Bilde av D'Amboise, Christopher
Bilde av D'Amboise, Christopher
Postdoc Department of Geosciences Tromsø You can find me here

Christopher D'Amboise

Job description

Work within the framework of the IMPETUS project with a focus on how the frequency and magnitude of natural hazards will change in a warming climate. 

  • Vilde Edvardsen Hansen, Christopher James D'Amboise, Louise Mary Vick :
    Limitations of RAMMS:Debrisflow as a slushflow simulation tool
    International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings 2024 ARKIV
  • Sarah Valent, Nilas Tilo Mikkelsen, Jordy Hendrikx, Holt Hancock, Christopher James D'Amboise, Louise Mary Vick et al.:
    University snow science courses - an analysis of student learning outcomes
    International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings 2024 ARKIV
  • Christopher James D'Amboise, Vilde Edvardsen Hansen, Louise Mary Vick :
    Motivation for slushflow classification
    International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings 2024 ARKIV
  • Yoichi Ito, Graham Gilbert, Dieter Issler, Callum Tregaskis, Louise Mary Vick, Carly Faber et al.:
    Building resilience to avalanches and other climate-driven geohazards through international collaboration in education: experience from the GEOMME partnership
    International Snow Science Workshops (ISSW) Proceedings 2024 ARKIV
  • Christopher James D'Amboise, Karsten Müller, Laurent Oxarango, Samuel Morin, Thomas Schuler :
    Implementation of a physically based water percolation routine in the Crocus/SURFEX (V7.3) snowpack model
    Geoscientific Model Development 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher James D'Amboise, Vilde Edvardsen Hansen, Jordy Hendrikx, Louise Mary Vick :
    The initial steps for a data science investigation on slushflows in northern Norway

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    • Accastello, Cristian; Poratelli, Francesca; Renner, Kathrin; Cocuccioni, Silvia; D’Amboise, Christopher JL; Teich, Michaela; ,Risk-based decision support for protective forest and natural hazard management,,,,,2022,IntechOpen
    • D'Amboise, Christopher; Plörer, Matthias; Hormes, Anne; Adams, Marc; Kleemayr, Karl; Teich, Michaela; ,Identifying object protection forest for natural hazards with the model Flow-py,EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts,,,EGU21-14315,2021,
    • Plörer, Matthias; Teich, Michaela; Tagliavini, Fabrizio; Dainese, Roberta; Cesca, Matteo; D‘Amboise, Christopher; Adams, Marc; Pittore, Massimiliano; ,D3. 3REPORTONCASCADINGEFFECTS OFSTORM-RELATEDLANDCOVER CHANGEONALPINENATURALHAZARDS,,,,,,
    • Kogelbauer, Ilse; Heine, Erwin; D'Amboise, Christopher; Müllebner, Christoph; Sokol, Wolfgang; Loiskandl, Willibald; ,Adaptation of soil physical measurement techniques for the delineation of mud and lakebed sediments at Neusiedler See,Sensors,13,12,17067-17083,2013,Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
    • Cocuccioni, Silvia; Renner, Kathrin; Steger, Stefan; D’Amboise, Christopher; Hormes, Anne; Plörer, Matthias; BFW, Michaela Teich; ,D. T3. 2.1 Report on “Preparation for risk analysis and strategy workshops”,,,,,,
    • D'Amboise, Christopher; Neuhauser, Michael; Hormes, Anne; Ploerer, Matthias; Fischer, Jan-Thomas; Teich, Michaela; ,Modelling forest effects on snow avalanche runout with the Flow-Py simulation tool,,,,,2022,Copernicus Meetings
    • D'Amboise, Christopher James Laplante; ,"Development of profile measurements using a frequency domain reflectometry sensor in a soft sludge, and calibration for use in the Neusiedlersee",,,,,2012,na
    • D’Amboise, Christopher James Laplante; Teich, Michaela; Hormes, Anne; Steger, Stefan; Berger, Frédéric; ,Modeling protective forests for gravitational natural hazards and how it relates to risk-based decision support tools,Protective forests as Ecosystem-based solution for Disaster Risk Reduction (ECO-DRR),,,,2021,IntechOpen
    • D'Amboise, Christopher JL; Neuhauser, Michael; Teich, Michaela; Huber, Andreas; Kofler, Andreas; Perzl, Frank; Fromm, Reinhard; Kleemayr, Karl; Fischer, Jan-Thomas; ,"Flow-Py v1. 0: a customizable, open-source simulation tool to estimate runout and intensity of gravitational mass flows",Geoscientific Model Development,15,6,2423-2439,2022,Copernicus GmbH
    • Neuhauser, Michael; D'Amboise, Christopher; Teich, Michaela; Fischer, Jan Thomas; ,Flow-Py: Identifying protection forests and their effects on gravitational natural hazard processes on a regional scale,EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts,,,21938,2020,
    • d'Amboise, Christopher JL; Müller, Karsten; Oxarango, Laurent; Morin, Samuel; Schuler, Thomas V; ,Implementation of a physically based water percolation routine in the Crocus/SURFEX (V7. 3) snowpack model,Geoscientific Model Development,10,9,3547-3566,2017,Copernicus GmbH
    • Cocuccioni, S; Renner, K; Steger, S; D’Amboise, C; Hormes, A; Plörer, M; ,D. T3. 2.1 Report on “Preparation for risk analysis and strategy workshops”[Internet]. 2020,,,,,,
    • D’Amboise, CJL; Žabota, B; Poratelli, F; Pecan, P; Plörer, M; Accastello, C; ,A. T1. 6 Construction of the innovative and new protective forest assessment tool (FAT)[Internet]. 2021,,,,,,
    • D’Amboise, CJL; Neuhauser, M; Teich, M; Huber, A; Kofler, A; Perzl, F; Fromm, R; Fischer, JT; ,"Flow-Py v1. 0: A customizable, open-source simulation tool to estimate runout and intensity of gravitational mass flows [working title]",Geoscientific Model Development,,,,,
    • D'Amboise, CJL; Müller, K; Oxarango, L; Morin, S; Schuler, TV; ,"Implementation of a physically based water percolation routine in the Crocus/SURFEX (V7. 3) snowpack model, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3547–3566, 10.5194",,,,,2017,gmd-10-3547-2017
    • Neuhauser, M; D’Amboise, CJL; Teich, M; Kofler, A; Huber, A; Fromm, R; ,Flow-Py: routing and stopping of gravitational mass flows (Version 1.0),,,,,2021,Zenodo

    Research interests

    Snow science, Avalanche formation, Wet snow avalanches, Slush flows, Rockfall and Landslides.

    Methods that I have used in my research are computer simulations, statistics, snow pit and field measurements, sensor development, drone flights and machine learning. 


    Snow and avalanches Geo 2015