Bilde av Flåten, Ola
Bilde av Flåten, Ola
The Norwegian College of Fishery Science +4777645544 You can find me here

Ola Flåten

Professor of resource economics, emeritus

Job description

Aquatic resource- and environmental economics, Aquaculture economics, Fisheries economics

  • Ola Flåten, Knut Heen, Eirik Eriksen Heen :
    Allmennings­ressurser i nord – fellesskap og grunnrente
    Orkana Forlag 2023
  • Ola Flaaten, Eirik Eriksen Heen, Knut Heen :
    Overskudd og ressursrente -mer for Nord-Norge?
    Orkana Forlag 2023 ARKIV
  • Johan Blomquist, Frank Jensen, Staffan Waldo, Ola Flaaten, Maija K. Holma :
    Joint management of marine mammals and a fish species: The case of cod and grey seals in the Nordic-Baltic Sea countries
    Natural Resource Modeling 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ola Flaaten :
    The rise and decline of fishing industry support – with a translation from Norwegian of Bjørn S. Brochmann's 1981 article ‘long-term effects of government support to the fisheries’
    Marine Policy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thi Thanh Thuy Pham, Ola Flaaten, Luong Trong Nguyen, Nghiep Ke Vu :
    Subsidies—Help or Hurt? A Study from Vietnamese Fisheries
    Marine Resource Economics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ola Flaaten, Thi Thanh Thuy Pham :
    Resource rent in aquaculture
    Fagbokforlaget 2019 ARKIV
  • Thi Thanh Thuy Pham, Ola Flaaten, Anders Skonhoft :
    Middlemen: good for resources and fishermen?
    Environment and Development Economics 16. July 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Økosystemforvaltning - Hvorfor økonomisk analyse er viktig
    Samfunnsøkonomen 2019 ARKIV
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Rekefisket i Nord-Troms i et globalt marked.
    Orkana Forlag 2018 ARKIV
  • Suthamathy Nadarajah, Ola Flaaten :
    Global aquaculture growth and institutional quality
    Marine Policy 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ola Flaaten, Knut Heen, Thorolfur Matthiasson :
    Profit and Resource Rent in Fisheries
    Marine Resource Economics 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Ola Flåten :
    Profitability effects and fishery subsidies: Average treatment effects based on propensity scores
    Marine Resource Economics 2016 DOI
  • Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Ola Flåten :
    Efficiency analysis of fisheries using stock proxies
    Fisheries Research 2016 DOI
  • John Roald Isaksen, Øystein Hermansen, Ola Flaaten :
    Stubborn fuel tax concessions: The case of fisheries in Norway
    Marine Policy 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Ola Flåten, Le Kim Long :
    Government support and profitability effects - Vietnamese offshore fisheries
    Marine Policy 2015 DOI
  • Siv Reithe, Claire W. Armstrong, Ola Flaaten :
    Marine protected areas in a welfare-based perspective
    Marine Policy 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Claire W. Armstrong, Arne Eide, Ola Flaaten, Knut Heen, Inga Wigdahl Kaspersen :
    Rebuilding the Northeast Arctic Cod Fisheries - Economic and Social Issues
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2014 ARKIV
  • Ola Flaaten, Anders Skonhoft :
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2014
  • Ola Flaaten, Ngoc Duy Nguyen, Øystein Hermansen, John Roald Isaksen :
    Reducing Climate Impact from Fisheries: A Study of Fisheries Management and Fuel Tax Concessions in the Nordic Countries
    TemaNord 2014 DOI
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2014
  • Arne Eide, Knut Heen, Claire W. Armstrong, Ola Flaaten, Anatoly Vasiliev :
    Challenges and Successes in the Management of a Shared Fish Stock - The Case of the Russian-Norwegian Barents Sea Cod Fishery
    Acta Borealia 2013 DOI
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Institutional quality and catch performance of fishing nations
    Marine Policy 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sumaila U. Rashid, William W.L. Cheung, Sarah Cooley, Ola Flaaten, Vicky W.Y. Lam, Nathalie Hilmi et al.:
    Potential economic and social impacts of ocean acidification on Arctic fisheries
  • Thanh Thuy Pham, Ola Flaaten, Nguyen Thri Kim Anh :
    Remuneration Systems and Economic Performance: Theory and Vietnamese Small-scale Purse Seine Fisheries
    Marine Resource Economics 2013 DOI
  • Ola Flaaten :
    2020 ARKIV
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Fisheries and aquaculture economics 2018
  • Ola Flåten :
    Fisheries economics and management 2016
  • Ola Flaaten, Anders Skonhoft :
    Naturressursenes økonomi
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2014
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Rekefisket i Nord-Troms i et globalt marked
    Orkana Forlag 2018
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Aquaculture and fisheries economic development – examples from Norway and Vietnam in a global world
  • Ola Flaaten :
    From Subsidies to Profit: Costs, Revenues and Government Financial Support in Fisheries – The positive case of Norway
  • Ola Flaaten :
    From Subsidies to Profit: Costs, Revenues and Government Financial Support in Fisheries – The positive case of Norway
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Sel – fisk: fangst eller vern?
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Resource rent in aquaculture?
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Den socioøkonomiske betydning av havpattedyr
  • Ola Flaaten, Knut Heen, Thoralfur Matthiasson :
    Profit and resource rent in fisheries
  • Duy Nguyen Ngoc, Ola Flåten :
    Stock proxies in efficiency analysis of fisheries
  • Duy Nguyen Ngoc, Ola Flåten :
    Fishery subsidies and profitability effects: average treatment effects based on propensity scores
  • Suthamathy Nadarajah, Ola Flåten :
    Global aquaculture growth - and institutional quality
  • Ola Flåten, Knut Heen, Thorolfur Matthiasson :
    Flåten, Ola; Heen, Knut; Matthiasson, Thorolfur. Profit and resource rent in fisheries.
  • Suthamathy Nadarajah, Ola Flåten :
    Global aquaculture growth and institutional quality
  • Ola Flåten :
    Fiskerinæringas grunnrente - profitt for hvem?
  • Ola Flåten :
    Kompetanse og utvikling
  • Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Ola Flåten :
    Treatment effects of subsidies on profitability of fisheries
  • Knut Heen, Ola Flåten, Thorolfur Matthiasson :
    Profit and resource rent in fisheries
  • Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Ola Flaaten :
    Efficiency analyses of fisheries when stock estimates are lacking
  • Staffan Waldo, Hans Ellefsen, Ola Flaaten, Jónas Hallgrimsson, Cecilia Hammarlund, Øystein Hermansen et al.:
    Reducing Climate Impact from Fisheries. A Study of Fisheries Management and Fuel Tax Concessions in the Nordic Countries
    2014 FULLTEKST
  • John Roald Isaksen, Øystein Hermansen, Ola Flaaten :
    Stubborn fuel tax concessions – the case of fisheries in Norway
  • Ngoc Duy Nguyen, Ola Flaaten, Le Kim Long :
    Government support and profitability effects – Vietnamese offshore fisheries
  • Ola Flaaten :
    Ikke undervurder naturkapitalen
    Samfunnsøkonomen 2013

