the Barents Sea drill cuttings research initiative (BARCUT) project
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Noortje Dijkstra, Juho Junttila :
    Pre-impacted baselines and bio-monitoring of the marine environment using benthic foraminiferal assemblages – examples from the SW Barents Sea
  • Noortje Dijkstra, Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen :
    Bio-monitoring using benthic foraminiferal assemblages – examples from the SW Barents Sea.
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Matthias Forwick, Morten Hald :
    Paleoceanographic reconstruction in the Olga Basin, northern Barents Sea during the Holocene
  • Katrine Husum, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Sarah Berben, Morten Hald :
    New Holocene sea surface and subsurface temperature reconstructions from the European Arctic: implications for the inflow of Atlantic Water
  • Katrine Husum, Sarah Berben, Patricia Cabedo Sanz, C. V. Dylmer, Diane Groot, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen et al.:
    Holocene paleoceanography and sea ice variability in the European Arctic: a multi-proxy study from west Barents Sea
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, P. Cabedo-Sanz, Katrine Husum, Matthias Forwick, Karin Andreassen, Morten Hald :
    Paleoceanographic reconstruction at the western Barents Sea Margin during the last deglaciation
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Thomas Marchitto, Fred Godtliebsen :
    Holocene Atlantic Water temperature reconstruction in the Nordic Seas based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Matthias Forwick :
    Barents Sea water mass characteristics during and after the deglaciation
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Morten Hald, Katrine Husum, J. Knies, Nalan Koc :
    Late Glacial – Holocene climate variability and sedimentary environments on northern continental shelves. Zonal and meridional Atlantic Water advectio
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2011
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Juho Junttila, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald :
    Atlantic Water inflow to the Arctic Ocean from the last glaciation to the present
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Thomas Marchitto, Kirstin Werner, Robert f. Spielhagen et al.:
    Mg/Ca paleotemperature reconstructions of Atlantic Water advected to the European subarctic and arctic margins the past 14.000 cal yr B.P
  • Morten Hald, Katrine Husum, Dorthe Klitgaard Kristensen, Nalan Koc, Arto Miettinen, Simon Pind Jessen et al.:
    Past oceanographic changes in the European Arctic: New results from the IPY SciencePub project
  • Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Anne Burhol, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk :
    Improving Ocean Temperature Proxies – Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures in northern high-latitude oceans
  • Juho Junttila, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Morten Hald :
    Late Glacial – Holocene clay minerals elucidating glacial history in the SW Barents Sea
  • Katrine Husum, Morten Hald, Anne Burhol, Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk :
    Reconstructions of Arctic sea surface temperatures: new and improved planktic foraminiferal proxies
  • Steffen Aagaard Sørensen, Katrine Husum, Tom Marchitto, Morten Hald, Kirstin Werner, Robert Spielhagen :
    Paleotemperature reconstructions of inflowing Atlantic Water to the European subarctic and arctic margin during the last glacial/interglacial cycle using Mg/Ca ratios

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Marine geology

    Impact of pollution on marine benthic microfauna