Employee Organizations and Co-determination
The principle of co-determination concerns the right of employees to participate in decisions that affect their work situation. The Main Agreement in the state confirms the right to co-determination, while the Adaptation Agreement specifies how the provisions of the Main Agreement are interpreted and practiced at UiT. The Adaptation Agreement is concluded between UiT and the Researcher Association, the Academics, LO-Stat, and YS-Stat and Parat. The agreement has the same duration as the Main Agreement in the state and is valid for one year at a time unless one of the parties terminates it with three months' notice. Unless otherwise stated, the Main Agreement applies.
Link to the Main Agreement (Not available in English).
Link to the Adaptation Agreement (Not available in English).
Co-determination for employees is exercised through mutual exchange of information, discussions, and negotiations between the employee organizations and the employer.
Information, discussion and negotiations (IDF)
The right to co-determination for the entire organization at UiT is exercised in IDF meetings through information, discussion, and negotiations between the employer and the employee organizations' representatives according to the Main Agreement (HA) §§ 11 - 13. IDF meetings are held monthly and prior to the University board meetings and as needed. There is a distinction between information cases, discussion cases, and negotiation cases. Minutes from the meetings are available in the meeting portal, link to come.
For the employer, the rector/organizational and financial director or their deputies attend, and for the employees, representatives from the Academics, Researcher Association, LO Stat, and YS Stat attend.
Information, discussion, and negotiation meetings ensure co-determination according to HA §§ 11 and 12 at all units. More information about IDF can be found on dedicated web pages. (Page not available in English).
Information and consultation meetings
Co-determination at the units is exercised in information and consultation meetings (ID meetings) through information exchange and discussions between the employer and the employee organizations' representatives. At the operational units, ID meetings with the representatives of the employee organizations should be held at least once per semester. The parties agree that meetings will be held prior to board meetings. For more information, see the Adaptation Agreement. (Not available in English).
Employee organizations
Overview of the employee organizations at UiT can be found on the page Unions and Main Organizations
- Akademikerforbundet - Akademikerforbundet ved UiT
- Akademikerne - Akademikerne UiT
- Bibliotekarforbundet - Troms avdeling
- Den norske jordmorforening - Dnj
- Den norske legeforening - Troms avdeling - Akademikerne UiT
- Den norske tannlegeforening - Troms avdeling - Akademikerne UiT
- Den norske veterinærforening - DNV ved UiT
- Forskerforbundet - Forskerforbundet ved UiT
- Hovedorganisasjon for universitets- og høyskoleutdannede - UNIO
- Landsorganisasjonen - LO - Troms avdeling
- Lærernes Yrkesforbund - LY
- Musikernes fellesorganisasjon - mfo
- Naturviterne - Akademikerne UiT
- Norges Ingeniørorganisasjon - NITO - Bedriftsgruppe ved UiT -Akademikerne UiT
- Juristforbundet - Akademikerne UiT
- Norsk ergoterapeutforbund - NETF
- Norsk fysioterapiforbund
- Norsk Lektorlag
- Norsk Psykologforening
- Norsk radiografforbund - NRF
- Norsk Sykepleierforbund
- Norsk Tannpleierforening - NTpF
- Norsk tjenestemannslag - NTL - NTL UiT
- Parat - Bedriftsgruppe ved UiT
- Samfunnsviterne - Bedriftsgruppe ved UiT - Akademikerne UiT
- Samfunnsøkonomene - Akademikerne UiT
- Tekna - Bedriftsgruppe ved UiT - Akademikerne UiT
- Utdanningsforbundet - UDF
- Yrkesorganisasjonenes sentralforbund - YS
Last changed: 09.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Trade unions and main organizations
- Aksjonsgruppen Ikke Stjel Sykkelen Min!
- Bedriftsidrettslaget
- Historisk forening Tromsø (HIFO)
- IAESTE - The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
- ISU - International Student's Union, UiT
- Jusshjelpa
- Landslaget for offentlige pensjonister (LOP)
- Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap - Sentral nettside
- Norsk Kjemisk Selskap - Sentral nettside
- Studentparlamentet ved UiT
- Samisk Studentforening
- Studentersamfunnet
- Studenthuset Driv
- Student KRIK Tromsø
- SAF - Synshemmede Akademikeres Forening
- Tromsø Astronomiforening
- TSI - Tromsøstudentenes idrettslag
- Utropia - studentavis
Last changed: 09.01.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Groups and teams