Bilde av Vitikainen, Annamari
Bilde av Vitikainen, Annamari
Institute of philosophy and first semester studies +4777623330 You can find me here

Annamari Vitikainen

Job description


  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions – The case of Norway
    Etikk i praksis 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Eliisa Vitikainen :
    Routledge 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based Reasons in Refugee Resettlement – The Case of LGBTIQ+
    Moral Philosophy and Politics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: The Norwegian core curriculum and citizenship as shared fate
    Universitetsforlaget 2022 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Indigenous citizenship, shared fate, and non-ideal circumstances
    Citizenship Studies 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen :
    Introduction: Symposium on Acceptable and Unacceptable Criteria for Prioritizing Among Refugees in a Nonideal World
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    On Being Good Gay: 'Covering' and the social structure of being LGBT+
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Annamari Vitikainen :
    The ethics of refugee prioritization: reframing the debate
    Ethics & Global Politics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
    Ethics & Global Politics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Group rights, collective goods, and the problem of cross-border minority protection
    International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus - Ristiriidoista eteenpäin? [transl.: Multiculturalism and equality - Surpassing conflicts?]
    Gaudeamus 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Multiculturalism and Political Philosophy
    Oxford University Press 2017 DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction to the thematic issue ‘Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility’
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Excused by Culture?: Sex, Desire, and Conflicts in the Courtrooms
    Transaction Publishers 2016 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Culturally Motivated Actions and the Desire to Control
    Homo Oeconomicus (HOEC) 2014
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Routledge 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    The Limits of Liberal Multiculturalism: Towards an Individuated Approach to Cultural Diversity
    Palgrave Macmillan 2015
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugees and LGBTQ rights: A case for giving priority to LGBTQ persons in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Joanna Aleksandra Kreft :
    Can academic philosophy make a difference?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based reasons in refugee resettlement
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    On being Good Gay: 'Covering' and the social structure of being LGBT+
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Indigenous Citizenship, Shared Fate, and Non-ideal Circumstances
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based reasons in refugee resettlement
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Stig Brøndbo, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Er det greit å prioritere mellom flyktninger?
    12. June 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    'Oikeudenmukaisuuden ongelma'/'Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus' ['The Problem of Justice'/'Multiculturalism and equality') - book panel
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: Equal, differentiated, and shared citizenship
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction and panel discussion on LGBTQ refugees as part of Film Screening on LGBTQ refugee work in Ottawa
    LGBTQ refugee work / Film Screening and Panel Discussion 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Group Rights, Collective Goods, and the Problem of Cross-border Minority Protection
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Multiculturalism in the Nordic Region
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority rights and the problem of cross-border minority protection
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT rights and refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in asylum?
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: equal, differentiated, or shared citizenship?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: assessing the normative differences between societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus: miten mahdollisista ristiriidoista voi päästä eteenpäin? (Multiculturalism and equality: how to surpass possible conflicts?)
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen :
    Globalizing Minority Rights: Cosmopolitanism, Global Institutions, and Cultural Justice / Introduction of the GMR project
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: Equal, differentiated, or shared citizenship?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: Assessing the normative differences in societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: Assessing the normative differences between societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Liberalismin, liberaalin monikulttuurisuusteorian ja monikulttuurisuuspolitiikan suhteista (On the relations of liberalism, liberal multiculturalism, and multicultural politics)
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Equal Citizenship
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Liberal Egalitarianism and Equality of Opportunity"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Excused by Culture? Wants, desires, and the power to control"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Liberal multiculturalism and allocation of minority rights: Group-membership, self-identification, and need"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Group Membership and the Allocation of Group-differentiated Rights"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "The Limits of Liberal Multiculturalism"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Joint Opportunities and Cultural Disadvantages"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research interests fall broadly within the field of contemporary political philosophy, especially questions relating to multiculturalism, migration, minority and group rights (incl. indigenous rights), and sexuality and gender. I'm the author of The Limits of Liberal Multiculturalism: Towards an Individuated Approach to Cultural Diversity, Palgrave Macmillan (2015). Other recent publications include "Group Rights, Collective Goods, and the Problem of Cross-border Minority Protection", International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 26:2 (2019), and "LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions", Ethics & Global Politics 13:1 (2020).

    I am the leader (2020-2022) of the Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice (PDJ) research group in Political Philosophy, UiT. I am also member of the Feminist Philosophy (Femphil) research group, UiT.

    I am currently the PI of a Research Council of Norway project on Good Integration (GOODINT): Goals and bottlenecks of good integration and social cohesion (2021-2025).

    In 2016-2021 I co-led a RCN project Globalizing Minority Rights: Cosmopolitanism, Global Institutions, and Cultural Justice

    I am also member of a research project on Indigenous Citizenship and Education (ICE) (RCN 2017-2022) based at the Centre for Sami Studies, UiT.

    During the academic year 2021-2022, I am associated as Guest Researcher at the Center for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen.