Eva-Stina Isabella Edholm
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Publications outside Cristin
Robert J, Edholm ES, Sanchez J, Torres-Luquis O and De Jesús Andino F. (2017)
"Xenopus-FV3 host pathogen interactions and immune evasion". Virology, Nov
Edholm ES, Rhoo KH and Robert J. Evolutionary aspects of Macrophages
polarization in book : ”Macrophage origins and function and biointervention as part of
Results and problems in cell differentiation”. Ed. Malgorzata Kloc, Springer, In press
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-54090-0_1
Robert J, De Jesús Andino F, Banach M, Rhoo KH, Edholm ES. (2017) ”Evolutionary
Perspective of Tumorigenesis and Antitumor Immunity: A Comparative Approach"
in book: Ecology and Evolution of Cancer, pp.119-135. Ed. Sara Tenney, Academic
press, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804310-3.00009-0.
Banach M, Edholm ES and Robert J (2016) "Exploring the functions of nonclassical
MHC class Ib genes in Xenopus laevis by the CRISPR/Cas9 system" (2017) Dev. Bio
June 426:261-269.
Edholm ES, Banach M, and Robert J (2016) "Evolution of innate-like T cells and their
selection by MHC class I-like molecules" Immunogenetics ", Aug 68:525-36.
Haynes-Gilmore N, M Banach, E Brown, R Dawed, ES Edholm, K Minsoo & J Robert
(2015) "Semi-Solid Tumor model in Xenopus laevis/gilli cloned tadpoles for intravital
study of neovascularization, immune cells and melanophore infiltration", Dev. Bio, 15
(2) 205-212.
De Jesús Andino F, Grayfer L, Chen G, Chinchar VG, Edholm ES and Robert J.
(2015) "Characterization of Frog virus 3 knockout mutants lacking putative virulence
genes" Virology Nov 485:162-70.
ES Edholm, FA De Jesus, VG Chinchar and J Robert (2015) "Ranavirus
host immunity and immune evasion" In Ranaviruses: Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic
Vertebrates", Ed. MJ Gray and VG Chinchar, 10.1007/978-3-319-13755-1
Grayfer L, ES Edholm & J Robert (2015) " Mechanisms of amphibian macrophage
development: characterization of the Xenopus laevis colony-stimulating factor-1
receptor " Int. J. Developmental Biology doi: 10.1387/ijdb.140271jr
Edholm ES, L Grayfer and J Robert (2014) "Evolution of nonclassical MHC-dependent
invariant T cells" Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Dec 71(24):4763-4780.
Robert J, L Grayfer, ES Edholm, B Ward and A De Jesus (2014) "Inflammationinduced
reactivation of the ranavirus Frog Virus 3 in asymptomatic Xenopus laevis ",
PLOS ONE, Nov 12 (11):doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112904
Robert J and ES Edholm (2014) "A prominent role for invariant T cells in the
amphibian Xenopus laevis tadpoles" Immunogenetics, Oct 66(9-10):513-523.
Robert J & ES Edholm (2014) "A prominent role for invariant T cells in the amphibian
Xenopus laevis tadpoles" Immunogenetics, Oct 66(9-10):513-523.
Moulana M, EB Taylor, ES Edholm, SMA Quiniou, M Wilson & E Bengtén (2014)
"Identification and characterization of TCR! and TCR" chains in channel catfish,
Ictalurus punctatus" Immunogenetics, Oct 66(9-10):545-561.
Haynes-Gilmore N, M Banach, ES Edholm, E Lord and J Robert (2014) "A Critical
role of nonclassical MHC in tumor immune evasion in the amphibian Xenopus model"
Carcinogenesis, Aug: 35(8):1807-1813.
Edholm ES, A Goyos, J Taran, F De Jesus Andino, Y Otha and J Robert (2014)
"Unusual evolutionary conservation and specific adaptations of a large family of
nonclassical MHC class Ib genes across different degrees of genome ploidy in the
amphibian subfamily Xenopodinae" Immunogenetics, Jun: 66(6):411-426.
Edholm ES, L M Albertorio-Saez, A L Gill, S Gill, L Grayfer , N Haynes, JR Myers and
J Robert (2013) "Nonclassical MHC class I-dependent invariant T cells are
evolutionary conserved and prominent from early development in amphibians"
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA, 27 (35):14342-14347.
Edholm ES and J Robert (2013) "Recent Research Progress and Potential Uses of
the Amphibian Xenopus as a Biomedical and Immunological Model System" Special
issue, Resources. (2): 167-183.
Nedelkovska H, ES Edholm, N Haynes and J Robert (2012) "Effective RNAi-mediated
β2-microglobulin loss of function by transgenesis in Xenopus laevis" Biology Open, (3):
Edholm ES, M Wilson and E Bengtén (2011) "Immunoglobulin light chains (IgL) in
ectothermic vertebrates" Special Issue Developmental and Comparative Immunology,
35 (9): 906-915.
Wallace K, S Richards, P Dhillon, A Weimer, ES Edholm, E Bengtén, M Wilson, J N
Martin & B LaMarca (2011) "CD4+ T helper cells stimulated in response to placental
ischemia mediate hypertension during pregnancy" Hypertension, 57 (5): 949-955.
Quiniou SM, M Sahoo, ES Edholm, E Bengtén and M Wilson (2011) "Channel catfish
CD8a and CD8b co-receptors: characterization, expression and polymorphism" Fish
and Shellfish Immunology, 30 (3): 894-901.
Edholm ES, E Bengtén and M Wilson (2011) "Insight into the function of IgD" Special
Issue Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 35 (12): 1309-1316.
Edholm ES, ED. Hudgens, D Tompkins, M Sahoo, B Burkhalter, NW Miller, E Bengtén
and M Wilson (2010) "Characterization of anti-channel catfish gL σ monoclonal
antibodies" Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology", 135: 325-328.
Edholm ES, E Bengtén, JL Stafford, M Sahoo, EB Taylor, NW Miller and M Wilson
(2010) "Identification of two IgD+ B cell populations in channel catfish, Ictalurus
punctatus" Journal of Immunology, 185 (7): 4082-4094.
Chen K, W Xu, M Wilson, B He, NW Miller, E Bengtén, ES Edholm, PA Santini, P
Rath, A Chiu, M Cattalini, J Litzman, J Bussel, B Huang, A Meini, K Riesbeck, C
Cunningham-Rundles, A Plebani and A Cerutti (2009) "Immunoglobulin D enhances
immune surveillance by activating antimicrobial, proinflammatory and B cell-stimulating
programs in basophils" Nature Immunology 10 (8): 889-898.
Edholm ES, M Wilson, M Sahoo, NW Miller, L Pilström, NE Wermenstam and E
Bengtén (2009) "Identification of IgL σ and IgL λ genes in the channel catfish, Ictalurus
punctatus, and IgL λ genes in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua" Immunogenetics 61 (5):
Sahoo M, ES Edholm, JL Stafford, E Bengtén, NW. Miller and M Wilson. (2008) "B cell
receptor accessory molecules in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus"
Developmental and Comparative Immunology 32 (11): 1385-1397.
Takano T, Z Sha, E Peatman, J Terhune, H Liu, H Kucuktas, P Li, ES Edholm, M
Wilson & Z Liu (2008) "The two channel catfish intelectin genes exhibit highly
differential patterns of tissue expression and regulation after infection with
Edwardsiella ictaluri" Developmental and Comparative Immunology 32(6): 693-705.
Edholm ES, JL Stafford, SM Quiniou, G Walbieser, NW Miller, E Bengtén and M
Wilson (2007) "Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, CD4-like molecules"
Developmental and Comparative Immunology 31(2): 172-187.
Complete List of Published Work in MYBibliography: https://www.ncbi.gov/sites/myncbi/
Research interests
MBI-2004 Immunology
Bio-3609 Basal and Comparative Immunology