Bilde av Damm, Charlotte
Bilde av Damm, Charlotte
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology +4777644373 +47-47900734 You can find me here

Charlotte Damm

Professor of Archaeology

  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Fiskesøkker og hverdagens magi i steinalderens kystlandskap
    Orkana Forlag 2024 ARKIV
  • Carol Lentfer, Marianne Skandfer, Samantha Presslee, Richard Hagan, Harry K. Robson, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Cut above the Rest: a Multi-disciplinary Study of Two Slate Knives from Forager Contexts in Coastal Norway.
    Oxford Journal of Archaeology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Scales of interaction. Quantity and quality of encounters amongst northern foragers
    Transcript Verlag 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Astrid Johanne Nyland, Ben Elliot, Graeme Warren, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Henny Piezonka, Martin Porr et al.:
    Decolonizing the Mesolithic?
    Mesolithic miscellany 2022
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    A Neolithic Corridor between East and West.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Spiritual landscapes: Diversity in practices and perceptions in Northern Fennoscandia.
    Equinox Publishing 2021
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Mesolithic Pyrotechnology: Practices and Perceptions in Early Holocene Coastal Norway
    European Journal of Archaeology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway: surveys and documentation of house-pit sites
    Самарский научный вестник 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Downscaling Cosmological Landscapes: from Early to Mid-Holocene Rock Art in Northern Norway
    2021 ARKIV
  • Charlotte Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Peter D. Jordan :
    Peopling Prehistoric Coastlines: Identifying Mid-Holocene Forager Settlement Strategies in Northern Norway
    Journal of Maritime Archaeology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen, Per Johan E Sjøgren, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Peter Jordan :
    Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic: Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway.
    Quaternary International 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Hunter-Fishers of Norway
    2024 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Mennesker i et nytt landskap: Orientering, påvirking og merking gjennom tidlig Holocen i Nordnorge.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Pioneers in a sentient landscape. Wayfinding, impact and marking during the colonisation of northern Norway.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Nærmeste nabo: nær eller fjern?
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Pioneers in animate landscapes: Situating rock art in the colonisation process of northern Norway
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    På gamle tomter: en arkeolog vender tilbake.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Hunter-Fishers of Norway
    Comparative Guts. Exploring the Inside of the Body through time and Space 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gørill Nilsen, Johan Eilertsen Arntzen, Bjørnar Julius Olsen, Stein Farstadvoll, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Asgeir Svestad :
    Samisk ordpynt eller vilje til å satse strategisk? 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gørill Nilsen, Johan Eilertsen Arntzen, Stein Farstadvoll, Bjørnar Julius Olsen, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Asgeir Svestad :
    Eallju: Samisk ordpynt i UiTs strategi - eller forpliktelse til å satse på arkeologiutdanninga?
    Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 15. December 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Gørill Nilsen, Johan Eilertsen Arntzen, Bjørnar Julius Olsen, Stein Farstadvoll, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Asgeir Svestad :
    Eallju: Samisk ordpynt i UiTs strategi, eller forpliktelse?
    Ságat Samisk avis AS 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Landscape scaling and rock art
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Comment by Charlotte Damm
    Transcript Verlag 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Comment by Charlotte Damm
    Transcript Verlag 2022 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Relational ontologies in a maritime community: Mid-Holocene northern Norway
  • Jan Magne Gjerde, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Rock art in northern Fennoscandia: abandonment and revival
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Rapport fra befaring og registrering på Fella, Vatnan og Gåshopen i Hammerfest kommune, Finnmark fylke 2019
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    Rapport fra befaring på Seiland, Slettnes og langs Vargsundet i 2018 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics»
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dwellings, settlement organisation and population fluctuations: a multi-scalar case study from Arctic Norway.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Staying put and going far: the dynamics of multiple scales of interaction amongst northern foragers
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Being fluid, dividual and multiple: why stratification is hard amongst small-scale foragers.
  • Jan Magne Gjerde, Louise Hansen, Anders Romundset, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Raset på Kråknes sopte med seg kulturminner på havet
    29. November 2021
  • Jan Magne Gjerde, Louise Hansen, Anders Romundset, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Raset på Kråknes sopte med seg boplass fra steinalderen
    29. November 2021
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Downscaling Cosmological Landscapes: from Early to Mid-Holocene Rock Art in Northern Norway.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Between the unique and the general: The contribution of historical and anthropological archaeology to the wider field of anthropology.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Scales of interaction. Quantity and quality of encounters amongst northern foragers.
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Jan Magne Gjerde :
    Stone Age dwellings, sites and environment in coastal northern Norway. Surveys and documentation of house-pit sites.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    Dokumentasjon av kulturminneområdet på ID 27272 Taborshamn, Hasvik kommune, Finnmark, 2018, under forskningsprosjektet "Stone Age Demographics"
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dokumentasjon av tuftefelt i Hasvik kommune, Sørøya 2017 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics». Feltrapport
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Discussant´s summary and comments. (Session "A Little Give and Take. Studying Mesolithic Archaeology and Studying Hunter-Gatherers in 2020")
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Fire, Fuel and Food: perceptions of the environment in early Mesolithic Arctic Norway.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Demographic patterns amongst hunter-fishers in Northernmost Europe 5500-1500 BC
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Populations or Families? Issues of spatio-temporal scales in demographic analyses.
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dokumentasjon av tuftefelt i Hasvik kommune, Sørøya 2016 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics». Feltrapport.
    2019 FULLTEKST
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Carol Lentfer :
    Use-wear and residue analyses of Stone Age lithic artefacts from northern Norway: potential and preliminary results
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer :
    "Åpen dag" på Taborshavn. Presentasjon av boplass med stor tidsdybde og utgravning av en tuft fra steinalderen.
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Archaeology and the pan-disciplinary future: at the crossroads of method and theory
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Peter Jordan :
    Re-Populating Prehistoric Coastal Landscapes: Emerging Results from the Sørøya Survey
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Presentation of research project: Stone Age Demographics

