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Department of Language and Culture +4777644546 Tromsø

Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz

  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Case Study: Galina Rymbu, "Moia vagina," June 2020
    Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik (IZfK) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    The Leningrad School of Neo-Modernism
    Oxford University Press 2021 DOI
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Reading Samizdat
    Ledizioni 2020
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    The Culture of Samizdat Literature and Underground Networks in the Late Soviet Union
    Bloomsbury Academic 2020 OMTALE
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    New Russian Literature and Online Journals
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Samizdat. Novye podkhody
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Samizdat kak setevaia kul’tura
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Mashinistki samizdata: probel v issledovaniakh
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Russkaia internet-poeziia i perevod
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    “Young Russophonia: contemporary Russian literature in translation”
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Young Russophonia
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Russian samizdat
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Young Russian Writers in Conversation: Part 3, Poetry
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Galina Rymbu’s «Moia vagina» : A Literary Sensation
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Historical Memory in Russia:Irina Flige of 'Memorial' interviewed by Josephine von Zitzewitz
    10. September 2020
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Translating Living Russian Poets: Experiences of Collaboration
    17. September 2020
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Samizdat Networks and the Role of Typists in the Success of Unofficial Culture
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Translating New Generations from Russian & Beyond
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Russian Internet Poetry: A Translation Challenge
  • Josephine Helene Feodora Von Zitzewitz :
    Петербург и следы петербурской традиции в поэзии Виктора Кривулина [St Petersburg and the Traces of the Petersburg Text in the Poetry of Viktor Krivulin]

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →