Torsten Risør
Unit: Department of Community Medicine
I am involved in several research projects in medical education, clinical decision-making and clinical practice. My primary research perspective is from medical anthropology and the methodology of ethnographic fieldwork.
Lisbet Rønningsbakk
Dosent pedagogikk PhD
Unit: Department of Education
- IKT og læring
- E-læring
- IKT i lærerutdanningene
- Lærerrollen i teknologirike læringsmiljø
- Læring
- Selvregulert læring
- Fleksibel læring
- Tilpassa opplæring
- Foreldremedvirkning
- Klasseledelse
Frode Svartdal
Unit: Department of Psychology
Learning; Extinction; Cognitive and verbal control; Avoidance; Social competence training; Evaluation; Counterfactual thinking; Procrastrination (see http://www.procrastination.no/)
Ole Åsli
Unit: Research group for cognitive neuroscience
Emosjoner, Læring, frykt, betinging, startle.