Bilde av Ravuri, Chandra Sekhar
Bilde av Ravuri, Chandra Sekhar
Senior Lab Engineer Department of Arctic and Marine Biology +4777646212 94804866 Tromsø

Chandra Sekhar Ravuri

Job description

I am working as a senioringeniør at Arctic chronobiology and physiology (ACP). I am responsible for the diferent labs at arctic biology.

Main tasks:

Helping in lab work for different research group projects

Lab maintenance


Chemical database and keeping in order of chemicals

Teaching lab routines to new people


Work areas

Laboratory safety / PhD

  • Daniel Appenroth, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Sara Torppa, Shona Hiedi Wood, David Grey Hazlerigg, Alexander Christopher West :
    The Reindeer Circadian Clock Is Rhythmic and Temperature-compensated But Shows Evidence of Weak Coupling Between the Secondary and Core Molecular Clock Loops
    Journal of Biological Rhythms 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • nils-erik Huseby, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Ugo Moens :
    The proteasome inhibitor lactacystin enhances GSH synthesis capacity by increased expression of antioxidant components in an Nrf2-independent, but p38 MAPK-dependent manner in rat colorectal carcinoma cells
    Free radical research 2016 DOI
  • Anja Striberny, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Malcolm Jobling, Even Hjalmar Jørgensen :
    Seasonal differences in relative gene expression of putative central appetite regulators in arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) do not reflect its annual feeding cycle
    PLOS ONE 30. September 2015 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • seila Pandur, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Ugo Moens, nils-erik Huseby :
    Combined incubation of colon carcinoma cells with phorbol ester and mitochondrial uncoupling agents results in synergic elevated reactive oxygen species levels and increased γ-glutamyltransferase expression
    Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2014 DOI
  • Ketil Andre Camilio, gerd Berge, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Øystein Rekdal, Baldur Sveinbjørnsson :
    Complete regression and systemic protective immune responses obtained in B16 melanomas after treatment with LTX-315
    Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Even Hjalmar Jørgensen, Mads Martinsen, Vidar Strøm, Kristin Elisa Ruud Hansen, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Ningping Gong et al.:
    Long-term fasting in the anadromous Arctic charr is associated with downregulation of metabolic enzyme activity and upregulation of leptin A1 and SOCS expression in the liver
    Journal of Experimental Biology 2013 DOI
  • seila MØller, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Ugo Moens, nils-erik Huseby :
    Combined incubation of colon carcinoma cells with phorbol ester and mitochondrial uncoupling agents results in synergic elevated reactive oxygen species levels and increased gamma-glutamyltransferase expression
    Molecular and Cellular Biology 2013 DOI
  • Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Gunbjørg Svineng, nils-erik Huseby :
    Differential regulation of gamma-glutamyltransferase and glutamate cysteine ligase expression after mitochondrial uncoupling: gamma-glutamyltransferase is regulated in an Nrf2- and NF kappa B-independent manner
    Free radical research 2013 DOI
  • Eirik Frøiland, Malcolm Jobling, Björn Thrandur Björnsson, Peter Kling, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Even Hjalmar Jørgensen :
    Seasonal appetite regulation in the anadromous Arctic charr: Evidence for a role of adiposity in the regulation of appetite but not for leptin in signalling adiposity
    General and Comparative Endocrinology 2012 DOI
  • Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen, Hilde Ljones, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Ahmad Omair, Oddveig G Rikardsen, Gunbjørg Svineng et al.:
    Organ specific regulation of tumour invasiveness and gelatinolytic activity at the invasive front
    European Journal of Cancer 2011 DOI
  • Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Gunbjørg Svineng, Serhiy Pankiv, nils-erik Huseby :
    Endogenous production of reactive oxygen species by the NADPH oxidase complexes is a determinant of gamma gamma-glutamyltransferase expression
    Free radical research 2011 DOI
  • Gunbjørg Svineng, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Oddveig G Rikardsen, Nils-Erik Huseby, Jan-Olof Winberg :
    The role of reactive oxygen species in integrin and matrix metalloproteinase expression and function
    Connective Tissue Research 2008 DOI
  • Anja Striberny, Malcolm Jobling, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Even Hjalmar Jørgensen :
  • Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Hilde Ljones Wetting, Oddveig G Rikardsen, sonja eriksson Steigen, Gunbjørg Svineng et al.:
    Stromal Impact on Tumor Invasiveness and Gelatinolytic Activity at the Invasive Front
  • Elin Synnøve Hadler-Olsen, Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Hilde Ljones, Oddveig G Rikardsen, sonja eriksson Steigen, Gunbjørg Svineng et al.:
    Organ specific stromal influence on tumor invasiveness and proteolytic activity at the invasive front
    European Journal of Cancer 2010 DOI
  • Chandra Sekhar Ravuri, Synnøve Magnussen, Jan-Olof Winberg, Nils-Erik Huseby, Gunbjørg Svineng :
    The effect of elevated levels of reactive oxygen species on oral squamous carcinoma cell adhesion and invasion
  • Chandra Sekhar Ravuri :
    Racl in oral cancer

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →