Veronica Hernström,
Viktoria Josefsson,
Hanna Sartor,
David Schmidt,
Anna-Maria Larsson,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
et al.:
Screening performance and characteristics of breast cancer detected in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a randomised, controlled, parallel-group, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study
The Lancet Digital Health 2025
Tone Hovda,
Silje Sagstad,
Nataliia Moshina,
Einar Vigeland,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Initial interpretation scores of screening mammograms and cancer detection in BreastScreen Norway
European Journal of Radiology 2024
Jessie J. J. Gommers,
Craig K. Abbey,
Fredrik Strand,
Sian Taylor-Phillips,
David J. Jenkinson,
Marthe Larsen
et al.:
Modeling Radiologists’ Assessments to Explore Pairing Strategies for Optimized Double Reading of Screening Mammograms
Medical decision making 2024
Marthe Larsen,
Camilla Flåt Olstad,
Christoph I. Lee,
Tone Hovda,
Solveig Kristin Roth Hoff,
Marit Almenning Martiniussen
et al.:
Performance of an Artificial Intelligence System for Breast Cancer Detection on Screening Mammograms from BreastScreen Norway
Abhibhav Sharma,
Julia Debik,
Bjørn Naume,
Hege Oma Ohnstad,
Guro Kristine Kleivi Sahlberg,
Elin Borgen
et al.:
Comprehensive multi-omics analysis of breast cancer reveals distinct long-term prognostic subtypes
Nadia Iqbal,
Paula Marianna Berstad,
Marit Solbjør,
Esperanza Diaz Perez,
Elzbieta Czapka,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
et al.:
Access to colorectal cancer screening for Pakistani immigrants in Norway – a qualitative study
BMC Health Services Research 2024
Marie Burns Bergan,
Marthe Larsen,
Nataliia Moshina,
Hauke Bartsch,
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Hildegunn Siv Aase
et al.:
AI performance by mammographic density in a retrospective cohort study of 99,489 participants in BreastScreen Norway
European Radiology 2024
Nataliia Moshina,
Axel Gräwingholt,
Kristina Lång,
Ritse Mann,
Tone Hovda,
Solveig Kristin Roth Hoff
et al.:
Digital breast tomosynthesis in mammographic screening: false negative cancer cases in the To-Be 1 trial
Åsne Sørlien Holen,
Marit Almenning Martiniussen,
Marie Burns Bergan,
Nataliia Moshina,
Tone Hovda,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Women's attitudes and perspectives on the use of artificial intelligence in the assessment of screening mammograms
European Journal of Radiology 2024
Nathalie Charlotte Støer,
Siri Vangen,
Deependra Singh,
Renee T. Fortner,
Solveig Hofvind,
Giske Ursin
et al.:
Menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk: a population-based cohort study of 1.3 million women in Norway
British Journal of Cancer 2024
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Marthe Larsen,
Hauke Bartsch,
Marit Almenning Martiniussen,
Bodil Margrethe Styr,
Siri Fagerheim
et al.:
How do AI markings on screening mammograms correspond to cancer location? An informed review of 270 breast cancer cases in BreastScreen Norway
European Radiology 2024
Sameer Bhargava,
Jonas Gjesvik,
Jonas Evensen Thy,
Marthe Larsen,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Breast cancer-specific survival among immigrants and non-immigrants invited to BreastScreen Norway
Journal of Migration and Health 2024
Cody M. Schopf,
Ojas A. Ramwala,
Kathryn P. Lowry,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
M. Luke Marinovich,
Nehmat Houssami
et al.:
Artificial Intelligence-Driven Mammography-Based Future Breast Cancer Risk Prediction: A Systematic Review
Journal of the American College of Radiology 2024
Susanne Fogh Jørgensen,
Silje Sagstad,
Javier Louro,
Marta Román,
Xavier Castells,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
et al.:
Comparisons of assessment pathways after abnormal mammography screening in Denmark, Norway, and Spain
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2024
Jonas Gjesvik,
Nataliia Moshina,
Christoph I. Lee,
Diana L. Miglioretti,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Subclinical Breast Cancer Detection
Nataliia Moshina,
Marie Burns Bergan,
Åsne Sørlien Holen,
Gunhild Mangerud,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Women's experience of the information provided along with invitation to participate in BreastScreen Norway
Journal of Medical Screening 2024
Wanja Kildal,
Karolina Urszula Cyll,
Joakim Kalsnes,
Rakibul Islam,
Frida Marie Ihle Julbø,
Manohar Pradhan
et al.:
Deep learning for automated scoring of immunohistochemically stained tumour tissue sections – Validation across tumour types based on patient outcomes
Sameer Bhargava,
Mona Chakron,
Liv Halvorsrud,
Elżbieta Czapka,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Polske kvinners opplevelse av Mammografiprogrammet
Sykepleien Forskning 2024
Julie Røgler Langås,
Anne Eskild,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
Elisabeth Krefting Bjelland
The association of adolescent to midlife weight change with age at natural menopause: a population study of 263,586 women in Norway
American Journal of Epidemiology 2024
Kaitlyn Tsuruda,
Solveig Kristin Roth Hoff,
Lars Andreas Akslen,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Fatal and non-fatal breast cancers in women targeted by BreastScreen Norway: a cohort study
British Journal of Cancer 04. December 2023
Helen Egestad,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
Richard Fjellaksel
Utøvelse og utvikling av radiografifaget i Norge. En kvalitativ studie
Sisse Helle Njor,
Sirpa Heinävaara,
Hrefna Stefansdóttir,
Mari Nygård,
Eva María Guðmundsdóttir,
Sameer Bhargava
et al.:
