Gro Alteren
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Tromsø
Internationalisation, export-import relationships, relational exchange, cultural sensitivity, negotiations, marketing strategies, emerging markets
Giovanna Bertella
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Tromsø
Knowledge and innovation management; entrepreneurship; marketing
Touism and hospitality; plant-based food production and consumption
Kristen Albert Ellingsen
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Alta
Nils Magne Larsen
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Harstad
Nils Magne Larsen er del av et større internasjonalt forskningsmiljø som er opptatt av hvordan man kan få forbrukere til å foreta mer helsemessige- og bærekraftige valg.
Svein Ottar Olsen
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Tromsø
Social Psychology (Attitude Strength – Attitude-behaviour models / measurement)
Consumer Behaviour (Perceived Quality/Satisfaction/Loyalty/Branding)
International Marketing (Country-of-Origin research/Country Image)
Product Development (Product testing – perceived quality/satisfaction)
Generic - Commodity Marketing / co-branding (different aspects)
Research Methods (Survey research/Attitude measurement/Context Effects/SEM-LISREL)
Food Choice and (Sea)Food Consumption Behaviour (different aspects)
Kåre Skallerud
Professor i markedsføring
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Tromsø
Retail marketing; food marketing; export marketing; trade show marketing
May Kristin Vespestad
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Harstad
Opplevelsesbasert turisme, naturbasert turisme, opplevelsesøkonomi og markedsføring.
On Editorial board of European Journal of Tourism Research.
Member of the Advisory Board of Social Science and Humanities Research Association (SSHRA).
Anders Hauge Wien
Professor i markedsføring
Unit: School of Business and Economics in Tromsø
- Consumer behaviour
- Marketing communication
- Marketing strategy
- Social media / interactive marketing