Student mobility at UiT: Loans, grants and trust funds

Loans, grants and trust funds
As an exchange student, you have several options to apply for extra financial support and grants. Such grants or scholarships come in addition to the funding from the Norwegian Educational State Loan Fund. Please note: you will automatically be considered for any grants (Erasmus +, Barents +, Nordplus and North2North) that may be relevant when you apply to travel on an exchange. Please note that you can only receive one of these grants.
As some grants and trust funds have early application deadlines, you should investigate the possibilities for such financial support early in the process, preferably one year before the planed start of studies.
Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)
Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)
To qualify for support from Lånekassen (in Norwegian) you must usually be a Norwegian citizen. Foreign citizens can receive support for education in Norway when certain conditions are fulfilled.
The Loan Fund is for most local students in Norway, the main funding source for their studies, also while on exchange. The fund provides loans to cover some expenses while studying abroad, such as travel and accommodation, as well as support for tuition fee is this is applicable.
Travel support
The Loan Fund (Lånekassen) also offers travel support for students on exchange. You can apply for an amount that supports two return trips per year (70% grant and 30% loan). The amount depends on which country you are going to study in.
More information can be found on the main website of Lånekassen.
Language scholarships
If you have been admitted to studies abroad that entitle you to financial support and the language of instruction is not English, you can receive a grant of NOK 20,516 for a preparatory language course.
Please note the following points:
- The language course must have a minimum duration of four weeks with a minimum of 15 hours of instruction spread over at least three days per week.
- You will normally be required to take the course in the country in which you will study, which must be a non-English speaking country outside the Nordic region.
Erasmus +
Please note: You will automatically be considered for any grants (Erasmus +, Barents +, Nordplus and North2North) that may be relevant when you apply to travel on an exchange. You can only receive one of these grants.
Erasmus+ student exchange
Through the Erasmus+ programme, you can receive financial support for your student exchange in or outside Europe for up to 12 months per degree level. You will receive an Erasmus scholarship, which averages NOK 2,500 per month
You do not have to pay any tuition fees, you receive your Erasmus+ scholarship.
Erasmus+ traineeship
Students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway can go an international traineeship of up to 12 months through Erasmus+.
The workplace may be a business, organisation or institution in Europe. The objective is that through your studies you can acquire practical skills, competence and understanding of the European labour market, which will enhance your position in the labour market.
How to apply for exchange
Partner universities
What is Erasmus+?
Scholarships for studies in USA
Please note: Most of these scholarships require that you have a Norwegian citizenship to be eligible for application.
Scholarships for studies in Japan
Japanese partner universities are investing in internationalisation like never before. Many are attracted by Japan’s high standard of education and the country’s culture. Perhaps you are interested in Japan’s history or have become fascinated in the country through manga or computer games.
The Japanese government is investing heavily in internationalisation, and many Japanese universities have received funding through the Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) to recruit international students. You are also desired!
How to apply for exchange
Partner universities
Read more about JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization)
Norwegian-Russian Scholarship Scheme (RUSSUT)
Russian students can apply to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for admission to UiT as an exchange student (singular course) or full degree studies through the Norwegian-Russian Scholarship Scheme 2019 -2020.
NB The scholarship is granted to Russian students for the purpose of studying in Norway and cannot fund exchange stays to other countries. Please note that it is not possible to extend the duration of the grant once the grant has been awarded.
Nordplus / Nordlys
Please note: You will automatically be considered for any grants (Erasmus +, Barents +, Nordplus and North2North) that may be relevant when you apply to travel on an exchange. You can only receive one of these grants.
About Nordplus in general
Nordplus higher education offers grants for UiT students who wish to study at Nordic universities and university colleges.
A grant from Nordplus enables you to take part of your programme of study and or a traineeship in another Nordic or Baltic country. Your Nordplus exchange is an integrated part of your programme description at UiT and does not involve a loss of time.
NORDPLUS student exchanges are generally connected to academic networks. UiT is part of various Nordplus networks (see the overview of overseas higher education institutions below). If your programme of study is not affiliated with one of the networks, you may apply for a NORDPLUS grant through NORDPLUS Nordlys, which is a network of all universities in the Nordic Region..
EURO 200 per month.
Please note: This comes in addition to the regular funding you can receive from the Norwegian Educational State Loan Fund as an ordinary student at a Norwegian higher education institution. You can also receive a travel grant from the Norwegian Educational State Loan Fund.
How to apply for exchange Partner universities
What is Nordplus?
Please note: You will automatically be considered for any grants (Erasmus +, Barents +, Nordplus and North2North) that may be relevant when you apply to travel on an exchange. You can only receive one of these grants.
North2North is the exchange programme for the university network University of the Arctic (UArctic), which offers opportunities for students to study in various parts of the High North (Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Canada, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Russia and USA (Alaska)..
NOK 15,000 per semester
How to apply for exchange
Partner universities
What is North2North?
Please note: You will automatically be considered for any grants (Erasmus +, Barents +, Nordplus and North2North) that may be relevant when you apply to travel on an exchange. You can only receive one of these grants.
Barents + is a grant scheme that applies for exchanges to partner universities in Northwest Russia:
NOK 3000 per month.During a student exchange through Barents +, you retain the right to a loan and grant from the Norwegian Educational State Loan Fund
How to apply for exchange
Partner universities
What is Barents +?
Last changed: 24.03.2023 15.13