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Fisheries economics, Resource and Environmental economics, Resource policy.



    (Four pages, with publications and reports 2010-2018)



    Born 18 April 1947 in Kristiansund N., Norway.

    Norwegian citizen.

    Married to Randi H. Sørlie,

    Two daughters, Amalie and Karoline, born 1984.

    Address: Ørvikveien 19, 3970 Langesund, Norway

    Phone: +47 77 64 55 44 (office)

                +47 35 29 16 32 (home)

                +47 92 46 01 91 (mobile)

    Fax:     +47 77 64 60 20

    E-mail: <>



    M. Phil., (First class), economics, 1974, University of Oslo.

    D. Phil., natural resource economics, 1991, University of Tromsø.

    Mother tongue: Norwegian

    Other languages: English (fluent), Danish and Swedish (reading and oral (listening), almost fluent), French (some) and German (some).



    1974 -1975 Ministry of Fisheries, Division of resource management and economics: consultant - economics.

    1975 -1978 Troms County Labour Market Office: consultant - economics and statistics.

    1978 - 1998, The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, Norway: Appointed assistant professor in 1978, promoted to associate professor in 1984 and to professor in 1992.

    1998 (October) - 2001(September), Head of the Fisheries Division, OECD, Paris (on leave from UiTø).

    2001 (October) - 2016 (September), Professor of Resource Economics, NCFS, University of Tromsø.

    2016 (October) – present, Professor emeritus, NCFS, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway.


    1981, Sabbatical leave (11 months) at the Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

    1986-1987, Unpaid leave 1/2 position from the University to work as senior researcher, The Applied Research Institute, FORUT, Tromsø.

    1993-1994, Sabbatical leave (11 months) at the Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources (CEMARE), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK.

    1997- 1998, Adjunct scientific advisor, Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Ltd., Tromsø.

    2002 - 2010, Adjunct scientific advisor, NORUT Social Science Research Ltd, Tromsø.

    2004 - 2012, Advisor, Faculty of Economics, University of Fisheries, Vietnam.

    2012 spring term, sabbatical leave, University of Nha Trang, Vietnam and Copenhagen University, Denmark.

    2012 - 2015, Adjunct scientific advisor/professor, NOFIMA – The Food Research Institute, Tromsø.



    Research Grants implying project leadership and management

    The Commission of the European Communities (1998-2000, 2002-2005, 2007-10).

    The Research Council of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Industries, Norway (2003-5).

    Nordic Ministers of Fisheries, Denmark (1993, 1994, 2005-6 partner, 2012-13 partner).

    The Norwegian Research Council (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003-5, 2004-7, 2008-10).

    The Norwegian Fisheries Research Council (1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994).

    The Regional Council of North Norway (1990, 1991).



                2012 July – The International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET): Distinguished Service Award 2012 “for extending the global influence of IIFET and for his outstanding service to the world community of fisheries economists”.

                2008 October – Certificate of Appreciation from Nha Trang University for “outstanding performance and lasting contribution towards the development of NTU through SRV2701 Project Phase 1”, presented by University President Dr. Vu Van Xung.

                2008 July – The Minister of Training and Education, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: Diploma and Medal for “great contributions to the Vietnamese education”, presented by the Minister of Training and Education, Dr. Nguyen Thien Nhan.


    PhD supervision

    Nguyen Ngoc Duy (2013-15) Studies on fishing effort and rent in open-access fisheries with heterogeneous vessels – theory and application to Vietnam’s fisheries (together with Dr. Le Kim Long, Nha Trang University)

    Nadarajah Suthamathy (2014-18) Strategies for the sustainable usage of marine resources in developing countries – Sri Lanka as a reference country (together with Arne Eide, UiT)

    Previous few years: Le Kim Long PhD, UiT 2009;  Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc PhD, UiT 2009; Pham Thi Thanh Thuy PhD, UiT 2013.


    Papers and reports 2010-2018

    Flaaten, O. (2018). Fisheries and aquaculture economics. Bookboon, Copenhagen. pp. 297. (A free e-book)

    Flåten, O. (2018). Rekefisket i Nord-Troms i et globalt marked. Kap 6 i Nils H. Alm og Bjørn-Petter Finstad (Red), Vekst, fall og nye muligheter – rekefiske og rekeindustri i Nord-Troms, 1975-2015. Orkana Akademisk, Stamsund. (in Norwegian: The (North Troms county) shrimp fishery in a global market).

    Nadarajah, S. and O. Flaaten (2017). Global aquaculture growth and institutional quality. Marine Policy 84: 142-151.

    Flaaten, O., K. Heen and T. Matthíasson (2017). Profit and resource rent in fisheries. Marine resource Economics 37(3): 311-328.

    Duy, N.N. and O. Flaaten (2016). Profitability effects and fishery subsidies: Average treatment effects based on propensity scores. Marine resource Economics 31(4): 373-402.

    Flaaten, O. (2016). Fisheries economics and management. Bookboon, Copenhagen., pp. 1-177 (A revised, free internet version of Flaaten, 2011)

    Duy, N.N. and O. Flaaten (2016). Efficiency analysis of fisheries using stock proxies. Fisheries Research 181, 102-133.

    Duy, N.N., O. Flaaten and L.K. Long (2015). Government support and profitability effects – Vietnamese offshore fisheries. Marine Policy 61: 77-86.

    Isaksen, J.R., Ø. Hermansen and O. Flaaten (2015). Stubborn fuel tax concessions: The case of fisheries in Norway. Marine Policy 52: 85-92.

    Flåten, O. og A. Skonhoft (red.) (2014). Naturressursenes økonomi, Gyldendal, Oslo. (pp. 1-505). (in Norwegian: Natural resource economics).

    Flåten, O. og A. Skonhoft (2014). Ressursøkonomi. Kapittel 1 i Flåten, O. og A. Skonhoft (2014). (In Norwegian: Resource economics)

    Flåten, O. (2014). Fiskeriøkonomi. Kapittel 3 i Flåten, O. og A. Skonhoft (2014). (In Norwegian: Fisheries economics).

    Waldo, Staffan; Ellefsen, Hans; Flaaten, Ola; Hallgrimsson, Jónas; Hammarlund, Cecilia; Hermansen, Øystein; Isaksen, John Roald; Jensen, Frank; Lindroos, Marko; Duy, Nguyen Ngoc; Nielsen, Max; Paulrud, Anton; Salenius, Fredrik; Schütt, Daniel (2014). Reducing Climate Impact from Fisheries. A Study of Fisheries Management and Fuel Tax Concessions in the Nordic Countries. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers 2014 (ISBN 978-92-893-2784-8) 186 s. TemaNord (2014:533).

    Armstrong, C.W., A. Eide, O. Flaaten, K. Heen and I.W. Kaspersen (2014). Rebuilding the Northeast Arctic cod fisheries – economic and social issues. Arctic Review on Law and Politics 5, 11-37.

    Reithe, Siv; Armstrong, Claire W.; Flaaten, Ola. (2014). Marine protected areas in a welfare-based perspective. Marine Policy 49: 29-36.

    Duy, N.N., O. Flaaten and Long, L.K. (2014). Government support and profitability effects – Vietnamese offshore fisheries. Paper presented at the IIFET’s 17th biennial conference, Brisbane, 7 – 11 July, 2014. (See Duy et al., 2015)

    Sumaila, U.R., W.W.L. Cheung, S. Cooley, O. Flaaten, V.W.Y. Lam, N. Hilmi, A. Safa, H. Amundsen, A. Gjertsen, G.K. Hovelsrud (2013). Potential economic and social impacts of ocean acidification on Arctic fisheries. In AMAP Assessment 2013: Arctic Ocean Acidification. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. viii + 99 pp.

    Flåten, O. (2013). Ikke undervurder naturkapitalen (in Norwegian: Do not underestimate the natural capital). Samfunnsøkonomen 127(7): 14-17.

    Flåten, O. (2013). Overvurdert humankapital og undervurdert naturkapital (in Norwegian: Overvalued human capital – undervalued natural resource capital). Samfunnsøkonomen 127(4): 4-10.

    Thuy, Pham Thi Thanh and Ola Flaaten (2013). The Backward-bending supply curve in fisheries - revisited. Journal of Sustainable Development 6(6):15-33.

    Thuy, T. T. P., O. Flaaten, T.N. Kim Anh (2013). Remuneration Systems and Economic Performance: Theory and Vietnamese Small-Scale Purse Seine. Marine Resource Economics 28, 19-41.

    Flaaten, O. (2013). Institutional quality and catch performance of fishing nations. Marine Policy 38, 267-276.

    Armstrong, C.W., A. Eide, O. Flaaten and K. Heen (2012). The Norwegian Northeast Arctic cod fishery. In: OECD Rebuilding fisheries. Paris.

    Eide, A., K. Heen, C. Armstrong, O. Flaaten and A. Vasiliev (2012). Challenges and successes in the management of a shared fish stock – the case of the Russian-Norwegian Barents Sea cod fishery. Acta Borealia, DOI:10.1080/o8oo3831.2012.678723.

    Duy, N.N., O. Flaaten, T.N. Kim Anh. K.T.Q. Ngoc (2012). Open-access Fishing Rent and Efficiency - The Case of Gillnet Vessels in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Fisheries Research (127-128) 98-108.

    Hao, T.V., O. Flaaten and K.T.Q. Ngoc (2012). Economic efficiency of trawl fisheries: a case of trawl fisheries in Nha Trang, Vietnam. Fish for the People 10(3): 28-34.

    Isaksen, J.R., Ø. Hermansen and O. Flaaten (2012). Persistent subsidies in fishing: How will a fuel price increase affect fleet behavior and performance? The IIFET’s 16th biennial conference, Dar es Salaam 2012-07-16, Proceedings.

    Nielsen, M., O. Flaaten and S. Waldo (2012). Management of and Economic Returns from Selected Fisheries in the Nordic Countries. Marine Resource Economics 27, 65-88.

    Flaaten, O. (2011). Fisheries economics and management. The Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, Tromsø (pp. 1-170), ISBN 978-82-8266-026-6

    Le Kim Long and Ola Flaaten (2011). A Stackelberg analysis of the potential for cooperation in straddling stock fisheries. Marine Resource Economics 26:119-139.

