Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Marit Måsøy Amundsen,
Espen Rimstad,
Øystein Wessel,
Jorunn B Jørgensen
et al.:
Comparison of transcriptome responses in blood cells of Atlantic salmon infected by three genotypes of Piscine orthoreovirus
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2025
Ottavia Benedicenti,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Shokouh Makvandi-Nejad,
Adriana Magalhaes Santos Andresen,
Torfinn Moldal,
Hilde Sindre
et al.:
The Atlantic salmon gill transcriptional response to natural infection with HPR0-ISAV (Isavirus salaris) in three Norwegian smolt farms
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2025
Christiane Kruse Fæste,
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Jan Haug Anonsen,
Haitham Muhammed Tartor,
Raoul Valentin Kuiper,
Maria Krudtå Dahle
Potential plasma biomarkers for the onset of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation from Piscine orthoreovirus-1 infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Lada Ivanova,
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Haitham Tartor,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Silvio Uhlig,
Christiane Kruse Fæste
Metabolomics and Multi-Omics Determination of Potential Plasma Biomarkers in PRV-1-Infected Atlantic Salmon
Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Stine Braaen,
Jorunn B Jørgensen,
Espen Rimstad,
Øystein Wessel
et al.:
Transcriptomics of early responses to purified Piscine orthoreovirus-1 in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) red blood cells compared to non-susceptible cell lines
Frontiers in Immunology 2024
Håvard Bjørgen,
Malin Brimsholm,
Morten Lund,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Espen Rimstad,
Erling Olaf Koppang
Red and melanized focal changes in the white skeletal muscle of farmed rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 2024
Orla Slattery,
Maria Dahle,
Arvind Sundaram,
Barbara Nowak,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Anita Solhaug
Functional and molecular characterization of the Atlantic salmon gill epithelium cell line ASG-10; a tool for in vitro gill research
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2023
Dhamotharan Kannimuthu,
HyeongJin Roh,
Hugh Craig Morton,
Ma Michelle Demogina Penaranda,
Anne Vossgård,
Tom Johnny Hansen
et al.:
Experimental transmission of piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) in different life stages of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Frontiers in Marine Science 2023
Haitham Muhammed Tartor,
Maria Dahle,
Snorre Gulla,
Simon Chioma Weli,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing
Emergence of Salmon Gill Poxvirus
Unni Grimholt,
Arvind Sundaram,
Cathrine Arnason_Bøe,
Maria Dahle,
Morten Ferenc Lukacs
Tetraploid Ancestry Provided Atlantic Salmon With Two Paralogue Functional T Cell Receptor Beta Regions Whereof One Is Completely Novel
Frontiers in Immunology 2022
Lada Ivanova,
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Haitham Tartor,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Maria Dahle,
Silvio Uhlig
Fish Skin and Gill Mucus: A Source of Metabolites for
Non-Invasive Health Monitoring and Research
Hilde Sindre,
Mona C. Gjessing,
Johanna Hol Fosse,
Lene C. Hermansen,
Inger Böckerman,
Marit Måsøy Amundsen
et al.:
Establishment and characterization of a novel gill cell line, LG-1, from atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.)
