Bilde av Castle, Chloe Michelle
Bilde av Castle, Chloe Michelle
Department of Language and Culture +4777648366 You can find me here

Chloe Michelle Castle


  • Hanna Kędzierska, Karolina Rataj, Anna Balas, Zuzanna Cal, Chloe Michelle Castle, Magdalena Wrembel :
    Vowel perception in multilingual speakers: ERP evidence from Polish, English and Norwegian
    Frontiers in Psychology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanna Kędzierska, Karolina Rataj, Anna Balas, Zuzanna Cal, Chloe Michelle Castle, Magdalena Wrembel :
    The neurophysiology of phonemic contrasts perception by multilingual listeners in diverse learning settings
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Anna Skaɫba, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross Linguistic Influence in multilinguals: Do dominance and recency play a role?
  • Kamil Malarski, Chloe Michelle Castle, Helene Jensberg, Isabel Nadine Jensen :
    Orientation towards the vernacular and style-shifting as language behaviours in speech of first-generation Polish migrant communities speaking Norwegian in Norway
  • Kamil Malarski, Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen :
    Polish learners and the Norwegian Language: So many dialects!
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Kamil Malarski, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Helene Ruud Jensberg :
    Orientation towards the vernacular in the first-generation Polish migrant community speaking Norwegian in Norway
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through artificial languages: Aliensk
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Investigating CLI in multilingual acquisition through an artificial language
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Yulia Rodina, Marta Velnic, Marit Westergaard :
    Studying crosslinguistic influence in L3 by means of artificial language learning experiments

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Research interests

    My research interests include multilingualism, language acquisition, language attrition, heritage and community languages, language change and variation, and Slavic linguistics. I am interested in taking a combined psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic approach to examining these research areas.

    My previous research has focussed on grammatical borrowing and replication between Czech and English in two parallel communities, namely Czech South Australians and L1 English Ln Czech speakers in Prague. This research was qualitatively based, analysing naturalistic observational data and semi-structured interviews. I have also worked on language planning and policy, analysing and providing recommendations for improved linguistic accessibility for government services.

    My current research as part of the ADIM project focuses on morphosyntactic crosslinguistic influence in L3 and Ln acquisition. The languages ​​involved are English, Norwegian, Polish and artificial languages. The primary features being investigated are morphological cases and articles.