Bilde av Mobley, Kenyon
Bilde av Mobley, Kenyon
Associate Professor The Norwegian College of Fishery Science +4741349011 Tromsø

Kenyon Mobley

Job description

Research and teaching

  • Kenyon Brice Mobley, Henry J. Barton, Mikko Ellmén, Annukka Ruokolainen, Olavi Guttorm, Hans Pieski et al.:
    Sex-specific overdominance at the maturation vgll3 gene for reproductive fitness in wild Atlantic salmon
    Molecular Ecology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katja S. Maamela, Eirik Ryvoll Åsheim, Paul V. Debes, Andrew H. House, Jaakko Erkinaro, Petra Liljeström et al.:
    The effect of temperature and dietary energy content on female maturation and egg nutritional content in Atlantic salmon
    Journal of Fish Biology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hugo Palejowski, Jonas Bylemans, Victor Ammann, Lucas Marques da Cunha, David Nusbaumer, Isabelle Castro et al.:
    Sex-Specific Life History Affected by Stocking in Juvenile Brown Trout
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2022 DOI
  • Sebastian Wacker, Trond Amundsen, Elisabet Forsgren, Kenyon Mobley :
    Within-season variation in sexual selection in a fish with dynamic sex roles
    Molecular Ecology 2014 DOI
  • Tonje Aronsen, Anders Berglund, Kenyon Mobley, Irja Ida Ratikainen, Gunilla Rosenqvist :
    Sex ratio and density affect sexual seleciton in a sex-role reversed fish
    Evolution 2013 DOI
  • Sebastian Wacker, Kenyon Mobley, Elisabet Forsgren, Lise Cats Myhre, Karen de Jong, Trond Amundsen :
    Operational sex ratio but not density affects sexual selection in a fish
    Evolution 2013 DOI
  • Kenyon Mobley, Trond Amundsen, Elisabet Forsgren, Andreas Svensson, Adam G. Jones :
    Multiple mating and a low incidence of cuckoldry for nest-holding males in the two-spotted goby, Gobiusculus flavescens
    BMC Evolutionary Biology 08. January 2009 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Elisabet Forsgren, Trond Amundsen, Karen de Jong, Lise Cats Myhre, Sebastian Wacker, Kenyon Brice Mobley et al.:
    Reproductive dynamics, sexual selection and the environment: What have we learnt from two-spotted gobies
  • Elisabet Forsgren, Karen de Jong, Kenyon Mobley, Lise Cats Myhre, Sebastian Wacker, Trond Amundsen :
    Hvem begrenser hvem? Skjeve kjønnsrater og reproduksjonsøkologi hos en liten fisk i algebeltet
  • Sebastian Wacker, Kenyon Mobley, Elisabet Forsgren, Lise Cats Myhre, Karen de Jong, Trond Amundsen :
    Sexual selection in a marine fish: affected by OSR but not density
  • Sebastian Wacker, Kenyon Mobley, Elisabet Forsgren, Lise Cats Myhre, Karen de Jong, Trond Amundsen :
    OSR but not density affects the strength of sexual selection in a marine fish

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research covers a broad spectrum of topics in evolutionary biology and ecology with the goal to understand the complex relationship between behavior, ecology, and the genetic architecture of organisms.

    Currently, my main research focus is fish maturation and reproduction, particularly Atlantic salmon. My interests also include local adaptation and ecological speciation, population genetics, sexual selection and sexual conflict, the evolution of female ornaments, parental care and alternative mating tactics, parasites, and the effect of anthropogenic stressors on reproduction.


    Spring 2022

    FSK-1120: Aquatic biology for fisheries and aquaculture (10 STP)

    FSK-2051: Aquatic Biology II - 10 ECTS

    Member of research group