    Kim Anh Thi Nguyen and Ola Flaaten (2011). Facilitating Change: A Mekong Vietnamese small-scale fishing community, In Svein Jentoft and Arne Eide (Eds.) Poverty Mosaics - Realities and Prospects in Small-Scale Fisheries, pp.335-357. Springer, Dordrecht – New York.

    Ngoc, Q.T.K. and O. Flaaten (2010). Protected areas for conflict resolution and management of recreational and commercial fisheries. Marine Resource Economics 25: 409-426.

    Flaaten, O. (2010). Fisheries rent creation and distribution – the imaginary case of Codland. Marine Policy 34:1268-1272.

    Flaaten, O. and E. Mjølhus (2010). Nature reserves as a bioeconomic management tool – a simplified modeling approach. Environmental and Resource Economics 47:125-148.

    Flaaten, O. and C.E. Schulz (2010). Triple win for trade in renewable resource goods by use of export taxes. Ecological Economics 69:1076-1082.

    Kim Anh, Thi Nguyen; Flaaten, Ola; Nguyen, Van Hieu (2010). Attempts to apply community based co-management approach in Vietnam: the case of Thanh Phong commune in Ben Tre Province. Fish for the People 8(1) 32-37.

    Kim Anh Thi Nguyen, Le Tran Hong Thai, Ola Flaaten (2010). Factors Affecting Poverty in Small Scale Fisheries in Vietnam: The case of Thanh Phong Community. In Vietnamese. Vietnam Journal of Economics and Development, Vol. 152.

    Duy, Ngoc Nguyen; Flaaten, Ola; Kim Anh, Nguyen Thi; Ngoc Khanh, Thi Quach (2010). On the economic performance and efficiency of offshore gillnet vessels in Nha Trang, Vietnam. The Biennial Conference of IIFET, Montpellier, France, 13-17.juli, 2010.


    Offices and Positions Held

    Advisor for Nha Trang University, Faculty of Economics, Nha Trang, Vietnam, (supported by The Norwegian Embassy, Hanoi, SRV project 2701, second phase), 2009-12.

    Advisor and Member of the organising committee, the International Institute of Fishery Economics and Trade’s  (IIFET) IXXth biennial conference, Nha Trang, Vietnam, July 2008.

    2006 – 2012, Academic coordinator/ consultant, NOMA-FAME MSc program in Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Economics, jointly between Nha Trang University, Vietnam and University of Tromsø, Norway; supported by NORAD.

    Member of a Government appointed committee on Climate Gases Reductions in Norway, 2005-6 (reported in NOU 2006:18 Et Klimavennlig Norge).

    Advisor for the University of Fisheries, Faculty of Economics, Vietnam, (supported by NORAD SRV project 2701), 2004-7.

    Member of the Executive Committee of the International Institute of Fishery Economics and Trade (IIFET), 2000 - 2004.

    President of the organising committee, the International Institute of Fishery Economics and Trade’s  (IIFET) IXth biennial conference, Tromsø, July 1998.

    Member of the organising and program committee of the International symposium on fisheries management under uncertainty, Bergen, June 1997.

    Vice-President, the European Association of Fisheries Economists, 1994-1997.

    Member of the planning committee on multispecies research, the Norwegian Fisheries Research Council, 1989.

    Member of the steering committee for the research program multispecies management, run by The Norwegian Fisheries Research Council, 1990-1994.

    Member of the planning committee on marine management research, the Research Council of Norway, 1994.

    Member of the steering committee for the research program marine resource management, run by the Research Council of Norway, 1995-2000 (on leave from September 1998).


    Member of the Norwegian delegation to OECD's fisheries committee, Paris, 1997 - 1998.

    Member of the International panel on the evaluation of public Danish fisheries research, 1996.

    Member of the Panel on Review of Institutional Co-operation in Fisheries Research and Management Mozambique - Norway, 2002.


    Leader of the Research group Environmental and Resource Economics, NCFS, University of Tromsø, 2010 - 2014.

    Head of the Department of Economics and Management, Norwegian College of Fishery Science (NCFS), University of Tromsø, several terms before 1998.

    Member of the Senate (Universitetstinget), University of Tromsø (previous periods).

    Member of the Board of Governors (Høgskolestyret), NCFS, University of Tromsø, several periods, including 2002–5 and 2005-8.

    Chairman and member of the Teaching Program Committee (studiestyret), NCFS, University of Tromsø, member several periods (previous).

    Member of the Senate (Forstanderskapet), The Savings Bank Nord (Sparebanken Nord) (previous) 1980s.