Jordy Hendrikx
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Publications outside Cristin
Recent Publications (last five years):
Hendrikx, J., Jones, A., Jamieson, B., Argue, C., Buhler, R., Goodrich, J., 2022. The potential impacts of climate change on snow avalanche hazards on the Trans-Canada Highway in Glacier National Park. XVI PIARC World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress, Calgary, Canada, 8-11 February, 2022. Accepted.
Sanderson, J., Hendrikx, J., Goodrich, J., Steinkogler, W., Dreier, L., Argue, C., Jones, A., 2022. Evaluation of an Avalanche Detection System in Glacier National Park. XVI PIARC World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress, Calgary, Canada, 8-11 February, 2022. Accepted.
Mullen, A., Sproles, E.A., Hendrikx, J., Shaw, J.A., Gatebe, C., 2022. An operational methodology for validating satellite-based snow albedo measurements using a UAV. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2:767593. doi: 10.3389/frsen.2021.767593
Mannberg A, Hendrikx J, Johnson J, Hetland A., 2021. Powder Fever and Its Impact on Decision-Making in Avalanche Terrain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(18):9496.
Hancock, H., Hendrikx, J., Eckerstorfer, M., and Wickström, S., 2021. Synoptic control on snow avalanche activity in central Spitsbergen, The Cryosphere, 15, 3813–3837,
Peitzsch, E.H., Pederson, G.T., Birkeland, K.W., Hendrikx, J., and Fagre, D.B., 2021. Climate drivers of large magnitude snow avalanche years in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains. Scientific Reports 11, 10032.
Stephenson, M.B., Schulze, C., Landrø, M., Hendrikx, J., Hetland, A., 2021. Should I Judge Safety or Danger? Perceived Risk Depends on the Question Frame. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
Johnson, J., and Hendrikx, J., 2021. Using citizen science to document terrain use and decision making of back country users. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1): 8, pp. 1–15. DOI:
Schauer, A. R., Hendrikx, J., Birkeland, K. W., and Mock, C. J., 2021. Synoptic atmospheric circulation patterns associated with deep persistent slab avalanches in the western United States, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 757–774,
Peitzsch, E.H., Hendrikx, J., Stahle, D.K., Pederson, G.T., Birkeland, K.W., and Fagre, D.B., 2021. A regional spatio-temporal analysis of large magnitude snow avalanches using tree rings. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 533-557.
Mannberg., A., Hendrikx, J., Johnson, J., 2020. Risky Positioning – Social Aspirations and Risk-Taking Behavior in Avalanche Terrain. Leisure Studies.
Johnson, J., Mannberg, A., Hendrikx, J., Hetland, A., Stephensen, M., 2020. Rethinking the heuristic traps paradigm in avalanche education: Past, present and future. Cogent Social Sciences, 6:1
Sykes, J., Hendrikx, J., Johnson, J., Birkeland, K., 2020. Combining GPS tracking and survey data to better understand travel behavior of out-of-bounds skiers. Applied Geography, 122, 102261.
Sproles, E. A., Mullen, A.L., Hendrikx, J., Gatebe, C., Taylor, S., 2020. Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) as a Tool for Improving the Spatial Resolution of Snow Albedo Measurements in Mountainous Regions. Hydrology, 7(3), 41;
Larsen, H.T., Hendrikx, J., Slåtten, M.S., and Engeset, R.V., 2020. Developing nationwide avalanche terrain maps for Norway. Natural Hazards, 103, 2829–2847.
Saly, D., Hendrikx, J., Birkeland, K., Challender, S., Johnson, J., 2020. Using time-lapse photography to document terrain preferences of backcountry skiers. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 172, 102994.
Hancock, H., Eckerstorfer, M., Prokop, A., Hendrikx, J., 2020. Quantifying seasonal cornice dynamics using a terrestrial laser scanner in Svalbard, Norway. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), 20, 603-623.
Mannberg, A., Hendrikx, J., Landrø, M., Stefan, M.A., 2018. Who's at risk in the backcountry? Effects of individual characteristics on hypothetical terrain choices. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 59, 46-53.
Hancock, H., Prokop, A., Eckerstorfer, M., Hendrikx, J., 2018. Combining high spatial resolution snow mapping and meteorological analyses to improve forecasting of destructive avalanches in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 154, 120-132.
Hendrikx, J. Johnson, J., and Shelly, C., 2016. Using GPS tracking to explore terrain preferences of heli-ski guides. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 13, 34-43.
Johnson, J., Haegeli, P., Hendrikx, J., and Savage, S., 2016. Accident causes and organizational culture among avalanche professionals. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 13, 49-56.
Wetlaufer, K., Hendrikx, J., Marshall, L., 2016. Spatial Heterogeneity of Snow Density and its Influence on Snow Water Equivalence Estimates in a Large Mountainous Basin. Hydrology, 3(1), 3; doi:10.3390/hydrology3010003.
Research interests
I am a snow scientist, and my research focuses primarily on snow as a hazard. I am interested in snow across a range of spatial and temporal scales. Most of my work has a strong process based, observational, field component. I am also interested in the intersection between people and hazards - specifically decision making, terrain use, risk and uncertainty.