Project Manager and Polar Benthic Ecologist Department of Geosciences +4777646288 Tromsø You can find me here


  • Terri Ann Souster, David K. A. Barnes, Raul Primicerio, Lis Lindal Jørgensen :
    Quantifying zoobenthic blue carbon storage across habitats within the Arctic’s Barents Sea
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hugh Venables, Michael P. Meredith, Katharine R Hendry, Petra Ten Hoopen, Helen Peat, Alice Chapman et al.:
    Sustained year-round oceanographic measurements from Rothera Research Station, Antarctica, 1997–2017
    Nature Communications 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Simon A. Morley, TERRI SOUSTER, Belinda J. Vause, Laura Gerrish, Lloyd S. Peck, David K. A. Barnes :
    Benthic Biodiversity, Carbon Storage and the Potential for Increasing Negative Feedbacks on Climate Change in Shallow Waters of the Antarctic Peninsula
    Biology (Basel) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • David K.A. Barnes, James B. Bell, Amelia Bridges, Louise Ireland, Kerry L. Howell, Stephanie Martin et al.:
    Climate Mitigation through Biological Conservation: Extensive and Valuable Blue Carbon Natural Capital in Tristan da Cunha’s Giant Marine Protected Zone
    Information 16. December 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian März, Felipe Freitas, Johan Christoph Faust, Jasmin A. Godbold, Sian F Henley, Alyson Tessin et al.:
    Biogeochemical consequences of a changing Arctic shelf seafloor ecosystem
    Ambio 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Raul Primicerio, Andre Frainer Barbosa, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet, Anna Siwertsson et al.:
    Climate driven ecosystem reorganization and cumulative risk in the High North
  • Raul Primicerio, Andre Frainer Barbosa, Berengere Husson, Ulf Ove Lindstrøm, Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet, Anna Siwertsson et al.:
    Climate Driven Ecosystem Reorganization and Cumulative Risk in the Arctic
  • Jemma Louise Wadham, Monica Caroline Mackay Winsborrow, Terri Ann Souster :
    Centre for Ice, Cryosphere, Carbon and Climate (iC3). Closing large-scale uncertainty in Polar ice sheet impacts on the global carbon cycle
    2023 ARKIV

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Souster, T.A., Morley, S. A., Cordingley, A., Barnes, D.K.A., Peck, L.S (In preparation) Quantification of benthic biodiversity and biomass in time, space and changes with season at an Antarctic site. Global Ecology and Biogeography

    Souster, T.A., Barnes, D.K.A., Hopkins, J (2020). How does zoobenthic blue carbon natural capital vary in Arctic Barents Sea, and compare with West Antarctic shelf sediments? Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A (Special Edition)

    Souster, T.A., Morley, S. A., Peck, L.S. (2018) Seasonality of oxygen consumption in five common benthic marine invertebrates, Antarctica. Journal of Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s003000-018-2251-

    Barnes, D.K.A. Souster, T.A. (2011) Reduced survival of Antarctic benthos linked to climate induced iceberg scouring. Nature Climate Change. 1: 365-368

    Clark, M.S.,Souster, T.A. (2012) Arm regeneration in the cold: delayed early phases in Antarctic brittle stars. Aquatic Biology 16: 105-113

    Peck, L.S., Souster, T.A., Clark M.S. (2013) Juveniles are more resistant to warming than adults in 4 species of Antarctic marine invertebrates. PLoS One 8:6

    Research interests

    Benthic marine ecology, physiology and biodiversity



    Supervised Undergraduate students in their work placement year at Ulster University, Northern Ireland

    Taught masters students on career progression, collaboration and networking

    NERC Polar Fieldwork Course, Cambridge and The Arctic

    Supervised PhD students in their fieldwork in Antarctica



    Email:                 Mobile. 07582690625

    I am a self-motivated, independent and conscientious marine scientist with extensive research experience who works well, both independently, and within a team. My research interests are biodiversity, physiology and ecology. I have worked as a marine biologist for the past 12 years. During this time I have become competent in GIS and multivariate statistical analysis and communicated my research through multiple publications and presentations at international conferences. I have developed extensive skills and capabilities in both field and lab-based marine biological research. Capable of applying myself in situations where complex strategic problems need to be resolved to the benefit of all parties concerned. I am an outgoing and friendly person who is always up for a challenge. I am very organised and enjoy project management as well as organisation of daily routine tasks. I am proudly international, born in South Africa and I have collaborations in many global universities.  My career aim is to gain a role were I feel like I am contributing to making a positive difference.


