Charlotte Sant
Job description
I am a PhD Candidate in Theoretical Linguistics at CASTLFish at the Department of Language and Culture. I am interested in the interface between syntax and semantics, i.e. how words, phrases and sentences work and how meaning is composed in natural languages, with a main focus on English and Scandinavian languages. My project is about the relationship between semantics and pragmatics, especially in cases of event semantics and countability.
I have an MA in Comparative Syntax and Semantics from the University of York, and a BA in English Language and Literature from NTNU.
I am a member of CASTLFish, Øy(e)Lab (at NTNU) and AcqVA (UiT & NTNU).
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
theoretical semantics and syntax; modification; event semantics
I have teaching experience from the following courses:
- ENG-1014 English in Use (Fall 2022)
- NOR-1011 Modern Language Structure (Fall 2021)
- ENG-1015 Introduction to English Word and Sentence Structure (Spring 2021)
- ENG1101 English Linguistics
- ENG1001 Global English
- ENG1201 Proficiency and Grammar
- ENG6023 Global English
- ENG6010 Proficiency
- ENG6020 Linguistics and Language Acquisition
- NORD1102 Grammar and Pragmatics
Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole (substitute grader):
- BFSTM1043-1 Language, Text and Mathematics
Høgskulen i Volda (external examiner)
- NO111S Language as a System
Member of research group
- Sant CV English 13.9.23 (pdf)