International students: Registration with the police and residence card (after arrival)

Depending on your citizenship and how long you are going to stay in Norway, you might need to register with the Police Department after your arrival to Norway.
Choose the correct category to register with the police:
This applies to nationals of Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland.
You do not need to apply for a residence permit or register with the Police to live in Norway. You can report your move to months to the local Tax office or the National Population Registry in your new municipality/city in Norway if you are planning to live in Norway for at least or more than 6 consecutive months.
Do you want to work while studying in Norway? If yes, you must register with the local Tax Office in your city.
Please see the information in this link: Tax/Population Registry offices in Norway
Information about health insurance and Tuberculosis Test in Norway
Please read about Insurance and health matters in Norway
You must register with the Police Station if you are going to stay in Norway for MORE THAN 3 MONTHS.
NOTE! Are you going to stay in Norway for LESS THAN 3 MONTHS? If YES, you DO NOT have to make a registration, and you do not have to meet at the police station.
What to do before meeting with the police?
It is important to make a registration on UDI's website before you meet at the police station: The registration scheme for EU/EEA nationals
Log on to UDI's Application Portal and make an appointment with the police in your city.
What to bring when you meet with the police?
Acceptance Letter (you can download your letter from the studentweb).
Your address in Norway with the postal code (check your Housing Agreement or Tenancy Agreement).
The housing code - it is a number, which is usually written in the back of your main door in Norway (check your Housing Agreement or Tenancy Agreement).
Your passport or national ID Card.
hold a European Health Insurance Card or private medical insurance.
What happens after the appointment with the Police?
You will receive a confirmation of registration and notification letter for vaccination (vaccination against TB applies to certain countries) after you have submitted all your dcouments to the Police Station.
How to obtain a D-number or Norwegian National ID Number ("Personnummer") to work part-time while studying in Norway after meeting with the police?
- Exchange students: you should apply for D-nummber at the local tax office in your city.
- Degree students (full bachelor and master degrees): you should apply for Norwegian National ID Number at the local tax office in your city.
Please see the information in this link: Tax/Population Registry offices in Norway
Information about health insurance and Tuberculosis Test in Norway
Please read about Insurance and health matters in Norway
Stakkevollvegen 9
9010 Tromsø
Tel. -47 77 79 60 00
Labyrinten 1
9500 Alta
Tel. +47 78 42 80 00
Øysteins gate 8
9480 Harstad
Tel. -47 77 04 36 00
Kongens gate 14 - 18
8514 Narvik
Tel. +47 77 04 36 00
You must apply for a Study Permit (visa) before entering Norway. After arriving to Norway, you must register at the local police station in your city to order your residence card.
What to do before visiting the police station
Log on to UDI's Application Portal and make an appointment with the police station in your city.
What to bring when you meet with the police
Offer of admission or Acceptance Letter from UiT.
Your address in Norway with the postal code (check your Housing Agreement or Tenancy Agreement).
The housing code - it is a number, which is usually written in the back of your main door in Norway (check your Housing Agreement or Tenancy Agreement).
Your passport.
What happens after you have met with the police?
- You will receive a confirmation of registration.
- You might receive notification letter for vaccination depending on where you come from from the Norwegian health authorities to your address in Norway. Please remember to mark your post box with your name.
- Residence Card and Norwegian National ID Number ("Personnummer") to your address in Norway. Please remember to mark your post box with your name.
Norwegian National Identification Number ("Personnummer")
After your appointment with the local police in your city, the police will notify the Norwegian Tax Administration that you have registered and moved to Norway to obtain a Norwegian identification number.
The letter containing your Norwegian National ID Number will be sent to your new address in Norway. Please remember to mark your post box with your name.
How to open a Norwegian bank account after obtaining your Norwegian National ID Number?
Please read about Bank and currency
Information about health insurance and Tuberculosis Test in Norway
Please read about Insurance and health matters in Norway
Stakkevollvegen 9
9010 Tromsø
Tel. -47 77 79 60 00
Labyrinten 1
9500 Alta
Tel. +47 78 42 80 00
Øysteins gate 8
9480 Harstad
Tel. -47 77 04 36 00
Kongens gate 14 - 18
8514 Narvik
Tel. +47 77 04 36 00
This applies to foreign students residing in Norway on NON-Student Visa, for instance foreigners residing in Norway on work visa, Protection (Refugee Status), Permanent Residency or long-term Marriage/Family, etc.
All you need to do is to report your move to your new municipality in Norway to the local Tax office or the National Population Registry.
NON-EU/EFTA STUDENTS: Please note that the part-time work permit is not automatically renewed, and you must document satisfactory progress in your studies in order to continue to work part-time.
When you should renew your Study Permit?
- THREE MONTHS before your permit expires, you should register your application form on UDI's Application Portal, and book an appointment. There may be several weeks waiting time.
- No later than ONE MONTH before your permit expires you must go to the police and hand in your documents. The application will not be submitted until you have done this.
NB! Please note that the part-time work permit is not automatically renewed, and you must document satisfactory progress in your studies in order to continue to work part-time.
How to renew your Study Permit (Statement on study progress)?
1- Download the statement on study progress (in Norwegian only, pdf, 598 kB)
2- Contact your Programme Coordinator (Please find your programme in the Study Catalogue. Click on the programme and you will find the name of your coordinator(s) on the right side of the website. The Programme Coordinator will help you with filling out the Progress Report.)
Delayed in your studies (only degree students)?
If you are delayed you must contact your Programme Coordinator to apply for extension of your study right. The report cannot be issued without an extended study right. NB More than half a years’ delay on a master’s degree programme is deemed to be a significant delay by UDI.
Are you admitted to a new study programme at a higher level than your previous degree in Norway?
A new study programme will, in principle, always be deemed to be a continuation if you are admitted to a higher level than previously (for example if you proceed from a Bachelor degree to a Master’s degree).
Admission Letter to the new programme
Completion of the previous programme (complete transcript of records)
Are you admitted to a second master's degree programme in Norway?
If you have been admitted to a new study programme at the same level as the previous master's programme, this will generally NOT be deemed to be a continuation by UDI.
Please be aware of that UDI will only grant you renewal of residence permit as an exemption. In exceptional cases, another study programme at a level corresponding to a previous study programme can be deemed to be a continuation, provided that it entails in-depth studies in a subject area and will clearly increase the student’s chances of finding employment as a researcher at a later date or being accepted to a doctoral degree programme.
You have not been significantly delayed in your earlier studies. More than half a years’ delay on a master’s degree programme is deemed to be a significant delay.
Admission Letter to the new programme
Completion of the previous programme (complete transcript of records)
A written statement that must contain an assessment of whether the new study programme can be deemed to be in-depth studies in the subject area of your previous programme and whether it will clearly increase your chances of subsequently finding employment as a researcher at a later date or being accepted to a doctoral degree programme.
If you are an international student looking for work in Norway you might find the information in the following link useful. The website serves as an introduction to how you can find vacant temporary positions in Norway. You will also find links to websites that provide more information.
Information about part-time work, rights and duties: International students: working part-time while studying in Norway | UiT
Find more information about the regulations for visa-seeking international students on the website of the Immigration authorities (Utlendingsdirektoratet UDI) UDI: Part-time work for students
Last changed: 06.12.2024 12.22