Virve Ravolainen,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Isabell Eischeid,
Jennifer Sorensen Forbey,
Eva Fuglei,
Tomás Hájek
et al.:
Low spatial habitat overlap of herbivores in the High Arctic tundra
Global Ecology and Conservation 2024
Laura Barbero-Palacios,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Mariana García Criado,
Ilona Kater,
Matteo Petit Bon,
Tiina H. M. Kolari
et al.:
Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review
Magne Neby,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Stefaniya Kamenova Kamenova,
Olivier Devineau,
Eeva Marjatta Soininen
Is the diet cyclic phase-dependent in boreal vole populations?
Ecology and Evolution 17. April 2024
Eeva M Soininen,
Magnus Magnusson,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Nina Elisabeth Eide,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Anders Angerbjörn
et al.:
Macroecological patterns of rodent population dynamics shaped by bioclimatic gradients
Isabell Eischeid,
Jesper Madsen,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Bart A. Nolet,
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Kees H.T. Schreven
et al.:
Snowmelt progression drives habitat selection and vegetation disturbance by an Arctic avian herbivore
Eeva M Soininen,
Magne Neby
Small rodent population cycles and plants – after 70 years, where do we go?
Maria Tuomi,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Katrine S. Hoset,
Eeva M Soininen,
Eero J. Vesterinen,
Tove Aagnes Utsi
et al.:
Novel frontier in wildlife monitoring: Identification of small rodent species from fecal pellets using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Eeva M Soininen,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
Mathilde Le Moullec,
Leif Egil Loe,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen
et al.:
High seasonal overlap in habitat suitability in a non-migratory High Arctic ungulate
Global Ecology and Conservation 26. May 2023
Annett Bartsch,
Helena Bergstedt,
Georg Pointner,
Xaver Muri,
Kimmo Rautiainen,
Leena Leppänen
et al.:
Towards long-term records of rain-on-snow events across the Arctic from satellite data
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Frédéric Barraquand,
Olivier Gimenez,
John-André Henden,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Eeva M Soininen
et al.:
A Dynamic Occupancy Model for Interacting Species with Two Spatial Scales
Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics 2023
Hanna Böhner,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Eeva M Soininen
A semi-automatic workflow to process images from small mammal camera traps
Elin Lindén,
Mariska te Beest,
Ilka Aubreu,
Thomas Moritz,
Maja K. Sundqvist,
Isabel C. Barrio
et al.:
Circum-Arctic distribution of chemical anti-herbivore compounds suggests biome-wide trade-off in defence strategies in Arctic shrubs
Isabel C. Barrio,
Laura Barbero-Palacios,
Elina Kaarlejärvi,
James David Mervyn Speed,
Starri Heiðmarsson,
David S. Hik
et al.:
What are the effects of herbivore diversity on tundra ecosystems? A systematic review protocol
Hilde Karin Midthaug,
Daniel James Hitchcock,
Jan Ove Bustnes,
Anuschka Polder,
Sebastien Descamps,
Arnaud Tarroux
et al.:
Within and between breeding-season changes in contaminant occurrence and body condition in the Antarctic breeding south polar skua
Environmental Pollution (1987) 2021
Michael J. Murphy,
Øystein Tveito,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Issam Rais,
Eeva M Soininen,
John Markus Bjørndalen
et al.:
Experiences Building and Deploying Wireless Sensor Nodes for the Arctic Tundra
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2021
James David Mervyn Speed,
Jesus Adrian Chimal Ballesteros,
Michael David Martin,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Katariina Elsa Maria Vuorinen,
Eeva Marjatta Soininen
Will borealization of Arctic tundra herbivore communities be driven by climate warming or vegetation change?
Isabell Eischeid,
Eeva M Soininen,
Jakob J. Assmann,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jesper Madsen,
Åshild Ø. Pedersen
et al.:
Disturbance mapping in arctic tundra improved by a planning workflow for drone studies: Advancing tools for future ecosystem monitoring
John-André Henden,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Eeva Marjatta Soininen,
Rolf Anker Ims
Accounting for food web dynamics when assessing the impact of mesopredator control on declining prey populations
Journal of Applied Ecology 2021
Isabel C. Barrio,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Eeva M Soininen,
Virve Ravolainen,
C. G. Bueno,
Olivier Gilg
et al.:
Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales
Magne Neby,
Stefaniya Kamenova,
Olivier Devineau,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Eeva M Soininen
Issues of under-representation in quantitative DNA metabarcoding weaken the inference about diet of the tundra vole Microtus oeconomus
Jonas Mölle,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Eeva M Soininen
Using subnivean camera traps to study arctic small mammal community dynamics during winter
Eeva M Soininen,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Ragnhild Bjørkås,
Katrin Björnsdóttir,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Kelly A. Hopping
et al.:
Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Eeva M Soininen,
Virve Ravolainen,
Leif Egil Loe,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
R. Justin Irvine
et al.:
Don't go chasing the ghosts of the past: habitat selection and site fidelity during calving in an Arctic ungulate
Wildlife Biology 01. April 2021
Virve Ravolainen,
Eeva Marjatta Soininen,
Ingibjørg Jonsdottir,
Isabell Eischeid,
Mads C. Forchhammer,
René van der Wal
et al.:
High Arctic ecosystem states: Conceptual models of vegetation change to guide long-term monitoring and research
Matteo Petit Bon,
Katarina Gunnarsdotter Inga,
Ingibjørg Jonsdottir,
Tove Aagnes Utsi,
Eeva M Soininen,
Kari Anne Bråthen
Interactions between winter and summer herbivory affect spatial and temporal plant nutrient dynamics in tundra grassland communities
James David Mervyn Speed,
Ina Åsnes Skjelbred,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Michael David Martin,
Dominique Berteaux,
C. Guillermo Bueno
et al.:
Trophic interactions and abiotic factors drive functional and phylogenetic structure of vertebrate herbivore communities across the Arctic tundra biome
John Markus Bjørndalen,
Otto Anshus,
Tore Brox-Larsen,
Hoai Phuong Ha,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
et al.:
Building a Sensor System for a Large Scale Arctic Observatory
Eeva M Soininen,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Virve Ravolainen,
James David Mervyn Speed
Evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map protocol
Eeva M Soininen,
John-André Henden,
Virve Ravolainen,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Kari Anne Bråthen,
Siw Turid Killengreen
et al.:
Transferability of biotic interactions: temporal consistency of arctic plant-rodent relationships is poor
Håvard Thom,
John Markus Bjørndalen,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Eeva M Soininen,
Siw Turid Killengreen,
Dorothee Ehrich
et al.:
Using machine learning to provide automatic image annotation for wildlife camera traps in the Arctic
Eeva M Soininen,
Sandra Hamel,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz
Importance of study design and robust analyses in ecology – what is the evidence for silica–vole interactions?