    Previous employment:

    April 2019 – September 2020: Post Doctoral Marine Scientist, Ulster University

    Research into non-invasive monitoring methods such as drop down video, ROV’s and environmental DNA for marine protective areas management and monitoring, Part of the EU funded MarPAMM project

    Research skills:

    Ø  Lead, Plan and coordinate seagoing fieldwork

    Ø  Apply for external funding

    Ø  Strong numeracy and IT skills, proficiency in Microsoft, analytical software, statistical analysis, Geographical Information systems (GIS) and communication software such as Zoom and Microsoft teams

    Ø  Interpersonal skills, to work with a variety of people from government officials, stakeholders, ships        crew and university students

    Ø  Methodical mind for analysing and interpreting data 

    Ø  Tenacity to drive and seek new funding opportunities

    Ø  Image Annotation

    Ø  Scientific communication at international conferences

    November 2017 – March 2019: Post Doctoral Marine Scientist The British Antarctic Survey

    Data analysis and manuscript preparation using multiple sets of Antarctic biodiversity data to look at change in shallow water marine biodiversity over the last two decades. Blue carbon stock variability on benthic macro fauna from The Arctic as part of the NERC Chandging Arctic Oceans Project

    July 2014 – October 2017:  PhD student: The British Antarctic Survey and The Open University

    PhD title: Marine Biodiversity of Antarctic hard rock communities: species biomass and energy use.

    Independent research into the effect of climate change on shallow-water (30m) benthic marine invertebrates, looking at; biodiversity, physiology and molecular biology.

    Research skills:

    Ø  Ecology: diving, construction of underwater sampling equipment; taxonomic identification of species using taxonomic keys; QGIS biodiversity mapping

    Ø  Physiology: Animal husbandry, Closed chamber respirometry

    Ø  Molecular: DNA extraction, PCR, cloning, sequence analysis using BLAST, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Ø  Analytical: Multivariate statistical experience using PRIMER, Analysis of variance using MINITAB

    Ø  Scientific writing: journal publications





    Additional research experience and employment history:

    2010- 2012: Marine Biologist: The British Antarctic Survey 

    Independently led research on the effects of climate change on benthic marine invertebrates, thermal tolerance and iceberg disturbance. Coordinated a small research team to conduct field research in an Antarctic winter

    Research cruise on the RV Australis, January 2012: Marine biology and oceanography of the water column and seabed

    Research skills

    Physiology: Thermal limit experiments to understand whether juveniles will be more resistant to warming then adults

    2008-2011: Marine Assistant: The British Antarctic Survey

    Collected and analyzed oceanographic sampling data, conducted regular ecological surveys of invertebrate recruitment, abundance and behavior.

    Research cruise on RV James Clarke Ross (December 2008) Oceanography cruise Drake’s Passage  RV Research cruise on RV James Clarke Ross (December 2009) Marine Biodiversity off the Antarctic continental shelf

    Research skills:

    Ø  Settlement panels: Deployment of artificial substrata to monitor monthly settlement of new recruits using underwater macro photography

    Ø  Aquarium: Upkeep, maintenance and animal husbandry of the main aquarium and transport aquarium

    Ø  Sediment: Sediment sampling for biodiversity of the epi benthos using an underwater suction sampler

    Ø  CTD: Programming, Deploying, Downloading and Analysing data

    Ø  Water sampling: Chlorophylls, Ammonia, Nutrients, HPLC, Salts, Isotopes and Bromocarbons

    Ø  Loggers: Temperature and pressure logger deployment and analysis of data

    Ø  Ice data: Long term monitoring of ice thickness

    2007: Coastal and Maritime environmental research (CMER) and The MBA Benthic sampling

    Conducted scientific scuba dives to examine community structure inside and outside the no-take zone at Lundy Island, UK. 

    Research skills:

    Ø  Ship based sampling, deployment of lobster and crab pots

    Ø  Diving, underwater benthic biodiversity sampling, measurement and sexing of Scallops


    Ø  Souster, T.A., Morley, S. A., Cordingley, A., Barnes, D.K.A., Peck, L.S (In preparation) Quantification of benthic biodiversity and biomass in time, space and changes with season at an Antarctic site. Global Ecology and Biogeography

    Ø  Souster, T.A., Barnes, D.K.A., Hopkins, J (2020). How does zoobenthic blue carbon natural capital vary in Arctic Barents Sea, and compare with West Antarctic shelf sediments? Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A (Special Edition)

    Ø  Souster, T.A., Morley, S. A., Peck, L.S. (2018) Seasonality of oxygen consumption in five common benthic marine invertebrates, Antarctica. Journal of Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s003000-018-2251-

    Ø  Barnes, D.K.A & Souster, T.A. (2011) Reduced survival of Antarctic benthos linked to climate induced iceberg scouring. Nature Climate Change. 1: 365-368

    Ø  Clark, M.S & Souster, T.A. (2012) Arm regeneration in the cold: delayed early phases in Antarctic brittle stars. Aquatic Biology 16: 105-113

    Ø  Peck, L.S., Souster, T.A., Clark M.S. (2013) Juveniles are more resistant to warming than adults in 4 species of Antarctic marine invertebrates. PLoS One 8:6

    Presentations at meetings and science communication

    Ø  Benthic imagery and photogrammetry for ecological applications. British Ecological Society, Belfast 2019

    Ø  Non-invasive monitoring methods such for marine protected areas. Marine Imaging Workshop, Vancouver 2019

    Ø  Quantification of benthic biodiversity and biomass in time, space and changes with season at an Antarctic site. Marine Biology Symposium, Belgium 2018

    Ø  Loss of benthic biodiversity and biomass at a shallow coastal site in Antarctica due to increased ice scour. Scientific Conference for Antarctic Research. Belgium. 2017

    Ø  Antarctica and climate change, Outreach talk at The Natural History Museum. UK. 2017

    Ø  Benthic marine biodiversity and physiology in Antarctica. University of Cape Town Oceanography department and A Marine Biologist in Antarctica, Plymouth University 2017

    Additional qualifications


    ·       Agisoft for benthic photogrammetry research

    ·       ERDAS Imagine for work with remotely sensed data

    ·       ArcMAP for mapping biodiversity with GIS

    ·       PostgresSQL and PostGIS for queries on non-spatial and spatial data when working with big data

    ·       QGIS for mapping benthic biodiversity

    ·       BIIGLE for benthic image annotations

    Microsoft office

    ·       Microsoft PowerPoint Intermediate 2016

    ·       Microsoft Word Advanced 2016

    ·       Microsoft 2016 Advanced Formulae and Functions


    ·       2019; Supervised Undergraduate students in their work placement year at Ulster University, Northern Ireland

    ·       2019; Taught masters students on career progression, collaboration and networking

    ·       2018; NERC Polar Fieldwork Course, Cambridge and The Arctic

    ·       2010-2016; Supervised PhD students in their fieldwork in Antarctica

    Medical and first Aid

    ·       2013; HSE First Aid at work – Plymouth College of further education

    ·       2009; IMCA Diver medic technician – Diving and Diseases research centre UK

    ·       2008; HSE Oxygen administration – Diving and Diseases research centre UK


    ·       2006; HSE Part iv Professional scientific diver - Diving and Sailing Centre University of Plymouth

    ·       2000; BSAC Dive leader and Assistant Instructor

    Boating and sea going experience

    ·       2018; Maritime Coastal Agency (MCA) Sea Survival –  Plymouth

    ·       2008; RYA National power boat level 2 – Diving and Sailing center University of Plymouth

    ·       2007; Practical rescue management

    ·       2005; Maritime Coastal Agency (MCA) VHF Short range certificate – Plymouth


    ·       Advanced Leadership Course London 2004

    Public and media presentations

    Ø  January 2013; BBC Natural history unit, part of film crew filming last four episodes of deadly 60

    Ø  August 2010; BBC Radio 2 program with Simon Mayo

    Ø  July 2010; Israeli Channel 2 program on climate change

    Ø  Austral summer 2009/10; BBC Frozen planet

    Ø  January 2009; Reuters, Antarctic sea creatures hypersensitive to warming


    2021                            PG Diploma Remote sensing and GIS

    2017                            PhD Marine Biodiversity, The British Antarctic Survey and The Open University

    2007                            BSc (Hons) Marine Biology University of Plymouth UK

    Qualifications, awards and languages

    Nationality: South Africa/ British Citizen              Languages: Spanish: conversational level

    Driving; 2004 Full UK Driving License – clean license


