Marit Aure
Professor in sociology and gender studies
Job description
Aure is professor in gender in sosicology at the Department of Social Sciences and was the primary investigator and project leader in ’Sustainable Diverse Cities: Innovation in Integration’ 2017-2022 Norwegian Research Council BYFORSK, (Cit-egration). Aure is involved in several projects: the iternational BluePlaces: Building Resilient Blue Places? The importance of Equity and Blue Space in Assembling a Blue Economy in the context of Climate Change, and national research projects "Tilflytterprosjektet" and publishes and edits publications in national and international scientific journals and books, serves as a peer-reviewer, and internal and external examinator and opponent at all levels. Aures research interest encompass national and international migration, mobility, integration, regional development, the development of places, coastal communities, blueeconomy, gender, masculinity, labour markets etc., culture
Aure teaches and supervices at all levels, especially within qualitative methods, labour migration and diverse communities.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
Gender, nationanl and international migration, petroleum industry, mobility, gender and equality, women, men and masculinity, STEM, rural, urban and regional development, place. NGO and voluntary sector.
SVF 1050 Samfunnsvitenskapelige metoder - kvalitative metoder 10 stp.
SVF 3003 Kvalitative metoder
SOS 1015 Internasjoanl migrasjon og integrasjon
SVF - 8054 Philsophy of Science - Social Sciences
SVF 2047/3047 - involved in Politics of Mobilities and Migration