![Bilde av Kvidal-Røvik, Trine](https://en.uit.no/Content/567336/cache=20222601170840/transformation=kompJpgHighUtlistingLowComp/IMG_9084.jpg)
![Bilde av Kvidal-Røvik, Trine](https://en.uit.no/Content/567336/cache=20222601170840/transformation=kompJpgHighUtlistingLowComp/IMG_9084.jpg)
Trine Kvidal-Røvik
Job description
I am Vice Dean for Research at Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSL-fak) with a particular responsibility for the ph.d.-education.
My academic background is in media, communication and Cultural Studies. I am Professor in Communication and Cultural Studies.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
I am a Professor in Communication and Cultural Studies. My academic background is in media, communication and Cultural Studies.
- Communication, media, and society
- Media and popular culture
- Power and media representations
- Place, society and media
Research projects:
Intangiblization, Materializations and Mobilities of Kven Heritage: Contemporary Articulations in Fields of Family, Museums, and Culture Industry (WP Leader)
This project dealt with contemporary Kven heritage articulations. Consortium: UiT, Vadsø museum-Ruija Kvenmuseum, Nicolaysen Film AS
Funded by: Forskningsrådet, SAMKUL-programmet
Vandreutstilling med lokal forankring: Formidling, samhandling og flerstedlig dialog om forskning på kvensk/norskfinsk kulturarv (Researcher)
Samarbeid med Varanger museum, Alta museum, Nord-Troms Museum, Universitetsmuseet, samt andre museum og kvenske institusjoner
Funded by: Forskningsrådet, SAMKUL-programmet
Čatnat: Forskning med og for innovasjon i samisk reiseliv og kreative næringer (WP Leader)
Consortium: Nord Universitet og UiT
Funded by: Regionalt forskningsfond Nord
Sami Entrepreneurs and Research Collaboration (WP leader)
The overall objective is to address entrepreneurial innovation in Sami areas through research collaborations. Consortium: Norut, UiT, Dalarna University
Funded by: Regionalt forskningsfond Nord
Joint Higher Education on Northern Tourism (Project Leader)
The project aims to foster quality improvements, innovation and excellence of higher education on northern tourism, in the context of the Arctic region.
Consortium: UiT, University of Oulu, University of Lapland, University of Umeå, Vancouver Island University, Cape Breton Univerity, University of Iceland
Funded by: SIU High North Programme
Winter: New Turns in Arctic Winter Tourism (WP leader)
In this project we explore winter tourism developments in the Arctic linked to Winter Tourism Activities; Event Tourism; Potensials and Barriers in Mass Tourism Developments; and Tourism Performances and Symbolic Meanings.
Consortium: UiT, Norut, University of Lapland, Cardiff Metropolitan University, University of Alaska, University of Utah, University of Iceland
Funded by: Forskningsrådet
Partnership for Sustainability: Arctic Tourism in Times of Change (Researcher)
Consortium: U of Lapland, U of Umeå, U of Iceland, U of Oulu, Cape Breton University, Vancouver Island University
Funded by: NordRegio
Path Development in Different Regional Settings. Regional Policy Approaches in the Global Economy (Researcher)
Consortium: AFI, IRIS, Norut Alta, Høgskolen i Bergen
Funded by: Forskningsrådet (VRI)
Forutsetninger for verdiskaping i råvarebaserte næringer: Lokale aktører sin posisjon og rolle i Nordiske periferier (WP Leader)
Consortium: Norut Alta, NordRegio, Norut Tromsø
Funded by: RFF Nord
Forankring og bærekraftig verdiskaping i råvarebaserte næringer? Lokale stabilisatorer’s posisjon og rolle i nordiske periferier (Project Leader)
Consortium: Norut Alta, NordRegio, Univ of Akureyri Research Centre
Funded by: Nordisk Ministerråd
Northern Insights. Service Innovation and Tourist Experiences in the High North: The Co-creation of Value for Consumers, Firms and the Tourism Industry (WP Leader)
Consortium: Nord universitet, Nordlandsforskning, UiT, Høgskolen i Harstad, Bioforsk, Norut Alta
Funded by: Forskningsrådet