Qiang Hao,
Rolf-Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø,
Qianwen Ding,
Tsegay Teame,
Yuanyuan Yao
et al.:
Dietary Solid-state-fermentation product of Bacillus velezensis T23 alleviate hepatic steatosis, oxidative stress, gut barrier damage, and microbiota dysbiosis in juvenile genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT, Oreochromis niloticus)
Aquaculture Reports 2025
Ingvill Tolås,
Zhigang Zhou,
Zhen Zhang,
Tsegay Teame,
Rolf-Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
A fishy gut feeling – current knowledge on gut microbiota in teleosts
Frontiers in Marine Science 2025
Ingrid Schafroth Sandbakken,
Hang Su,
Louise Johansen,
Yupeng Zhang,
Einar Ringø,
Randi Røsbak
et al.:
Replacing fishmeal with salmon hydrolysate reduces the expression of intestinal inflammatory markers and modulates the gut microbiota in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Frontiers in Marine Science 2024
Srirengaraj Vijayaram,
Einar Ringø,
Hamed Ghafarifarsani,
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Saman Ahani,
Chi-Chung Chou
Use of Algae in Aquaculture: A Review
Mohamed Ashour,
Ahmed Said Al-Souti,
Mohamed M. Mabrouk,
Mohammed A.E. Naiel,
Elsayed M. Younis,
Abdelwahab A. Abdelwarith
et al.:
A commercial seaweed extract increases growth performance, immune responses, and related gene expressions in whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
Hien Van Doan,
Md Afsar Ahmed Sumon,
Hung Quang Tran,
Chinh Xuan Le,
Eman Y. Mohammady,
Ehab R. El-Haroun
et al.:
Role of β-glucan on finfish and shellfish health and well-being: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Mehwish Faheem,
Iram Liaqat,
Hien Van Doan,
Koushik Ghosh,
Einar Ringø
Promising Probiotic Candidates for Sustainable Aquaculture: An Updated Review
Srirengaraj Vijayaram,
Karthikeyan Mahendran,
Einar Ringø,
Hary Razafindralambo,
Suruli Kannan,
Yun Zhang Sun
Biogenic dietary promoters in aquaculture: nature-based solutions for enhancing growth, health, and sustainability
Annals of Animal Science 2024
Srirengaraj Vijayaram,
Reshma Sinha,
Caterina Faggio,
Einar Ringø,
Chi-Chung Chou
Biopolymer encapsulation for improved probiotic delivery: Advancements and challenges
Einar Ringø
Carnobacteria in fish
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2023
Koushik Ghosh,
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Abhisek Mukhopadhyay,
Einar Ringø
Fungi and Actinobacteria: Alternative Probiotics for Sustainable Aquaculture
Qianwen Ding,
Qiang Hao,
Ya Jin,
Qingshuang Zhang,
Yadong Xie,
Yalin Yang
et al.:
The effects of sodium propionate on intestinal barrier function of genetically improved farmed tilapia in a high-lipid formulation
Yinyin Luan,
Ming Li,
Wei Zhou,
Yuanyuan Yao,
Yalin Yang,
Zhen Zhang
et al.:
The Fish Microbiota: Research Progress and Potential Applications
Engineering (Beijing) 2023
Hien Van Doan,
Parvathy Prakash,
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Einar Ringø,
Ehab El-Haroun,
Caterina Faggio
et al.:
Marine-derived products as functional feed additives in aquaculture: A review
Shangong Wu,
Meijing Pan,
Ziye Zan,
Ivan Jakovlić,
Weishan Zhao,
Hong Zou
et al.:
Regulation of lipid metabolism by gut microbiota in aquatic animals
Reviews in Aquaculture 2023
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Francesca Maradonna,
Mehwish Faheem,
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Gunapathy Devi,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
Sustainable Ornamental Fish Aquaculture: The Implication of Microbial Feed Additives
Seerengaraj Vijayaram,
Einar Ringø,
Antonio Zuorro,
Hien van Doan,
Yunzhang Sun
Beneficial roles of nutrients as immunostimulants in aquaculture: A review
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2023
Mingxu Xie,
Ming Li,
Qiang Hao,
Rolf-Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø,
Yalin Yang
et al.:
Effects of nuclease-treated fermentation product of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GCC-3 on growth, hepatic health and gut microbiota of zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed a high-fat diet
Mingxu Xie,
Qiang Hao,
Rolf Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø,
Yalin Yang,
Zhen Zhang
et al.:
Growth performance, hepatic enzymes, and gut health status of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in response to dietary Cetobacterium somerae fermentation product
Preetham Elumalai,
Amitha Kurian,
Sreeja Lakshmi,
Mohamed Saiyad Musthafa,
Einar Ringø,
Caterina Faggio
Effect of leucas aspera against aeromonas hydrophila in nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Immunity and gene expression evaluation
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2022
Hien Van Doan,
Chompunut Lumsangkul,
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Sanchai Jaturasitha,
Hung Quang Tran,
Yaowaluk Chanbang
et al.:
Influences of spent coffee grounds on skin mucosal and serum immunities, disease resistance, and growth rate of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared under biofloc system
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2022
Sevdan Yilmaz,
Ebru Yilmaz,
Mahmoud A.O. Dawood,
Einar Ringø,
Ehsan Ahmadifar,
Hany M.R. Abdel-Latif
Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics used to control vibriosis in fish: A review
Qianwen Ding,
Qiang Hao,
Qingshuang Zhang,
Yalin Yang,
Rolf Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
DHA Suppresses Hepatic Lipid Accumulation via Cyclin D1 in Zebrafish
Mingxu Xie,
Yadong Xie,
Yu Li,
Wei Zhou,
Zhen Zhang,
Yalin Yang
et al.:
Stabilized fermentation product of Cetobacterium somerae improves gut and liver health and antiviral immunity of zebrafish
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2022
Hany M.R. Abdel-Latif,
Ebru Yilmaz,
Mahmoud A.O. Dawood,
Einar Ringø,
Ehsan Ahmadifar,
Sevdan Yilmaz
Shrimp vibriosis and possible control measures using probiotics, postbiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: A review
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Gunapathy Devi,
Hien Van Doan,
S. Vijay,
Chellam Balasundaram,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
Dietary plant pigment on blood-digestive physiology, antioxidant-immune response, and inflammatory gene transcriptional regulation in spotted snakehead (Channa punctata) infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2022
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Gunapathy Devi,
Hien Van Doan,
Wanaporn Tapingkae,
Chellam Balasundaram,
Jesu Arockiaraj
et al.:
Changes in immune genes expression, immune response, digestive enzymes -antioxidant status, and growth of catla (Catla catla) fed with Astragalus polysaccharides against edwardsiellosis disease
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2022
Qianwen Ding,
Qiang Hao,
Qingshuang Zhang,
Yalin Yang,
Rolf Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
Excess DHA Induces Liver Injury via Lipid Peroxidation and Gut Microbiota-Derived Lipopolysaccharide in Zebrafish
Qianwen Ding,
Chenyao Lu,
Qiang Hao,
Qingshuang Zhang,
Yalin Yang,
Rolf Erik Olsen
et al.:
Dietary Succinate Impacts the Nutritional Metabolism, Protein Succinylation and Gut Microbiota of Zebrafish
Hien Van Doan,
Mehdi Soltani,
Alexandra Leitão,
Shafigh Shafiei,
Sepideh Asadi,
Alan J. Lymbery
et al.:
Streptococcosis a Re-Emerging Disease in Aquaculture: Significance and Phytotherapy
Mingxu Xie,
Qiang Hao,
Rui Xia,
Rolf Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø,
Yalin Yang
et al.:
Nuclease-Treated Stabilized Fermentation Product of Cetobacterium somerae Improves Growth, Non-specific Immunity, and Liver Health of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Einar Ringø,
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Mehdi Soltani,
Koushik Ghosh
The Effect of Gut Microbiota and Probiotics on Metabolism in Fish and Shrimp
Trine Eggen,
Heidi Amlund,
Robert Barneveld,
Aksel Bernhoft,
Gunnar Sundstøl Eriksen,
Belinda Eline Flem
et al.:
Risk assessment of potentially toxic elements (heavy metals and arsenic) in soil and fertiliser products – fate and effects in the food chain and the environment in Norway - Scientific opinion of the Panel on Animal Feed of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Mingxu Xie,
Yu Li,
Rolf Erik Olsen,
Einar Ringø,
Yalin Yang,
Zhen Zhang
et al.:
Dietary supplementation of exopolysaccharides from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GCC-3 improved the resistance of zebrafish against spring viremia of carp virus infection
Frontiers in Immunology 2022
Einar Ringø,
Xuemei Li,
Hien van Doan,
Koushik Ghosh
Interesting Probiotic Bacteria Other Than the More Widely Used Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bacilli in Finfish
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022
Qianwen Ding,
Zhen Zhang,
Yu Li,
Hongliang Liu,
Qiang Hao,
Yalin Yang
et al.:
Propionate induces intestinal oxidative stress via Sod2 propionylation in zebrafish
Jing Jin,
Karsten Beckmann,
Einar Ringø,
Ivonne MCM Rietjens,
Fuguo Xing
Interactions between food-borne mycotoxins and the gut microbiota: a review
Hien van Doan,
Mehdi Soltani,
Einar Ringø
In vitro antagonistic effect and in vivo protective efficacy of Gram-positive probiotics versus Gram-negative bacterial pathogens in finfish and shellfish
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Gunapathy Devi,
Chellam Balasundaram,
Hien Van Doan,
Sanchai Jaturasitha,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
Effect of chrysophanic acid on immune response and immune genes transcriptomic profile in Catla catla against Aeromonas hydrophila
Ramasamy Harikrishnan,
Gunapathy Devi,
Chellam Balasundaram,
Hien Van Doan,
Sanchai Jaturasitha,
Kaliyaperumal Saravanan
et al.:
Impact of cinnamaldehyde on innate immunity and chemokine expression in Channa striatus against Aphanomyces invadans
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2021
Hien Van Doan,
Chompunut Lumsangkul,
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Sudaporn Tongsiri,
Chanagun Chitmant,
Mohamed Saiyad Musthafa
et al.:
Modulation of growth, innate immunity, and disease resistance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture under biofloc system by supplementing pineapple powder and Lactobacillus plantarum
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2021
Hien Van Doan,
Chompunut Lumsangkul,
Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar,
Tran Quang Hung,
Vlastimil Stejskal,
Einar Ringø
et al.:
Administration of watermelon rind powder to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture under biofloc system: Effect on growth performance, innate immune response, and disease resistance
Aimen Firdous,
Einar Ringø,
Preetham Elumalai
Effects of green tea- and amla extracts on quality and melanosis of Indian white prawn (Fenneropenaeus indicus, Milne Edwards, 1837) during chilled storage
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2020
Koushik Ghosh,
Anjan Mukherjee,
Dipanjan Dutta,
Sudeshna Banerjee,
Eva Marie Breines,
Ellinor Hareide
et al.:
Endosymbiotic pathogen-inhibitory gut bacteria in three Indian Major Carps under polyculture system: A step toward making a probiotics consortium
Aquaculture and Fisheries 10. April 2020