Barsha Pattanaik,
Sourav Mandal,
Rudra M Tripathy,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Ensemble approach to rumor detection with BERT, GPT, and POS features
International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology 2024
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Tirthankar Halder,
Anel Mahmutovic,
Clément Ajayi,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
et al.:
Single-cell phenotypic profiling and backtracing exposes and predicts clinically relevant subpopulations in isogenic Staphylococcus aureus communities
Ratnabali Pal,
Samarjit Kar,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Enhancing Accessibility in Online Shopping: A Dataset and Summarization Method for Visually Impaired Individuals
Barsha Pattanaik,
Sourav Mandal,
Rudra M. Tripathy,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Rumor detection using dual embeddings and text-based graph convolutional network
Discover Artificial Intelligence 2024
Himanshu Singh,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Ultrasonic image denoising using machine learning in point contact excitation and detection method
Ayush Somani,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Ida Sundvor Opstad,
Åsa birna Birgisdottir,
Truls Myrmel,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
et al.:
Virtual labeling of mitochondria in living cells using correlative imaging and physics-guided deep learning
Biomedical Optics Express 2022
Bidyut Das,
Mukta Majumder,
Santanu Phadikar,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Automatic question generation and answer assessment: a survey
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTL) 2021
Sk Maidul Islam,
Subhankar Joardar,
Debi Prosad Dogra,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Ornament Image Retrieval Using Multimodal Fusion
SN Computer Science 2021
Soumyadeep Samonto,
Samarjit Kar,
Sagarika Pal,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Oscar Castillo,
Gyei-Kark Park
Best fit membership function for designing fuzzy logic controller aided intelligent overcurrent fault protection scheme
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2021
S.W Jun,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Chai Quek,
Dilip K. Prasad
seMLP: Self-evolving Multi-layer Perceptron in Stock Trading Decision Making
Ratnabali Pal,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Debi Prosad Dogra,
Samarjit Kar,
Partha Pratim Roy,
Dilip K. Prasad
Topic-based Video Analysis: A Survey
Q.E. Zhe,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Chai Quek,
Dilip K. Prasad
Recurrent Self-evolving Takagi–Sugeno–Kan Fuzzy Neural Network (RST-FNN) based Type-2 Diabetic Modeling
Bidyut Das,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Mukta Majumder,
Santanu Phadikar
Can deep learning solve a preschool image understanding problem?
Neural Computing & Applications 2021
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Ida Sundvor Opstad,
Gustav Godtliebsen,
Åsa Birna Birgisdottir,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Krishna Agarwal
et al.:
Physics-based machine learning for subcellular segmentation in living cells
Nature Machine Intelligence 2021
Jeow Li Huan,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Chai Quek,
Dilip K. Prasad
Emotionally charged text classification with deep learning and sentiment semantic
Neural Computing & Applications 2021
Ayush Somani,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Ida Sundvor Opstad,
Åsa Birna Birgisdottir,
Truls Myrmel,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
et al.:
Digital Staining of Mitochondria in Label-free Live-cell Microscopy
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Ida Sundvor Opstad,
Åsa Birna Birgisdottir,
Truls Myrmel,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Krishna Agarwal
et al.:
Learning nanoscale motion patterns of vesicles in living cells
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2020
Feng Liu,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Chai Quek,
Geok See Ng,
Dilip K. Prasad
RS-HeRR: a rough set-based Hebbian rule reduction neuro-fuzzy system
Neural Computing & Applications 2020
Sourav Mondal,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Solving Arithmetic Word Problems: A Deep Learning Based Approach
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 31. August 2020
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Debi Prasad Dogra,
Samarjit Kar,
Partha Pratim Roy
Video trajectory analysis using unsupervised clustering and multi-criteria ranking
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications 13. May 2020
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Debi Prasad Dogra,
Samarjit Kar,
Partha Pratim Roy,
Dilip K. Prasad
Can We Automate Diagrammatic Reasoning?
Soumyadeep Samonto,
Samarjit Kar,
Sagarika Pal,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Fuzzy logic based multistage relaying model for cascaded intelligent fault protection scheme
Electric power systems research 2020
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Debi Prasad Dogra,
Heeseung Choi,
Seungho Chae,
Ig-Jae Kim
Person re-identification in videos by analyzing spatio-temporal tubes
Multimedia Tools and Applications 23. June 2020
Maji Debasis,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Automatic Grading of Retinal Blood Vessel in Deep Retinal Image Diagnosis
Journal of Medical Systems 01. September 2020
Ratnabali Pal,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Samarjit Kar,
Dilip K. Prasad
Neural Network Based Country Wise Risk Prediction of COVID-19
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Debi Prosad Dogra,
Samarjit Kar,
Partha Pratim Roy,
Dilip K. Prasad
ELM-HTM guided bio-inspired unsupervised learning for anomalous trajectory classification
Cognitive Systems Research 2020
Bidyut Das,
Mukta Majumder,
Santanu Phadikar,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
Automatic generation of fill-in-the-blank question with corpus-based distractors for e-assessment to enhance learning
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 2019