Andrew Hodson,
Gabrielle Emma Kleber,
Stephen Matthew Platt,
Dimitri Stanislas Desire Kalenitchenko,
Geert Hengsens,
Tristram Irvine-Fynn
et al.:
Methane in Svalbard (SvalGaSess)
Andrea Söllinger,
Laureen Sarah Ahlers,
Mathilde Borg Dahl,
Páll Sigurðsson,
Coline Le Noir de Carlan,
Biplabi Bhattarai
et al.:
Microorganisms in subarctic soils are depleted of ribosomes under short-, medium-, and long-term warming
Tilman John Siegfried Schmider,
Anne Grethe Hestnes,
Julia Brzykcy,
Hannes Schmidt,
Arno Schintlmeister,
Benjamin Roller
et al.:
Physiological basis for atmospheric methane oxidation and methanotrophic growth on air
Shalaka Kiran Patil,
Tajul Islam,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Andrew Hodson,
Lise Øvreås
Targeting methanotrophs and isolation of a novel psychrophilic Methylobacter species from a terrestrial Arctic alkaline methane seep in Lagoon Pingo, Central Spitsbergen (78° N)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 2024
Lisa-Marie Delpech,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Andrew Hodson,
Kevin P. Hand,
Dimitri Stanislas Desire Kalenitchenko
Chemolithoautotrophic bacteria flourish at dark water-ice interfaces of an emerged Arctic cold seep
Mathilde Borg Dahl,
Andrea Söllinger,
Páll Sigurðsson,
Ivan Janssens,
Josep Peñuelas,
Bjarni D. Sigurdsson
et al.:
Long-term warming-induced trophic downgrading in the soil microbial food web
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2023
Victor William Christophe Seppey,
Léa Cabrol,
Frederic Thalasso,
Laure Gandois,
Céline Lavergne,
Karla Martinez-Cruz
et al.:
Biogeography of microbial communities in high-latitude ecosystems: Contrasting drivers for methanogens, methanotrophs and global prokaryotes
Environmental Microbiology 2023
Maria Scheel,
Athanasios Zervas,
Ruud Rijkers,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Flemming Ekelund,
Francisco Campuzano Jiménez
et al.:
Abrupt permafrost thaw triggers activity of copiotrophs and microbiome predators
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2023
Alexander Tveit,
Andrea Söllinger,
Edda Marie Rainer,
Alena Didriksen,
Anne Grethe Hestnes,
Liabo Motleleng
et al.:
Thermal acclimation of methanotrophs from the genus Methylobacter
Maialen Barret,
Laure Gandois,
Frederic Thalasso,
K Martinez Cruz,
Armando Jauregui,
C. Lavergne
et al.:
A combined microbial and biogeochemical dataset from high-latitude ecosystems with respect to methane cycle.
Andrea Söllinger,
Joana Séneca,
Mathilde Borg Dahl,
Liabo Lillien Motleleng,
Judith Prommer,
Erik Verbruggen
et al.:
Down-regulation of the bacterial protein biosynthesis machinery in response to weeks, years, and decades of soil warming
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
P. Convey,
Kevin K. Newsham,
Jesper Bruun Mosbacher,
Eva Fuglei,
Virve Ravolainen
et al.:
Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Tilman Schmider,
Anne Grethe Hestnes,
Matteus Lindgren,
Alena Didriksen,
Mette Marianne Svenning
Simultaneous Oxidation of Atmospheric Methane, Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen for Bacterial Growth
Sizhong Yang,
Susanne Liebner,
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Alexander Tveit
Decoupling of microbial community dynamics and functions in Arctic peat soil exposed to short term warming
Kathrin Marina Bender,
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Yuntao Hu,
Andreas Richter,
Julia Schückel,
Bodil Jørgensen
et al.:
Microbial responses to herbivory-induced vegetation changes in a high-Arctic peatland Download
Joana Séneca,
Andrea Söllinger,
Craig W. Herbold,
Petra Pjevac,
Judith Prommer,
Erik Verbruggen
et al.:
Increased microbial expression of organic nitrogen cycling genes in long-term warmed grassland soils
ISME Communications 2021
Edda Marie Rainer,
Victor William Christophe Seppey,
Caroline Hammer,
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Alexander Tveit
The influence of above-ground herbivory on the response of arctic soil methanotrophs to increasing CH4 concentrations and temperatures
Edda Marie Rainer,
Victor William Christophe Seppey,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Mette Marianne Svenning
Methanotroph populations and CH4 oxidation potentials in high-Arctic peat are altered by herbivory induced vegetation change
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2020
Lea Cabrol,
Frederic Thalasso,
Laure Gandois,
Armando Sepulveda-Jauregui,
Karla Martinez-Cruz,
Roman Teisserenc
et al.:
Anaerobic oxidation of methane and associated microbiome in anoxic water of Northwestern Siberian lakes
Science of the Total Environment 2020
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Andrea Kiss,
Mathias Winkel,
Fabian Horn,
Tomáš Hájek,
Mette Marianne Svenning
et al.:
Environmental patterns of brown moss- and Sphagnum-associated microbial communities
Scientific Reports 2020
Alejandro Salgado Flores,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Andre-Denis Wright,
Phillip Pope,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset
Characterization of the cecum microbiome from wild and captive rock ptarmigans indigenous to Arctic Norway
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Anne Grethe Hestnes,
Serina Lee Robinson,
Arno Schintlmeister,
Svetlana N. Dedysh,
Nico Jehmlich
et al.:
Widespread soil bacterium that oxidizes atmospheric methane
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2019
Andrea Söllinger,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Morten Poulsen,
Samantha Joan Noel,
Mia M. B. Bengtsson,
Jörg Bernhardt
et al.:
Holistic Assessment of Rumen Microbiome Dynamics through Quantitative Metatranscriptomics Reveals Multifunctional Redundancy during Key Steps of Anaerobic Feed Degradation
Carsten Suhr Jacobsen,
Tue Kjærgaard Nielsen,
Jan Kjølhede Vester,
Peter Stougaard,
Jeppe Lund Nielsen,
Jana Voriskova
et al.:
Inter-laboratory testing of the effect of DNA blocking reagent G2 on DNA extraction from low-biomass clay samples
Andrea Söllinger,
Clarissa Schwab,
Thomas Weinmaier,
Alexander Loy,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Christa Schleper
et al.:
Phylogenetic and genomic analysis of Methanomassiliicoccales in wetlands and animal intestinal tracts reveals clade-specific habitat
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2016
Stefan Geisen,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Ian M Clark,
Andreas Richter,
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Michael Bonkowski
et al.:
Metatranscriptomic census of active protists in soils
The ISME Journal 27. March 2015
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Tim Urich,
Peter Frenzel,
Mette Marianne Svenning
Metabolic and trophic interactions modulate methane production by Arctic peat microbiota in response to warming
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2015
Lynsay Blake,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Lise Øvreås,
Ian M. Head,
Neil Gray
Response of methanogens in arctic sediments to temperature and methanogenic substrate availability
Silje Sofie Waaler Pedersen,
Jemma Louise Wadham,
Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Pedro Duarte,
Group MSCA Doctoral Network ICEBIO
MCSA ICEBIO - Center for glacial biome doctoral network
Andrea Söllinger,
Laureen Ahlers,
Mathilde Borg Dahl,
Pall Sigurdsson,
Liabo Motleleng,
Eva Marie Breines
et al.:
Is soil microbial biomass depleted of ribosomes under short-, medium-, and long-term warming?
Shalaka Kiran Patil,
Andrew Hodson,
Francesca Naletto,
Nusar Likar,
Stefan Thiele,
Alexander Tveit
et al.:
Microbial Community Structure in Lagoon pingo, a terrestrial methane seep in Central Spitsbergen
Shalaka Kiran Patil,
Andrew Hodson,
Stefan Thiele,
Alexander Tveit,
Lise Øvreås
Microbial community patterns from methane seep sediment at Lagoon pingo in Svalbard
Dimitri Kalenitchenko,
Tilman Schmider,
Pernille Fåne,
Franziska Nigel,
Annemarie Mol,
Mette Marianne Svenning
et al.:
Arctic terrestrial seeps; an overlooked microbial methane sink?
Andrea Söllinger,
Joana Séneca,
Mathilde Dahl,
Liabo Motleleng,
Judith Prommer,
Erik Verbruggen
et al.:
Physiological responses of soil microorganisms to weeks, years, and decades of soil warming
Yngvild Bjørdal,
Kathrin Marina Bender,
Liabo Motleleng,
Bente Lindgård,
Andreas Richter,
Victoria Sophie Martin
et al.:
Higher rRNA concentrations lead to elevated methane production rates during cooling in Arctic peatlands?
Kathrin Marina Bender,
Andrea Söllinger,
Victoria Sophie Martin,
Yngvild Bjørdal,
Maarten Loonen,
Andreas Richter
et al.:
Herbivory-driven vegetation change shapes the soil microbial food web in high-Arctic peat
Andrea Söllinger,
Borg Dahl Mathilde,
Joana Séneca,
Judith Prommer,
Erik Verbruggen,
Bjarni D. Sigurdsson
et al.:
Central Metabolic Responses of Microorganisms to Years and Decades of Soil Warming
Andrea Söllinger,
Alexander Tveit
What’s new in Tromsø?
Joana Séneca,
Andrea Söllinger,
Alexander Tveit,
Petra Pjevac,
Craig W. Herbold,
Tim Urich
et al.:
Soil warming leads to an up-regulation of genes involved in the decomposition of organic N in a subarctic grassland
Andrea Söllinger,
Alexander Tveit
Metatranscriptomics revealed multi-layered microbial responses
to long-term soil warming
Pernille Fåne,
Dimitri Kalenitchenko,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit
Novel methanotrophic community assemblages in a terrestrial methane seep in Svalbard
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit
Soil bacterium that lives on air
20. August 2020
Andrea Söllinger,
Tilman Schmider,
Alexander Tveit
Temporal Dynamics of Cold-Adapted CH4-Cycling
Microorganisms & Microbial Communities in a Changing Arctic
Andrea Söllinger,
Alexander Tveit
Natural soil warming of Icelandic grasslands –
metatranscriptomic insights – mRNA
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Mette Marianne Svenning,
Andreas Richter,
Thomas Rattei,
Rares Luciacu
Temperature Adaptations in Arctic Peat Microbiota
M. Barret,
L. Cabrol,
C. Lavergne,
P. Aguilar,
F. Thalasso,
A. Sepulveda
et al.:
METHANOgenic Biodiversity and activity in Arctic, sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic Ecosystems affected by climate change Expected results o Survey of the baseline biodiversity and function potentialities of microbial communities involved in methane emission
M. Barret,
L. Cabrol,
C. Lavergne,
P. Aguilar,
F. Thalasso,
A. Sepulveda
et al.:
Diversity and activity of methane-linked microbial communities in high latitude ecosystems affected by climate change
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Alena Didriksen,
Hans-Jorg Hellinger,
Thomas Rattei,
Mette Svenning
Regulatory and evolutionary temperature adaptations in globally important methane oxidizing bacteria of the genus Methylobacter
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Alena Didriksen,
Hans-Jorg Hellinger,
Thomas Rattei,
Mette Marianne Svenning
Regulatory temperature adaptations the in globally important methane oxidizing bacterium Methylobacter tundripaludum
Alexander Tøsdal Tveit,
Alena Didriksen,
Hans-Jorg Hellinger,
Thomas Rattei,
Mette Svenning
Regulatory and evolutionary temperature adaptations in globally important methane oxidizing bacteria of the genus Methylobacter