Stephen Wickler

Researcher, maritime archaeology

Job description

My responsibilities include the management of submerged cultural heritage in northern Norway in a position partially financed by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage.

One of my principle tasks is the dissemination of knowledge gained from maritime archaeology research and management within a museum framework.

My research explores past relationships between people and waterscapes in northern Norway with a primary focus on the Iron Age and medieval periods.

I am a member of several research groups with an interest in documenting past human-environment dynamics in northern Norway through the development of new methods within archaeological science.

  • Youri van den Hurk, Fanny Sikström, Luc Amkreutz, Madeleine Bleasdale, Aurélia Borvon, Brice Ephrem et al.:
    The prelude to industrial whaling: Identifying the targets of ancient European whaling using zooarchaeology and collagen mass-peptide fingerprinting
    Royal Society Open Science 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rebecca G Topness, Richard S Vachula, Nicholas L Balascio, William J D’Andrea, Genevieve Pugsley, Moussa Dia et al.:
    Northern Norway paleofire records reveal two distinct phases of early human impacts on fire activity
    The Holocene 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Torstein Pedersen, Colin Patrick Amundsen, Stephen Wickler :
    Characteristics of early Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) catches based on otoliths recovered from archaeological excavations at medieval to early modern sites in northern Norway
    ICES Journal of Marine Science 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Giada Ferrari, Angelica Cuevas, Agata Teresa Wyrozemska, Rachel Ballantyne, Oliver Kersten, Albina Hulda Palsdottir et al.:
    The preservation of ancient DNA in archaeological fish bone
    Journal of Archaeological Science 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stephen Wickler :
    The medieval stockfish trade: a maritime perspective from northern Norway
    ARGOS – Revista do Museu Marítimo de Ílhavo 2021 ARKIV
  • Stephen Wickler, Tori Falck :
    The social context of boats and maritime trade in late medieval Norway: case studies from northern and southern peripheries.
    Archaeopress 2020 DATA
  • Nicholas L. Balascio, R. Scott Anderson, William J. D’Andrea, Stephen Wickler, Robert D’Andrea, Jostein Bakke :
    Vegetation changes and plant wax biomarkers from an ombrotrophic bog define hydroclimate trends and human-environment interactions during the Holocene in Northern Norway
    The Holocene 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stephen Wickler, Tori Falck :
    The social context of boats and maritime trade in late medieval Norway: case studies from northern and southern peripheries
    Archaeopress 2020
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Iconic Arctic Shipwrecks, Archaeology, and Museum Narratives
    International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stephen Kent Wickler :
    Stornaust fra middelalder. Forskningsutgravning i 2022 på Nergården, Bjarkøy, Harstad k.
    2023 ARKIV
  • Stephen Kent Wickler :
    VIKINGS - The Last Kingdom
    10. September 2023 DATA
  • Stephen Kent Wickler :
    Borgvær: fiskeværsbosetting og fiske siden merovingertid på yttersiden av Lofoten
  • Tori Falck, Stephen Kent Wickler :
    Lovundbåten...Och ett annorlunda vrakmuseum.
    Vrakmagasinet 2023
  • Stephen Kent Wickler :
    Shifting contextualities of maritime settlement on islands along the outer coast of medieval northern Norway.
  • Marianne Skandfer, Roger Jørgensen, Stephen Wickler :
    Nordlendingen tar de geologiske ressursene i bruk: et arkeologisk perspektiv
    Museumsforlaget AS 2022 ARKIV
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Lovundbåten:fra utgravning til utstilling
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Boats from bogs. IKUWA conference podcast interview. Conference Special Part II - People in their landscape
    06. July 2022
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Exploring maritime identity in Arctic Norway’s sea of islands since the Early Iron Age
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Arkeologisk utgravning på Bjarkøy - Historiske Harstad
    11. August 2022
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Naustutgravning på Nergården, Bjarkøy
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Sektoravgiftsprosjekter i Nord-Norge 2022: Håkvikvassdraget og Skoddebergvatnet
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Forskningssamarbeid mellom sjøfartsmuseene fra et nordnorsk perspektiv
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Sagaseminar 2022 - Stephen Wickler, Resultater av naustutgraving i Nergården på Bjarkøy 2019-2021
    24. April 2022
  • Stephen Wickler :
    NRK Nordland: Graver frem helt unikt skipsvrak: – Tror det kan bli en attraksjon
    04. June 2022
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Marinarkeologisk og vassdrags befaringsrapporter (10 stk.)
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Stephen Wickler :
    - Forskningsprosjekt «Stornaust, kommunikasjon og makt» og naustutgravning på Bjarkøy og Sand på Tjeldøya - Borgvær: fiskeværsbosetting og fiske siden merovingertid på yttersiden av Lofoten
