Bilde av Mikalsen, Theresa
Bilde av Mikalsen, Theresa
Senior advisor external financing EU Office for Research and Innovation +4777646892 Tromsø You can find me here

Theresa Mikalsen

  • Theresa Mikalsen, Torunn Annie Pedersen, Rob Willems, Teresa M. Coque, Guido Werner, Ewa Sadowy et al.:
    Investigating the mobilome in clinically important lineages of enterococcus faecium and enterococcus faecalis
    BMC Genomics 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melanie Zischka, Carsten T. Künne, Jochen Blom, Dominique Wobser, Türkân Sakιnç, Kerstin Schmidt-Hohagen et al.:
    Comprehensive molecular, genomic and phenotypic analysis of a major clone of Enterococcus faecalis MLST ST40
    BMC Genomics 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Xiaobo Song, Jinglu Sun, Theresa Mikalsen, Adam P. Roberts, Arnfinn Sundsfjord :
    Characterisation of the Plasmidome within Enterococcus faecalis Isolated from Marginal Periodontitis Patients in Norway
  • Kristin Hegstad, Theresa Mikalsen, T.M. Coque, G Werner, Arnfinn Sundsfjord :
    Mobile genetic elements and their contribution to the emergence of antimicrobial resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium
    Clinical Microbiology and Infection (CMI) 2010 DOI
  • Nancy Gerits, Theresa Mikalsen, Sergiy Viktorovich Kostenko, Alexey Shiryaev, Mona Johannessen, Ugo Moens :
    Modulation of F-actin rearrangement by the cyclic AMP/cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway is mediated by MAPK-activated protein kinase 5 and requires PKA-induced nuclear export of MK5
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 17. October 2007 DOI
  • Theresa Mikalsen, Mona Johannessen, Ugo Lionel Moens :
    Sequence- and position-dependent tagging protects extracellular-regulated kinase 3 protein from 26S proteasome-mediated degradation
    International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 2005 DOI
  • Ole Morten Seternes, Theresa Mikalsen, Bjarne Johansen, Espen Michaelsen, CG Armstrong, NA Morrice et al.:
    Activation of MK5/PRAK by the atypical MAP kinase ERK3 defines a novel signal transduction pathway
    EMBO Journal 2004 DOI
  • Theresa Mikalsen :
    Regulation of the MAPK-activated protein kinase MK5 by protein kinases ERK3 and PKA and its biological consequences
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2006

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Mobile genetic elements and their contribution to the emergence of antimicrobial resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococus faecium.

    Hegstad K, Mikalsen T, Coque TM, Werner G, Sundsfjord A.

    Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010 Mar 23.


    Modulation of F-actin rearrangement by the cyclic AMP/cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) pathway is mediated by MAPK-activated protein kinase 5 and requires PKA-induced nuclear export of MK5.

    Gerits N, Mikalsen T, Kostenko S, Shiryaev A, Johannessen M, Moens U.

    J Biol Chem. 2007 Dec 21;282(51):37232-43. Epub 2007 Oct 17.


    Inhibitors of signal transduction protein kinases as targets for cancer therapy.

    Mikalsen T, Gerits N, Moens U.

    Biotechnol Annu Rev. 2006;12:153-223. Review.


    Sequence- and position-dependent tagging protects extracellular-regulated kinase 3 protein from 26S proteasome-mediated degradation.

    Mikalsen T, Johannessen M, Moens U.

    Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2005 Dec;37(12):2513-20. Epub 2005 Jul 13.


    Activation of MK5/PRAK by the atypical MAP kinase ERK3 defines a novel signal transduction pathway.

    Seternes OM, Mikalsen T, Johansen B, Michaelsen E, Armstrong CG, Morrice NA, Turgeon B, Meloche S, Moens U, Keyse SM.

    EMBO J. 2004 Dec 8;23(24):4780-91. Epub 2004 Dec 2. Erratum in: EMBO J. 2005 Feb 23;2(4):873.