Functional Ecology 2017
Isabel C. Barrio,
Elin Lindén,
Mariska te Beest,
Johan Olofsson,
Adrian Rocha,
Eeva M Soininen
et al.:
Background invertebrate herbivory on dwarf birch (Betula
glandulosa-nana complex) increases with temperature
and precipitation across the tundra biome
Eeva M Soininen,
Lucie Zinger,
Ludovic Gielly,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
John-André Henden,
Rolf Anker Ims
Not only mosses: lemming winter diets as described by DNA metabarcoding
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Eeva M Soininen,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Rolf Anker Ims
A large-scale camera trap-based monitoring program for Arctic-alpine small mammals
Eeva M Soininen,
Isabel C. Barrio,
Ragnhild Bjørkås,
Katrín Björnsdóttir,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Kelly Hopping
et al.:
Correction to: Location of studies and evidence of effects of herbivory on Arctic vegetation: a systematic map (Environmental Evidence, (2021), 10, 1, (25), 10.1186/s13750-021-00240-0)
Environmental Evidence 2022
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Erik Framstad,
Vegard Bakkestuen,
Hanna Bohner,
Benjamin Cretois,
Francesco Frassinelli
et al.:
Ny nasjonal smågnagerovervåking i fjell basert på kamerafeller. Forslag til innsamlingsdesign og dataprosessering
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Ole Einar Ellingbø Tveito,
Eeva M. Soininen
Klima-økologisk Observasjonssystem for Arktisk Tundra (COAT)
Ottar 2022
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Eva Fuglei,
Jesper Bruun Mosbacher,
Virve Ravolainen
et al.:
Norwegian Arctic tundra: a panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition
Michael J. Murphy,
Øystein Tveito,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Issam Rais,
Eeva M Soininen,
John Markus Bjørndalen
et al.:
Experiences Building and Deploying Wireless Sensor Nodes for the Arctic Tundra
Martin Biuw,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
André Frainer,
Sandra Hamel,
Benjamin Planque,
Heli Anna Irmeli Routti
et al.:
AMINOR – the Fram Centre’s Research School for Environmental Research
Fram Forum 15. March 2020
Eeva M Soininen,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Magne Neby
Populasjonssykluser hos smågnagere – store ringvirkninger i økosystemet
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Brage Bremset Hansen,
Leif Egil Loe,
Erik Ropstad,
Justin R Irvine,
Audun Stien
et al.:
When ground-ice replaces fjord-ice: results from a study of GPS-collared Svalbard reindeer females
Isabel C. Barrio,
Elin Lindén,
Mariska te Beest,
Johan Olofsson,
Adrian Rocha,
Eeva M Soininen
et al.:
Publisher Correction to: Background invertebrate herbivory on dwarf birch (Betula glandulosa-nana complex) increases with temperature and precipitation across the tundra biome
James David Mervyn Speed,
Eeva M Soininen,
Ina Åsnes Skjelbred,
Michael David Martin,
Isabel C Barrio
Phylogenetic and functional composition of Arctic herbivore assemblages
Håvard Thom,
John Markus Bjørndalen,
Eivind Flittie Kleiven,
Eeva M Soininen,
Siw Turid Killengreen,
Dorothee Ehrich
et al.:
Using machine learning to provide automatic image annotation for wildlife camera traps in the Arctic
John Markus Bjørndalen,
Otto Anshus,
Tore Brox-Larsen,
Hoai Phuong Ha,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
et al.:
Building a Sensor System for a Large Scale Arctic Observatory
Nina Elisabeth Eide,
Marianne Evju,
Kristin O. Nystuen,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Eeva M Soininen,
Maryline Le Vaillant
et al.:
Smågnagerne gir puls og liv til høyfjellet
Maria Toumi,
Francisco J.A. Murguzur,
Katrine S. Hoset,
Eeva M Soininen,
Eero Vesterinen,
Tove Aagnes Utsi
et al.:
Rodent species and sex determination from single fecal pellets using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
Eeva M Soininen
Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT)
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Eva Fuglei,
Virve Ravolainen,
Jack Kohler,
J.-C. Gallet,
Audun Stien
et al.:
Vil overvåke klimatrusselen
Svalbardposten 08. April 2016