  • Birgitte Skar, Jørgen Rosvold, Ivar Berthling, Martin Callanan, Kristoffer Dahle, Espen Finstad et al.:
    Glasialarkeologi i Norge
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Stornaust og båtverksted fra middelalder. Forskningsutgravning i 2021 på Nergården, Bjarkøy, Harstad k.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022 ARKIV
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Skipsvrak og tørrfiskhandel i Nord-Norge
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Et stornaust og båtverksted fra vikingtid og middelalder. Forskningsutgravning i 2020 på Nergård, Bjarkøy, Harstad k.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 ARKIV
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Human-environment dynamics and maritime identities in Arctic Norway’s sea of islands since the Iron Age
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Robåten - en transportrevolusjon fra jernalderen. VitenSkapet
    VitenSkapet 2021
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Feltrapporter fra marinarkeologisk befaringer i 2021 (15 stk.)
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
  • Stephen Wickler :
    D/S Hamburg. Full uenighet om vrak fra krigen: – Hvor mye kulturverdi er det i et skip som produserte fisk?
    01. November 2021 DATA
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Hva kan skipsvrak fra middelalderen og 1700-tallet fortelle om tørrfiskhandelen i Nord-Norge?
  • Stephen Wickler :
    DS «Malmberget» Skipet forsvant på mystisk vis for 108 år siden – så ble det funnet ved en tilfeldighet
    27. May 2021 DATA
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Jektevrak på Mjønes i Bodø kommune
    29. July 2021 DATA
  • Susanne Skjåstad Lysvold, Stephen Wickler :
    Skipsanker fulgte med opp fra dypet: – Vitner nok om en flere hundre år gammel tragedie
    19. September 2020 DATA
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Whose watery past is it? What can we learn from recent public nautical archaeology projects and what does the discipline gain from community-driven research?
    2020 DATA
  • Stephen Wickler, Øyvind Kaarbø :
    Kan ha vært båtbygging ved Tore Hund-naustet
    18. August 2020
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Skandinavias eldste robåtfunn er gjort på Senja
    2020 OMTALE
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Arktiske skipsvrak som ikoner og kulturminner
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Arkeologisk forskningsutgraving i nausttuft og tuft ID 38824 på Nergård, Bjarkøy, Harstad kommune, Troms og Finnmark fylke
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020 ARKIV
  • Jørn Erik Henriksen, Roger Jørgensen, Keth Elisabeth Lind, Anja Roth Niemi, Marianne Skandfer, Ingrid Sommerseth et al.:
    Faglig program 2020 - 2025. Arkeologiske undersøkelser. Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum
    2020 ARKIV
  • Steve Nilsen, Stephen Wickler :
    Episode1: Arkeologisk utgraving i Nergården på Bjarkøy ved stornaustet til vikinghøvdingen Tore Hund
    23. August 2020 DATA
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Feltrapporter fra marinarkeologisk registreringsundersøkelser i regi av Tromsø Museum (UM) (13 rapporter)
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Har funnet naustet til Tore Hund: – Dette er en sensasjon
    23. October 2019 OMTALE
  • Stephen Wickler :
    Hvor gamle er båttypene våre egentlig? Et dypdykk i Tromsø Museums arkeologiske magasin
  • Stephen Wickler :
    De eldste båter i Nord-Norge (og Norden): nye bevis fra båtfunn i myr
  • Stephen Wickler, Nicholas L. Balascio, William J. D'Andrea, R. Scott Anderson :
    Paleoenvironmental perspective on human-environment interactions during the Iron Age in the Lofoten Islands, Norway

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    Archaeology of waterscapes in northern Norway from the Iron Age to the present with an emphasis on linking cultural heritage issues to research themes.

    •Coastal settlement and maritime activity (fishery development, harbors, boathouses as a social arena)

    •Viking Age and medieval maritime trade and long distance transport of goods (stockfish, stone resources – bakestones, millstones, whetstones, soapstone)

    •Fishery commercialization and globalization of the stockfish (dried cod) trade

    •Medieval watercraft and maritime networks

    •Development of boat technology in northern Norway from a multiethnic perspective

    •Maritime interethnic relations (Sámi-Norse interaction)

    •Role of waterways in coastal-inland interaction

    •Marine resources and the development of maritime settlement mounds since the late Iron Age


    Archaeological science

    •geoarchaeology- geochemistry, geophysical methods


    •paleoenvironmental reconstruction and human-driven landscape transformation (biomarkers and other proxy data from sediment cores)

    Comparative heritage studies and museum narratives

    Long-standing research interests in the western Pacific and Oceania. Projects include research on perceptions of heritage in Palau, western Micronesia and the materiality of Australian South Sea Islander identity in Queensland, Australia.