Bilde av Hansen, Ketil Lenert
Bilde av Hansen, Ketil Lenert
Forskningsgruppe for barne- og familievern +4777623273 (0047) 90791116 You can find me here

Ketil Lenert Hansen

Job description


Job description
Professor, responsible for Sami children and young people


Ketil Lenert Hansen is an indigenous (Sámi) epidemiologist and public health professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (100%), with over 20 years of mixed methods research experience within the Norwegian indigenous Sámi people. This work has included research on discrimination, bullying, health inequality, violence, disability, resilience, child welfare, somatic- and mental health among Sámi children, youth and adults. His community engagement work has spanned regional, national, and international efforts. He has also been involved in teaching programs and developed courses in public health for masters and PhD students, taught at several circumpolar summer schools for PhD students in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Lenert Hansen has received several awards for my circumpolar research, eg.: Jens Peder Hart Hansen Award (2012) and Dissemination prize from the Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT (2018). He have privious been a Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholar (2021-23). Today, he serves as a member of the Lancet Commission on Arctic Health: Accelerating Indigenous Health and Well-Being.

“As an indigenous (Sámi) professor of public health the Community Dimensions of Health and Well-being for indigenous people in the Arctic are very important to me and close to my heart. My ancestors lived a nomadic lifestyle in the northern part of Scandinavia for hundreds of years. They were predominantly reindeer herders and, several of my family member still continue this tradition today, on the biggest island in Norway, Hinnøya (Linnasuolu, North Sámi language).” 

  • Andrew Sise, Peter Azzopardi, Alex Brown, Jordan Tewhaiti-Smith, Seth Westhead, Jaameeta Kurji et al.:
    Health and well-being needs of Indigenous adolescents: A protocol for a scoping review of qualitative studies
    BMJ Open 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rainer Lohmann, Bonita Beatty, Jessica Graybill, Elena Grigorieva, Ketil Lenert Hansen, Anu Soikkeli :
    Perspective: Dimensions of Environment and Health in Arctic Communities
    Environment & Health 12. December 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen, John Fluke, Dionne Gesink, Oddgeir Friborg, Tore Sørlie, Lisa Merkel-Holguin et al.:
    Study Protocol: The Arctic Childhood Study: a Study of Violence and Health in Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Children and Youth in Arctic Norway—a Mixed Methods Cohort Study Design
    International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 04. May 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dominic Andrew Nyikach, Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    The lived experience of immigrant parents of disabled adolescents and young adults transitioning into adulthood: A narrative inquiry
    British Journal of Learning Disabilities 16. November 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    «Psyhkalaš dearvvasvuohta ja eallineavttut sámi nuoraid gaskkas»
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Podkast «Psykisk helse og levekår blant samiske ungdom»
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Sami and other indigenous people: perspective on health and well-being
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Fordrag on Fulbright Arctic Initiative
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    The Mihá study: mental health and well-being among indigenous Sámi adolescents and young adults in Norway: Risk and resilience.  
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Helseforskning med samisk etnisitet som kontekst
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Sámi nuoraid psykososiála dearvvašvuohta ja eallindilálašvuohta
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    podkast,Lørdagsuniversitetet #10 Ketil Lenert Hansen | Psykisk helse og levekår blandt samisk ungdom.
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Psykososial helse og levekår blant samisk ungdom
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Lørdagsuniversitetet markere uken med episoden #10 Ketil Lenert Hansen | Psykisk helse og levekår blandt samisk ungdom
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Petter Viksveen, Anita Salamonsen, Stig Erlend Bjønness, Eline Ree, Laia Gomez Meldahl, Ketil Lenert Hansen et al.:
    InvolveMENT: Sammen om bedre digitale psykiske helsetjenester for unge med bakgrunn som nasjonale minoriteter, urfolk og flyktninger. Posterpresentasjon på Barn og Unge Kongressen 2024
  • Petter Viksveen, Laia Gomez Meldahl, Lou Krijger, Stig Erlend Bjønness, Eline Ree, Ketil Lenert Hansen et al.:
    Improving mental health services with and for Indigenous and ethnic minority youth (InvolveMENT). Presentasjon på HelseCampus seminar for Helsedirektoratet.
  • Petter Viksveen, Laia Gomez Meldahl, Lou Krijger, Stig Erlend Bjønness, Eline Ree, Ketil Lenert Hansen et al.:
    Improving mental health services with and for indigenous and ethnic minority youth (InvolveMENT)
  • Helle Stangeland, Eli Sandsgård-Hilmarsen, Laila Meldahl, Anita Salamonsen, Stig Erlend Bjønness, Eline Ree et al.:
    Nyhetssak om InvolveMENT-prosjektet til nyhetsbrevet til Nasjonalt forskningsnettverk for migrasjon og helse (NFMH)
  • Anita Salamonsen, Ketil Lenert Hansen, Petter Viksveen, Mariann Schjølberg Karlsen :
    RKBU Nord bidrar med å tilpasse til minoritetsungdom
    28. September 2023 DATA
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholarship and The Arctic Childhood Study
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Data fra Mihá undersøkelsen - om psykososial helse blant samisk ungdom
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Lihkku sámi álbmotbeivviin!!
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen, Siv Kvernmo :
    Samisk ungdomshelse står på planen når det inviteres til to-dagers konferanse i Tromsø
    13. April 2023
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Hva vet vi om samisk ungdomshelse av i dag?
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Vold og grønt skifte:Samisk helse til Washington DC
    23. April 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Mihá - Unge samers psykiske helse
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen, Ylva Jannok Nutti, Hadi Strømmen Lile, Anne Lindblom :
    Mihá studien – samiske elevers folkehelse og livsmestring
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Sámi dutki oassá lastá riikkaid gaskasaš konfe ránsii
    24. April 2023
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen, Siv Kvernmo :
    Konferanse om samisk ungdomshelse
    14. January 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Indigenous Scholars Panel
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    The Arctic Childhood Study
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Diskriminering og hatytringer mot samer
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Hatytringer mot samer i Norge
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen, Bonita Beatty, Jessica Graybill, Elena Grigorieva, Rainer Lohmann, Anu Soikkeli :
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Scolar Perspectives on Research, Practice, and Policy Between Norway and the U.S.
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Kva er ein arktisk barndom? Det har vore fokus for professor Ketil Lenert Hansen frå UiT
    27. April 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Psykisk helse blant samisk ungdom
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Kan være kilde til stress
    07. November 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Lørdagsuniversitetet: Psykisk helse og levekår blant samisk ungdom
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Aspect about Sámi health and well-being
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Samiske barn og unge psykiske helse og levekår
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Lørdagsuniversitetet: Hva er status på psykisk helse blant samisk ungdom i dag og hvilke trekk kan vi gjøre for å ta hensyn til det som er viktig for dagens samiske ungdom
    01. November 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Hva er samehets? Hvilke helsemessige konsekvenser kan det ha? Hva skiller samehets fra andre former for rasisme? Og ikke minst: Hva er viktig for å styrke de av oss som møter dette?
    06. November 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Mihá studien - unge samers psykososiale helse og levekår
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Rasisme overfor reindrifta
    06. July 2023
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Dearvvašvuođadirektoráhtta háliida nannet eamiálbmotnuoraid fálaldagaid
    03. October 2023
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    RKBU Nord bidrar med å tilpasse til minoritetsungdom
    28. September 2023
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Tar grep mot hets av samer
    17. June 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    Politiet henlegger samehets – Elle bekymret for at samer føler politiet ikke tar dem på alvor
    28. June 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Ketil Lenert Hansen :
    -Some aspects of the Norwegian indigenous (Sami) population living conditions 

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    His research interests included research on discrimination, bullying, health inequality, violence, disability, resilience, child welfare, somatic- and mental health among Sámi children, youth and adults. His community engagement work has spanned regional, national, and international efforts. He has also been involved in teaching programs and developed courses in public health for masters and PhD students, taught at several circumpolar summer schools for PhD students in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Lenert Hansen has received several awards for my circumpolar research, eg.: Jens Peder Hart Hansen Award (2012) and Dissemination prize from the Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT (2018). Today, he serves as a member of the Lancet Commission on Arctic Health: Accelerating Indigenous Health and Well-Being.  



    In recent years I have worked on several youth psychosocial health and well-being project research project on behalf of the Sámi Parliament in Norway and written several research reports on behalf of the Norwegian government. In 2021 I was an appointed member of the commission that developed TryggEST Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adult in Norway. I represented Norway in the Fulbright Arctic Initiative, during 2021-23. As a Fulbright scholar I collaborated on violence pilot-study among Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, with the Kempe Center, University of Colorado, CO, US. and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, CA. I have also been engaged in other international projects for Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, through the Lancet – The health and wellbeing for Indigenous adolescents: a global collective for an equitable and sustainable future, University of the Arctic – north2north, and University of Alberta, CA, and I have been a prior board member of the International Union for Circumpolar Health.

    As an Indigenous health researcher, I follow the motto "nothing for us, without us". In parallel to ongoing collaborations with the Sámi parliament and the Norwegian government in Norway (the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir)). I also work as close as possible with Sámi youth organizations. These include the Noereh, NSR-U, SUPU, SANKS and the international Saami Council.

    During 2023 my main research tasks include producing Norwegian governmental/International Fulbright reports/policy brief and articles on the health and well-being of the Arctic Indigenous people, based on different studies, e.g. The Arctic Childhood Study and The Mihá-study, supported by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Fulbright New York office, and the Public Health Agency of Norway. One aspect of the work is a project focusing on the racism experience by young Sámi reindeer herders in Norway, in collaboration with The Sami parliament and The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud in Norway (LDO) (externally funded).

    Other on-going duties include being a substitute member of The Equality and Diversity Committee at UiT, and as commissioner in the "Lancet commission on The health and wellbeing for Indigenous adolescents: a global collective for an equitable and sustainable future " and the "Lancet commission on Arctic Health" (report will come in the end of 2023).