Lon Strauss,
Njord Wegge
Security and defense of NATO’s northern flank: An introduction
Lon Strauss,
Njord Wegge
The strategic challenge of expeditionary warfare and the defense of NATO’s northern flank
Njord Wegge
Den nye sikkerhetspolitikken i Arktis
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2024
Øystein Solvang,
Njord Wegge
Hvordan skal Nord-Norge forsvares? En analyse av landmakten på NATOs nordflanke.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023
Alf Håkon Hoel,
Njord Wegge
Norges politikk overfor Arktis og Antarktis
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 2022
Njord Wegge
The Strategic Role of Land Power on NATO’s Northern Flank
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2022
Njord Wegge,
Patrick Cullen
Warning of hybrid threats
Routledge 2021
Njord Wegge,
Thorsten Wetzling
Countering Hybrid Threats Through Signals Intelligence and Big Data Analysis?
Palgrave Macmillan 2020
Njord Wegge
Arctic Security Strategies and the North Atlantic States
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2020
Njord Wegge,
Ian Leigh
Intelligence and oversight at the outset of the twenty-first century
Njord Wegge,
Thorsten Wetzling
Contemporary and future challenges to effective intelligence oversight
Njord Wegge
Concluding remarks. The future of intelligence oversight
Njord Wegge,
Cristina-Elena Merticaru
Arctic policy in the European Union
Oxford University Press 2019
Patrick Cullen,
Njord Wegge
Å varsle om hybride trusler
Njord Wegge,
Kathrin Keil
Between classical and critical geopolitics in a changing Arctic
Njord Wegge
Intelligence Oversight and the Security of the State
The international journal of intelligence and counter intelligence 2017
Njord Wegge
Norway: Peaceful State, Crucial Geography, Upheaval and Reform
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2016
Njord Wegge
Governance and Ownership of the Arctic Ocean: Living Resources and the Continental Shelf
World Scientific 2016
Njord Wegge
The European Union's Arctic Policy
Edward Elgar Publishing 2015
Jingchao Peng,
Njord Wegge
China’s bilateral diplomacy in the Arctic
Njord Wegge
The emerging politics of the Arctic Ocean. Future management of the living marine resources
Njord Wegge
China in the Arctic. Interests, Actions and Challenges
Jingchao Peng,
Njord Wegge
China and the Law of the Sea: Implications for Arctic Governance
Njord Wegge
Politics between science, law and sentiments: explaining the European Union's ban on trade in seal products
Environmental Politics 2013
Njord Wegge
Strategic competition and security in a divided Arctic
Njord Wegge,
Colin Wall
The Russian Arctic Threat: Consequences of the Ukraine War
Njord Wegge
Introduksjon: Sikkerhetspolitikk og militærmakt i Arktis
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2023
Njord Wegge
Ukens analyse. Sikkerhetspolitiske endringer i Arktis
Ukens Analyse - Atlanterhavskomiteen 2023
Njord Wegge
Defending Strategic competition in a divided Arctic
Njord Wegge
Hvordan bør Norge forsvares?
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 18. December 2022
Njord Wegge
Reflections on operational challenges for military operations and power projection in the Arctic
Njord Wegge,
Lon Strauss
The strategic challenge of expeditionary warfare and the defence of NATO’s northern flank
Njord Wegge,
Lon Strauss,
John Behrmann
Getting the Joint Force and NATO Ready to Defend the Arctic
Njord Wegge
Combined Joint-Operations and Challenges in the High North
Njord Wegge
Facing the Cold Hard Facts: Complexity in Multi-Domain Operations in the Arctic, views from Norway
Njord Wegge
Landmaktens strategiske rolle på NATOs nord-flanke
Norsk Militært Tidsskrift 2022
Njord Wegge,
Sigbjørn Halsne
Introduction: Security and Military Power in the Arctic
Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2022
Njord Wegge
Kampen om dominans og innflytelse i Arktis
Vårt försvar 2021
Njord Wegge,
Bård Ludvig Thorheim
Vi må beskytte vårt nasjonale handlingsrom i nord
Nordnorsk Debatt 2020
Njord Wegge
"Hybridkrig" og "hybride trusler", hva er det?
Forposten 2020
Njord Wegge
Stormaktsinteresser og sikkerhetspolitiske utviklingstrekk i Arktis. Mulige implikasjoner for Norge
Njord Wegge
Hybridkrig - Hva er det?
Njord Wegge
China's great power ambitions, the Arctic and the Antarctica
Njord Wegge
Arctic Council meeting in Kiruna, May 2013 - Cina but not EU accepted as AC-observers?... Why?
Njord Wegge
Norway: Small State, Arctic and Maritime Great Power? The relationship between Norway and the EU in the High North
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2013
Njord Wegge
Kina og Arktis
Njord Wegge
China's great power ambitions and the Arctic