Jon-Ivar Westgaard,
Kim Præbel,
Per Arneberg,
Brian P. Ulaski,
Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen,
Owen S. Wangensteen
et al.:
Towards eDNA informed biodiversity studies – Comparing water derived molecular taxa with traditional survey methods
Progress in Oceanography 2024
Gledis Guri,
Jessica Louise Ray,
Andrew Olaf Shelton,
Ryan P. Kelly,
Kim Præbel,
Elizabeth Andruszkiewicz Allan
et al.:
Quantifying the Detection Sensitivity and Precision of qPCR and ddPCR Mechanisms for eDNA Samples
Cesc Múrria,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Simona Somma,
Leif Väisänen,
Pau Fortuño,
Miquel A. Arnedo
et al.:
Taxonomic accuracy and complementarity between bulk and eDNA metabarcoding provides an alternative to morphology for biological assessment of freshwater macroinvertebrates
Science of the Total Environment 2024
Carlos Angulo Preckler,
Marta Turon,
Kim Præbel,
Conxita Avila,
Owen S. Wangensteen
Spatio-temporal patterns of eukaryotic biodiversity in shallow hard-bottom communities from the West Antarctic Peninsula revealed by DNA metabarcoding
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography 2023
Samuel S. Browett,
Rebecca Synnott,
Denise B. O'Meara,
Rachael E. Antwis,
Stephen S. Browett,
Kevin J. Bown
et al.:
Resource competition drives an invasion-replacement event among shrew species on an island
Journal of Animal Ecology 2023
Gledis Guri,
Jon-Ivar Westgaard,
Nigel Yoccoz,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Jessica Louise Ray
et al.:
Maximizing sampling efficiency to detect differences in fish community composition using environmental DNA metabarcoding in subarctic fjords
Elizaveta Ershova,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Tone Falkenhaug
Mock samples resolve biases in diversity estimates and quantitative interpretation of zooplankton metabarcoding data
Adrià Antich,
Creu Palacín,
Xavier Turon,
Owen S. Wangensteen
DnoisE: distance denoising by entropy. An open-source parallelizable alternative for denoising sequence datasets
Elsa B. Girard,
Anouk Langerak,
Jamaluddin Jompa,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Jan-Niklas Macher,
Willem Renema
Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit 1: A Promising Molecular Marker for Species Identification in Foraminifera
Frontiers in Marine Science 02. February 2022
Andjin Siegenthaler,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Chiara Benvenuto,
Riccardo Lollobrigidi,
Stefano Mariani
Niche separation between two dominant crustacean predators in European estuarine soft-bottom habitats
Ecological Indicators 05. April 2022
Anna Pinar-Méndez,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Belén Galofré,
Javier Méndez,
Anicet R. Blanch
et al.:
Monitoring Bacterial Community Dynamics in a Drinking Water Treatment Plant: An Integrative Approach Using Metabarcoding and Microbial Indicators in Large Water Volumes
Marc Domènech,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Alba Enguídanos,
Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte,
Miquel A. Arnedo
For all audiences: Incorporating immature stages into standardised spider inventories has a major impact on the assessment of biodiversity patterns
Molecular Ecology Resources 25. April 2022
Adrià Antich,
Creu Palacín,
Jesús Zarcero,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Xavier Turon
Metabarcoding reveals high-resolution biogeographical and metaphylogeographical patterns through marine barriers
Journal of Biogeography 2022
Annkathrin Dischereit,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Holger Auel,
Charlotte Havermans
Using DNA Metabarcoding to Characterize the Prey Spectrum of Two Co-Occurring Themisto Amphipods in the Rapidly Changing Atlantic-Arctic Gateway Fram Strait
Sandra Garces Pastor,
Inger Greve Alsos,
Peter D. Heintzman,
Youri Lammers,
Eric Coissac,
Sébastien Lavergne
et al.:
High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change
Marta Turon,
Magnus Nygaard,
Gledis Guri,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel
Fine-scale differences in eukaryotic communities inside and outside salmon aquaculture cages revealed by eDNA metabarcoding
Frontiers in Genetics 26. August 2022
Raphaelle Descoteaux,
Elizaveta Ershova,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel,
Paul Eric Renaud,
Finlo Robert Cottier
et al.:
Meroplankton Diversity, Seasonality and Life-History Traits Across the Barents Sea Polar Front Revealed by High-Throughput DNA Barcoding
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta,
Olivier Morissette,
Colin W. Bean,
Shivakumara Manu,
Pritam Banerjee,
AnaIs Lacoursière-Roussel
et al.:
Trade-offs between reducing complex terminology and producing accurate interpretations from environmental DNA: Comment on “Environmental DNA: What's behind the term?” by Pawlowski et al., (2020)
Molecular Ecology 25. May 2021
Elizaveta Ershova,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Raphaelle Descoteaux,
Coralie Marie Christine Barth-Jensen,
Kim Præbel
Metabarcoding as a quantitative tool for estimating biodiversity and relative biomass of marine zooplankton
ICES Journal of Marine Science 31. August 2021
Stefano Mariani,
Linsey R. Harper,
Rupert A. Collins,
Charles Baillie,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Allan D. McDevitt
et al.:
Estuarine molecular bycatch as a landscape-wide biomonitoring tool
Biological Conservation 2021
Estelle Coguiec,
Elizaveta Ershova,
Malin Daase,
Tobias R. Vonnahme,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Rolf Gradinger
et al.:
Seasonal Variability in the Zooplankton Community Structure in a Sub-Arctic Fjord as Revealed by Morphological and Molecular Approaches
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Carlos Carreras,
Victor Ordóñez,
Alex García-Cisneros,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Creu Palacín,
Marta Pascual
et al.:
The Two Sides of the Mediterranean: Population Genomics of the Black Sea Urchin Arbacia lixula (Linnaeus, 1758) in a Warming Sea
Frontiers in Marine Science 10. November 2021
Adrià Antich,
Creu Palacín,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Xavier Turon
To denoise or to cluster, that is not the question: optimizing pipelines for COI metabarcoding and metaphylogeography
BMC Bioinformatics 05. April 2021
Cecilia Montauban,
Maria Mas,
Carme Tuneu-Corral,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Ivana Budinski,
Joan Martí-Carreras
et al.:
Bat echolocation plasticity in allopatry: a call for caution in acoustic identification of Pipistrellus sp.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 02. March 2021
Paulina Urban,
Kim Præbel,
Shripathi Bhat,
Jan Dierking,
Owen S. Wangensteen
DNA metabarcoding reveals the importance of gelatinous zooplankton in the diet of Pandalus borealis, a keystone species in the Arctic
Cecilia Montauban,
Maria Mas,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Víctor Sarto i Monteys,
David Gisbert Fornós,
Xavi Ferré Mola
et al.:
Bats as natural samplers: First record of the invasive pest rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus in the Iberian Peninsula
Crop Protection 01. March 2021
Naiara Guimaraes Sales,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Daniel C. Carvalho,
Kristy Deiner,
Kim Præbel,
Ilaria Coscia
et al.:
Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding
Science of the Total Environment 01. February 2021
Naiara Guimaraes Sales,
Maisie B. McKenzie,
Joseph Drake,
Lynsey R. Harper,
Samuel S. Browett,
Ilaria Coscia
et al.:
Fishing for mammals: Landscape‐level monitoring of terrestrial and semi‐aquatic communities using eDNA from riverine systems
Sara Atienza,
Magdalena Guardiola,
Kim Præbel,
Adrià Antich,
Xavier Turon,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes
DNA Metabarcoding of Deep-Sea Sediment Communities Using COI: Community Assessment, Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Comparison with 18S rDNA
Ruber Rodríguez-Barreras,
Filipa Godoy-Vitorino,
Kim Præbel,
Owen S. Wangensteen
DNA metabarcoding unveils niche overlapping and competition among Caribbean sea urchins
Regional Studies in Marine Science 10. November 2020
Cesc Múrria,
Leif O. S. Väisänen,
Simona Somma,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Miquel A. Arnedo,
Narcís Prat
Towards an Iberian DNA barcode reference library of freshwater macroinvertebrates and fishes
Carlos Carreras,
Alex García-Cisneros,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Victor Ordóñez,
Creu Palacín,
Marta Pascual
et al.:
East is East and West is West: Population genomics and hierarchical analyses reveal genetic structure and adaptation footprints in the keystone species Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea)
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography 2020
Rocío Pérez-Portela,
Ana Riesgo,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Creu Palacín,
Xavier Turon
Enjoying the warming Mediterranean: Transcriptomic responses to temperature changes of a thermophilous keystone species in benthic communities
Adrià Antich,
Creu Palacín,
Emma Cebrian,
Raül Golo,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Xavier Turon
Marine biomonitoring with eDNA: Can metabarcoding of water samples cut it as a tool for surveying benthic communities?