Differences in mammography screening attendance among non-Western immigrants in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway
Preventive Medicine Reports 2023
Javier Louro,
Marta Román,
Nataliia Moshina,
Camilla Flåt Olstad,
Marthe Larsen,
Silje Sagstad
et al.:
Personalized Breast Cancer Screening: A Risk Prediction Model Based on Women Attending BreastScreen Norway
Anders Skyrud Danielsen,
Petter Elstrøm,
Hanne-Merete Eriksen-Volle,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
David W. Eyre,
Oliver Kacelnik
et al.:
The epidemiology of multidrug-resistant organisms in persons diagnosed with cancer in Norway, 2008–2018: expanding surveillance using existing laboratory and register data
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2023
Anouk H. Eijkelboom,
Marthe Larsen,
Sabine Siesling,
Jan Franz Nygård,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
Linda de Munck
Prolonged screening interval due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its association with tumor characteristics and treatment; a register-based study from BreastScreen Norway
Jessie J.J. Gommers,
Craig K. Abbey,
Fredrik Strand,
Sian Taylor-Phillips,
David J. Jenkinson,
Marthe Larsen
et al.:
Optimizing the Pairs of Radiologists That Double Read Screening Mammograms
Marthe Larsen,
Camilla Flåt Olstad,
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Marit Almenning Martiniussen,
Solveig Kristin Roth Hoff,
Håkon Lund-Hanssen
et al.:
AI Risk Score on Screening Mammograms Preceding Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Tone Hovda,
Marthe Larsen,
Linda Romundstad,
Guro Kristine Kleivi Sahlberg,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Breast cancer missed at screening; hindsight or mistakes?
European Journal of Radiology 2023
Marthe Larsen,
Elsebeth Lynge,
Christoph I. Lee,
Kristina Lång,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Mammographic density and interval cancers in mammographic screening: Moving towards more personalized screening
Tone Hovda,
Silje Sagstad,
Marthe Larsen,
Yan Chen,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Screening outcome for interpretation by the first and second reader in a population-based mammographic screening program with independent double reading
Li Zhang,
Isabel Mosquera,
Eric Lucas,
Mary Luz Rol,
Andre L. Carvalho,
Partha Basu
et al.:
CanScreen5, a global repository for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening programs
Gisella Figlioli,
Amandine Billaud,
Thomas U. Ahearn,
Natalia N. Antonenkova,
Heiko Becher,
Matthias W. Beckmann
et al.:
FANCM missense variants and breast cancer risk: a case-control association study of 75,156 European women
European Journal of Human Genetics 2023
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Marthe Larsen,
Hauke Bartsch,
Kathinka Dæhli Kurz,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Artificial intelligence in BreastScreen Norway: a retrospective analysis of a cancer-enriched sample including 1254 breast cancer cases
Leif Lukas Löfling,
Nathalie Charlotte Støer,
Sara Nafisi,
Giske Ursin,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
Edoardo Botteri
Low-dose aspirin and risk of breast cancer: a Norwegian population-based cohort study of one million women
European Journal of Epidemiology (EJE) 2023
åsne Sørlien Holen,
Marie Burns Bergan,
Christoph I. Lee,
Sophia Zackrisson,
Nataliia Moshina,
Hildegunn Siv Aase
et al.:
Early screening outcomes before, during, and after a randomized controlled trial with digital breast tomosynthesis
European Journal of Radiology 2023
Jonas Evensen Thy,
Marthe Larsen,
Einar Vigeland,
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Tone Hovda,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Early performance measures following regular versus irregular screening attendance in the population-based screening program for breast cancer in Norway
Journal of Medical Screening 2023
Marit Almenning Martiniussen,
Marthe Larsen,
Anne Sofie Frøyshov Larsen,
Tone Hovda,
Henrik Wethe Koch,
Atle Bjørnerud
et al.:
Norwegian radiologists’ expectations of artificial intelligence in mammographic screening – A cross-sectional survey
European Journal of Radiology 2023
Nataliia Moshina,
Silje Sagstad,
åsne Sørlien Holen,
Heinrich August Backmann,
Line Camilla Westermann,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Experience of pain during mammographic screening by three different compression paddles
Kristina Lång,
Viktoria Josefsson,
Anna-Maria Larsson,
Stefan Larsson,
Charlotte Högberg,
Hanna Sartor
et al.:
Artificial intelligence-supported screen reading versus standard double reading in the Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence trial (MASAI): a clinical safety analysis of a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority, single-blinded, screening accuracy study
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind,
Nadia Iqbal,
Jonas Evensen Thy,
Gunhild Mangerud,
Sameer Bhargava,
Sophia Zackrisson
et al.:
Effect of invitation letter in language of origin on screening attendance: randomised controlled trial in BreastScreen Norway
Nataliia Moshina,
Heinrich August Backmann,
Per Skaane,
Solveig Sand-Hanssen Hofvind
Mammographic features and risk of breast cancer death among women with invasive screen-detected cancer in BreastScreen Norway 1996–2020
Anouk H. Eijkelboom,
Linda de Munck,
Marthe Larsen,
Maarten J. Bijlsma,
Vivianne C.G. Tjan-Heijnen,
Carla H. van Gils
et al.:
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer incidence and tumor stage in the Netherlands and Norway: A population-based study