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Current projects:

    Stone Age Demographics. PI, funded by the Norwegian Research Council 2017-2022. The project investigates demographics patterns in northern Norway, particularly western Finnmark during the period 9000-0 BC. some of the issue we focus on are fluctuations in population size, spatial distribution and the contemporaneity of dwellings at sites. 

    Stone Age Pyrotechnologies When the first hunter-fishers arrived in northern Norway shortly after the end of the last Ice Age there was only very sparse vegetaion. How did they heat their dwellings, how did they prepare their food and how did this affect their preception of the environment?

    Research group:

    SARG Leader of the Sub-Arctic Stone Age Research Group, which is a forum for Stone Age archaeology in Tromsø, and which collaborates with scholars at other institutions nationally and internationally.


    • Stone Age in Northern Fennoscandia; I work predominantly with the period 6000-1500 BC, that is from the end of the Early Stone Age/Mesolithic through the Late Stone Age/Neolithic and into the Early Metal period/Bronze Age. I am particularly interested in the contacts and regional differentiation across northern Norway, northern Sweden, Finland and northwestern Russia.
    • Hunter-gatherer societies past and present; Knowledge on historical and ethnographic hunter-fisher-gatherers may provide pertinent insight about the significant variation also amongst prehistoric groups.
    • Interregional and multicultural interaction; we are increasingly aware that there were marked differences in livelihood and practices also amongst hunter-gatherers in the past. This provides the background for both social and economic interaction between groups.
    • Past social and cultural variation with a particular interest in gender and identity; to what extent and how are we able to study social relations in past societies, such as gender roles, kinship, power structures and ethnic differentiation?
    • Prehistoric rituals and religion; material culture is a key element also in world views, beliefs and rituals. Is is therefore a relevant and intersting research field also for archaeology.


    ARK-1012 Fra Istidsjegere til jordbrukere. From Ice Age hunters to farmers. Introductory course to Stone Age and Bronze Age in Scandinavia. (1st year BA )

    ARK-1035 Arctic Rock Art. Comprehensive course in  hunter-gatherer rock art in Norway, Sweden, Finland and northwestern Russia and its interpretations. Taught in English and organised with international students in mind. BA-level. 

    ARK-3002 Archaeological perspectives on Hunter-Gatherers. MA-level

    ARK-3026 Sentrale perspektiver på arkeologisk teori og metode.  Central perspectives in archaeological theory and method. Obligatory course for MA-students. The last few years I have focussed on critical reflections on isotope analyses and aDNA, but also contributed to the theme environmental humanisme. 

    ARK-3027 Førhistorisk religion og ritualer. Pre-Christian religion and rituals. MA-course concerned with theoretical and methodological approaches to Sami pre-Christian religion as well as Stone Age rock art and rituals.

    ARK-3900 Seminars linked to the the MA-dissertation, focussing on structure, argumentation, presentation of data, academic language etc. 

    ARK-8003 Vitenskapelige tekster og argumentasjon / Academic texts and argumentation. PhD-course. Taught in either Norwegian or English.


    Commissions of trust:

    Editorial boards:

    • Norwegian Archaeological Review
    • Fennoscandia Archaeologica

    Current administrative positions:

    • 2014- PhD-coordinator, archaeology, UiT
    • 2018- Board, PhD program, HSL, UiT
    • 2022- Board, Study program archaeology, HSL, UiT
    • 2021-2025 Board, Archaeological Museum, University of Stavanger.
    • 2023- Member, Research Ethics Committee, HSL-Faculty