Coralie Marie Christine Barth-Jensen,
Marja Koski,
Øystein Varpe,
Peter Glad,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel
et al.:
Temperature-dependent egg production and egg hatching rates of small egg-carrying and broadcast-spawning copepods Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica and Microcalanus pusillus
Journal of Plankton Research 2020
Marta Turon,
Carlos Angulo Preckler,
Adrià Antich,
Kim Præbel,
Owen S. Wangensteen
More Than Expected From Old Sponge Samples: A Natural Sampler DNA Metabarcoding Assessment of Marine Fish Diversity in Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam)
James Kemp,
Adrià López-Baucells,
Ricardo Rocha,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Zo Andriatafika,
Abhilash Nair
et al.:
Bats as potential suppressors of multiple agricultural pests: A case study from Madagascar
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2019
Xavier Turon,
Adrià Antich,
Creu Palacín,
Kim Præbel,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes
From metabarcoding to metaphylogeography: separating the wheat from the chaff
Ecological Applications 2019
Sandra Garces Pastor,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Aaron Pérez-Haase,
Albert Pèlachs,
Ramon Pérez-Obiol,
Núria Cañellas-Boltà
et al.:
DNA metabarcoding reveals modern and past eukaryotic communities in a high-mountain peat bog system
Journal of Paleolimnology 2019
Judith Bakker,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes,
Charles Baillie,
Dayne Buddo,
Demian D. Chapman,
Austin J. Gallagher
et al.:
Biodiversity assessment of tropical shelf eukaryotic communities via pelagic eDNA metabarcoding
Sandra Garces Pastor,
Peter D. Heintzman,
Scarlett Poppy Saunders Hovey Zetter,
Antony Gavin Brown,
Youri Lammers,
Boris Vanniere
et al.:
Impact of climate and domesticated mammals on Holocene plant richness in the European Alps revealed by sedaDNA
Gonzalo Giribet,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Sandra Garcés-Pastor,
Peter Daniel Rask Møller,
Katrine Worsaae
Using eDNA to find Micrognathozoa
Francesco Mugnai,
Emese Meglécz,
Federica Costantini,
Marco Abbiati,
Giorgio Bavestrello,
Fabio Bertasi
et al.:
Are well-studied marine biodiversity hotspots still blackspots for animal barcoding?
Global Ecology and Conservation 10. November 2021
Jessica Louise Ray,
Mark S. Strom,
Torild Johansen,
Kelly D. Goodwin,
Felipe Arzayus,,
Edward J. III Gorecki
et al.:
Implementation of Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a Tool for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
Marta Turon,
Carlos Angulo-Preckler,
Adrià Antich,
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Kim Præbel
Tropical fish biodiversity retrieved from sponge tissues
Carlos Angulo-Preckler,
Adrià Antich,
Kim Præbel,
Conxita Avila,
Owen S. Wangensteen
Molecular eukaryotic baselines from Antarctic communities
Kim Præbel,
Gledis Guri,
Urban Paulina,
Marta Turon,
Carlos Angulo-Preckler,
Raphaelle Descoteaux
et al.:
The importance of eDNA baselines in the marine Arctic
Owen S. Wangensteen,
Xavier Turon,
Stefano Mariani,
Kim Præbel
Metaphylogeography: unveiling haplotype diversity from filtered seawater
Kim Præbel,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes
Marine environmental DNA in the Anthropocene
Allan D McDevitt,
Naiara Guimaraes Sales,
Samuel S Browett,
Abbie O Sparnenn,
Stefano Mariani,
Owen Simon Wangensteen Fuentes
et al.:
Environmental DNA metabarcoding as an effective and rapid tool for fish monitoring in canals
Journal of Fish Biology 2019