Muhammad Salman Malik,
Håvard Bjørgen,
Ingvild Berg Nyman,
Øystein Wessel,
Erling Olaf Koppang,
Maria Dahle
et al.:
PRV-1 Infected Macrophages in Melanized Focal Changes in White Muscle of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Correlates With a Pro-Inflammatory Environment
Frontiers in Immunology 2021
Marit Måsøy Amundsen,
Haitham Tartor,
Kathrine Andersen,
Karoline Sveinsson,
Even Thoen,
Mona C. Gjessing
et al.:
Mucosal and Systemic Immune Responses to Salmon Gill Poxvirus Infection in Atlantic Salmon Are Modulated Upon Hydrocortisone Injection
Frontiers in Immunology 09. June 2021
Muhammad Salman Malik,
Lena Hammerlund Teige,
Stine Braaen,
Anne Berit Olsen,
Monica Nordberg,
Marit Måsøy Amundsen
et al.:
Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV)-3, but Not PRV-2, Cross-Protects against PRV-1 and Heart and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation in Atlantic Salmon
Muhammad Salman Malik,
Ingvild Berg Nyman,
Øystein Wessel,
Maria Dahle,
Espen Rimstad
Dynamics of Polarized Macrophages and Activated CD8+ Cells in Heart Tissue of Atlantic Salmon Infected With Piscine Orthoreovirus-1
Frontiers in Immunology 2021
Ottavia Benedicenti,
Ole Bendik Dale,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing
Transkriptomrespons i nyre og milt hos laks med laksepox
Jeremiah Joseph,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Espen Rimstad
Optimization of siRNA and mRNA transfection in Atlantic salmon erythrocytes as an approach for studying antiviral responses
Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Marit Måsøy Amundsen,
Martine Aardahl,
Maria Elisabhet Salvador Mira,
Frieda Betty Ploss
et al.:
Effekt av aktivering av glukokortikoidreseptor på genuttrykk og antiviralrespons i røde blodceller i laks
Torfinn Moldal,
Hilde Sindre,
Anne Berit Olsen,
Hege Løkslett,
Johanna Hol Fosse,
Ole Bendik Dale
et al.:
Kapittel 6 Virussykdommer hos laksefisk i oppdrett
Niccolò Vendramin,
Juliane Sørensen,
Anne Berit Olsen,
Arvind Sundaram,
Maria Krudtå Dahle
Susceptibility of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to piscine orthoreovirus genotype 3 (PRV-3)
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Unni Grimholt,
Stalin Chellappa,
Haitham Tartor
Styrket samarbeid om fiskehelse og-velferd i Europa
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2024
Torfinn Moldal,
Hilde Sindre,
Sonal Patel,
Anne Berit Olsen,
Hege Løkslett,
Geir Bornø
et al.:
Kapittel 5 Virussykdommer hos laksefisk i oppdrett
Martine Aardahl,
Maria Krudtå Dahle,
Thomais Tsoulia,
Ingvill Jensen
Effects of acute and chronic handling stress on antiviral responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) red blood cells and testing of stress target genes.
Maria Krudtå Dahle
Can fish red blood cells signal health threats? RED FLAG: Salmonid red blood cells – sensors of stress and infection
Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Stine Braaen,
Øystein Wessel,
Espen Rimstad,
Maria Krudtå Dahle
Transcriptome responses of Atlantic salmon blood cells to Piscine orthoreovirus variants
Maria Dahle,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Thomais Tsoulia
Røde blodceller - er de sensorer for laksens helsetilstand?
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2022
Hilde Sindre,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Johanna Hol,
Lene Cecilie Hermansen,
Inger Bøckermann,
Maria Dahle
et al.:
Etablering og karakterisering av en ny cellelinje fra rognkjeks
(Cyclopterus lumpus L.)
Subash Sapkota,
Kathrine A Moan,
Anita Solhaug,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Hilde Sindre,
Maria Dahle
et al.:
Optimization of transfection protocols and gene editing attempts of gill cells from Atlantic salmon
Dalina sol Fernandez,
Unni Grimholt,
Maria Dahle,
Morten Lukacs,
Finn-Eirik Johansen
Production of the T-cell survival cytokines interleukin 2 and 15, and functional effects of IL15
7Letras 2022
Frieda Betty Ploss,
Johanna Hol,
Espen Rimstad,
Maria Dahle,
Øystein Wessel
Methods To Study Fusion Activation of Infectious Salmon Anaemia Virus
Maria Dahle
Responser på stress og infeksjon i laksens røde blodceller
Thomais Tsoulia,
Randi Faller,
Maria Dahle
Effects of stress on the antiviral response in Atlantic salmon red blood cells
Unni Grimholt,
Arvind Sundaram,
Cathrine Arnason Bøe,
Maria Dahle,
Morten Ferenc Lukacs
Two diverse T cell receptor beta regions in Atlantic salmon potentially serving different functions
Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Stine Braaen,
Øyvind Haugland,
Espen Rimstad,
Øystein Wessel
et al.:
Early transcriptome response to Piscine orthoreovirus -1 in Atlantic salmon erythrocytes, compared to salmon kidney cell lines.
