Berhane Darsene Dimd,
Steve Völler,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Alexis Gerard Edouard Sevault
The effect of mixed orientation on the accuracy of a forecast model for building integrated photovoltaic systems
Berhane Darsene Dimd,
Steve Völler,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Umit Cali,
Alexis Gerard Edouard Sevault
Quantification of the Impact of Azimuth and Tilt Angle on the Performance of a PV Output Power Forecasting Model for BIPVs
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 2023
Berhane Darsene Dimd,
Steve Völler,
Umit Cali,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
A Review of Machine Learning-Based Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting: Nordic Context
Berhane Darsene Dimd,
Steve Völler,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tarikua Mekashaw Zenebe
Ultra-Short-term Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting using Deep Learning Algorithms
IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference 2022
Tarikua Mekashaw Zenebe,
Lemu Kebede,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Steve Völler
Performance Evaluation and Operational Faults Analysis for PV System Protection and Safety Standard Improvement
Ida Fuchs,
Anja Myhre Waitz,
Kari Thorset Lervik,
Steve Völler,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Jayaprakash Rajasekharan
Optimal Design and Installation of Solar Home Systems for Bottom-up Grids: Comparative Case Studies from Kenya and Norway
Tarikua Mekashaw Zenebe,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Steve Völler,
Umit Cali
Machine Learning for PV System Operational Fault Analysis: Literature Review
Springer Publishing Company 2022
Fredrik T. B. W. Göthner,
Javier Roldan-Pérez,
Raymundo E. Torres Olguin,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Reduced-Order Model of Distributed Generators with Internal Loops and Virtual Impedance
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2021
Fredrik T. B. W. Göthner,
Javier Roldan-Pérez,
Raymundo E. Torres Olguin,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Harmonic Virtual Impedance Design for Optimal
Management of Power Quality in Microgrids
IEEE transactions on power electronics 2021
Fredrik T. B. W. Göthner,
Raymundo E. Torres Olguin,
Javier Roldan-Pérez,
Atle Rygg,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Apparent Impedance-Based Adaptive Controller for Improved Stability of Droop-Controlled Microgrid
IEEE transactions on power electronics 2021
Ole Christian Spro,
Pierre Lefranc,
Sanghyeon Par,
Juan Rivas-Davila,
Dimosthenis Peftitsis,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
et al.:
Optimized Design of Multi-MHz Frequency Isolated Auxiliary Power Supply for Gate Drivers in Medium-Voltage Converters
IEEE transactions on power electronics 2020
Chee Lim Nge,
K.M. Iromi Udumbara Ranaweera,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Lars Einar Norum
A real-time energy management system for smart grid integrated photovoltaic generation with battery storage
Fredrik T. B. W. Göthner,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Raymundo E. Torres Olguin,
Javier Roldan-Pérez
Virtual Impedance Design for Power Quality and Harmonic Sharing Improvement in Microgrids
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2019
Subhadra Tiwari,
Supratim Basu,
Tore Marvin Undeland,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Efficiency and Conducted EMI evaluation of a single-phase power factor correction boost converter using state-of-the-art SiC MOSFET and SiC diode
IEEE transactions on industry applications 2019
Subhadra Tiwari,
John K. Langelid,
Tore Marvin Undeland,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Merits of SiC MOSFETs for high-frequency soft-switched converters,measurement verifications by both electrial and calorimetric methods
EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives 2019
Subhadra Tiwari,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
An insight into geometry and orientation of capacitors for high-speed power circuits
IEEE conference proceedings 2018
Fredrik T. B. W. Göthner,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Raymundo E. Torres Olguin,
Salvatore D'Arco
Effect of Including Transient Virtual Impedance in Droop-Controlled Microgrids
IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2018
Subhadra Tiwari,
Ibrahim Abed Abuishmais,
John Kåre Langelid,
Richard Lund,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Characterization of body diodes in the-state-of-the-art SiC FETs-Are they good enough as freewheeling diodes?
IEEE conference proceedings 2018
Subhadra Tiwari,
Tore Marvin Undeland,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Roy Nilsen
SiC MOSFETs for Offshore Wind Applications
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 2018
Ole Christian Spro,
Giuseppe Guidi,
Kjell Ljøkelsøy,
Magnar Hernes,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices
Iromi Ranaweera,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Magnus Korpås,
Hossein Farahmand
Control strategies for residential battery energy storage systems coupled with PV systems
Ole Christian Spro,
Dimosthenis Peftitsis,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Modelling and quantification of power losses due to dynamic on-state resistance of GaN E-mode HEMT
IEEE conference proceedings 2017
Subhadra Tiwari,
John Kåre Langelid,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Soft switching loss measurements of a 1.2 kV SiC MOSFET module by both electrical and calorimetric methods for high frequency applications
IEEE conference proceedings 2017
Iromi Ranaweera,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Magnus Korpås
Distributed control scheme for residential battery energy storage units coupled with PV systems
Subhadra Tiwari,
John Kåre Langelid,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Hard and soft switching losses of a SiC MOSFET module under realistic topology and loading conditions
IEEE conference proceedings 2017
Subhadra Tiwari,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland,
Richard Lund
Parasitic capacitances and inductances hindering utilization of the fast switching potential of SiC power modules. Simulation model verified by experiment
IEEE conference proceedings 2017
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Måter å telle energi på, og poenget med elektrifisering; Elektrifisering av Norge, og mitt eget synspunkt
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Hvorfor skal vi elektrifisere energisystemet, og hva er mulige veivalg?
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Ny leiar med ambisjonar: - Eg vil vere med å ta NTVA til neste nivå
Tarikua Mekashaw Zenebe,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Steve Völler,
Berhane Darsene Dimd
Photovoltaic Array Operational Fault Analysis with Machine Learning Using Pretrained Deep Learning Models for Feature Selection
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Skeptisk til løsningen: – Realiteten er at kjernekraft er dyrt
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Elektrifisering av Norge er enkelt
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Skiftende skydekke i energidebatten
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Fakta og verdivurderinger i kjernekraftdebatten
Ole-Morten Midtgård
NTNU-professor ønsker mer kritisk kjernekraftdebatt
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Kjernekraftpropaganda virker
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Spørsmålet om kjernekraft krever et ikke-teknokratisk perspektiv
Ole-Morten Midtgård
NTNU Clean Aviation
Ole-Morten Midtgård
NRK P1+ Ferievikarene
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Jonas Kristiansen Nøland
Elektrifisering av luftfart
Ida Fuchs,
Anja Myhre Waitz,
Kari Thorset Lervik,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Steve Völler,
Jayaprakash Rajasekharan
Optimal Design and Installation of Solar Home Systems for Bottom-up Grids: Comparative Case Studies from Kenya and Norway
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Solenergi, Praktisk info med Jon Almaas
Ole-Morten Midtgård
5 spørsmål om hydrogen-fly
Runar Mellerud,
Jonas Kristiansen Nøland,
Christian Magnus Hartmann,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Superledere er løsningen på utslippsfrie fly
Jonas Kristiansen Nøland,
Ingrid Schjølberg,
Ole-Morten Midtgård
Hydrogendrevne elfly kan gjøre luftfarten utslippsfri
Ole-Morten Midtgård
I 2035 kan vi få flytrafikk uten utslipp
Ole-Morten Midtgård
AV-utstyr i auditoriene: Bare gjør det! 31. August 2020
Ole Christian Spro,
Giuseppe Guidi,
Kjell Ljøkelsøy,
Magnar Hernes,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Driver stage implementation with improved turn-on and turn-off delay for wide band gap devices
Ole-Morten Midtgård
CINELDI - et nytt forskningssenter for miljøvennlig energi
Ole Christian Spro,
Dimosthenis Peftitsis,
Ole-Morten Midtgård,
Tore Marvin Undeland
Modelling and quantification of power losses due to dynamic on-state resistance of GaN E-mode HEMT