Stian K. Kleiven
Job description
I am working with how indirect effects of climate change can impact the marine ecosystem and the aquaculture industry in Northern Norway.
The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
Research interests
Arctic marine ecology.
Marine biodiversity.
Climate change impacts.
Climate change adaptation strategies.
SIK-2503 Miljø og sårbarhet.
SIK-2514 Climate Change Adaptation.
Member of research group
2023-2027 PhD in Science
2020-2022 Master's in Arctic marine ecology
2017-2020 Bachelor's in biology, climate and environment
Work experience:
2023-2023 Engineer for the Institute of Marine Research
2020-2023 Scientific assistant for UiT
Volunteer experience:
2023-2027 Changing Arctic Research School
2023-2027 Climate Change Adaptation Research Group
2020-2023 Research Group Genetics
2020-2022 Deepwater and cartilaginous fish
2022-2022 Ecotip