Thomais Tsoulia,
Arvind Sundaram,
Espen Rimstad,
Øystein Wessel,
Maria Dahle
Comparison of whole blood transcriptome responses of Atlantic salmon infected by three Piscine orthoreovirus variants
Christiane Kruse Fæste,
Lada Ivanova,
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Espen Rimstad,
Jan Haug Anonsen
et al.:
På sporet av biomarkører for hjerte- og skjelettmuskelbetennelse i laks ved hjelp av proteomikk og metabolomikk
Lada Ivanova,
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Haitham Tartor,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Maria Dahle,
Christiane Kruse Fæste
et al.:
Metabolomics in aquaculture: metabolism changes in response to Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) infection of Atlantic salmon
Anita Solhaug,
Hilde Sindre,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Maria Dahle,
Lada Ivanova,
Christiane Kruse Fæste
et al.:
Karakterisering av en cellemodell for studier av miljøfaktorer på gjellefunksjonen til Atlantisk laks
Maria Dahle,
Silvio Uhlig,
Unni Grimholt,
Anita Solhaug,
Aderito Luis Monjane,
Haitham Muhammed Tartor
et al.:
Fra multi-omics til cellemodeller og genediting- ny kunnskap og fremtidige verktøy til fiskehelseforskning og diagnostikk
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Christiane Kruse Fæste,
Silvio Uhlig,
Jan Haug Anonsen,
Maria Dahle,
Lada Ivanova
The value of a multi-omics approach in the understanding of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Hilde Sindre,
Torfinn Moldal,
Johanna Hol Fosse,
Monika Anna Hjortaas,
Simon Chioma Weli,
Maria Krudtå Dahle
et al.:
Hva skal til for at en ufarlig ILA virus variant utvikler seg til sykdomsfremkallende ILA virus?
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2022
Marit Måsøy Amundsen,
Haitham Tartor,
Kathrine Andersen,
Karoline Overn Sveinsson,
Even Thoen,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing
et al.:
Local and systemic immune response to salmon gill poxvirus infection, including effects of cortisol
Muhammad Salman Malik,
Espen Rimstad,
Øystein Wessel,
Maria Dahle
Persistent Infection of Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Monica Nordberg,
Maria Dahle,
Jorunn B Jørgensen,
Øystein Wessel
Specific antibody responses (IgM) against Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), measured in a multiplexed magnetic bead-based system
Subash Sapkota,
Adérito Luis Monjane,
Maria Dahle,
Simen Rød Sandve
Transfection optimization and gene editing method establishment for fish cells
Hilde Sindre,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Johanna Hol,
Lene Cecilie Hermansen,
Inger Marita Böckerman,
Maria Dahle
et al.:
Cellelinje fra rognkjeks-gjeller etablert: kan kanskje hjelpe oss å forstå mer av artens biologi
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2021
Muhammad Salman Malik,
Lena Hammerlund Teige,
Stine Braaen,
Anne Berit Olsen,
Monica Nordberg,
Marit Måsøy Amundsen
et al.:
PRV-3, but not PRV-2, cross-protects against PRV-1 and HSMI in Atlantic salmon
Anita Solhaug,
Hilde Sindre,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Maria Dahle,
Morten Sandvik,
Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen
et al.:
Development of in vitro models to study environmental factors influencing gill epithelial function
Silvio Uhlig,
Haitham Tartor,
Mona Cecilie Gjessing,
Maria Dahle,
Lada Ivanova
Små molekyler i hud- og gjelleslim kan fortelle oss noe om fiskens fysiologi og helsetilstand
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2020